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The pressure is on. The endgame is near. There will be blood, brutality, death and scary lizard mutants smashing through a sewer. The final film installment of Suzanne Collins’s best-selling trilogy, “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2,” will reach American screens on Friday, Nov. 20, and millions of fans worldwide will scrutinize the movie for its fidelity to the books; the portrayal (by Jennifer Lawrence) of its intrepid, taciturn heroine Katniss Everdeen; and its evocation of the civil war that rends Panem, the totalitarian state built from the ashes of North America at some unspecified time in the future.

压力很大,终局来了。会有鲜血、暴行与死亡,可怕的蜥蜴变种生物涌进下水道。11月20日星期五,根据苏珊·柯林斯(Suzanne Collins)的畅销三部曲改编的《饥饿游戏》电影系列的最后一部《饥饿游戏3:嘲笑鸟(下)》(The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2)在美国影院上映。全世界千百万书迷们将会紧盯着电影,看它是否忠实原著;詹尼弗·劳伦斯(Jennifer Lawrence)仍在片中饰演勇敢而沉默的女主角凯特尼斯·伊夫狄恩(Katniss Everdeen),她的表现如何?施惠国”是未来某个不确定的时间里建立在如今北美国家余烬之上的集权国家,在这一部影片中被卷入内战,它的命运又将怎样?

The pressure has always been on for the makers of “The Hunger Games” films. More than nine million copies of the trilogy were in print in the United States by the time the first movie was being planned, and a huge fan base, with very specific ideas about Katniss and her world, already existed. Despite the blockbuster nature of the books, Ms. Collins’s dystopian vision of an annual gladiatorial game of wits and weapons in which 24 teenagers — a boy and a girl from each Panem’s 12 districts — must kill one another while the entire population of Panem watches on television, wasn’t an easy one to bring to the screen.


“Many studios just passed,” said Nina Jacobson, who, along with Jon Kilik, has produced the film series from the start. She and the director Francis Lawrence, who was responsible for “Mockingjay Part 2” as well as the two preceding films, were sitting in a London hotel the day after the movie’s red-carpet premiere here, recalling the often difficult path they traveled to bring the series to fruition.

“很多制片公司都放弃了,”妮娜·雅克布逊(Nina Jacobson)说,她和琼恩·吉里科(Jon Kilik)从第一部起就担任这个系列的制片人。该片在伦敦举行红毯首映礼的第二天,她与《嘲笑鸟下》和前两部影片的导演弗朗西斯·劳伦斯(Francis Lawrence)一起在伦敦的一家酒店中,回忆了这部系列走过的艰难路途。

“Kids killing kids, a young protagonist, female, and what’s with the weird name?” Ms. Jacobson said. “I had people saying: ‘Couldn’t you age up the characters? Can we make the love triangle more important?’”


Ms. Jacobson, an independent producer, said that she became “fixated” on the series after an employee persuaded her to read the first novel and that she convinced Ms. Collins that she would find a studio that would be faithful to the stories’ values.


“The book is about the consequences and the commercialization of violence, so it can’t be guilty of commercializing violence itself,” she said of the film franchise. “That was the first conversation we had.” (Ms. Collins wouldn’t comment for this article.)


She and Ms. Collins eventually chose Lionsgate from three potential studios, even though it had never made a film on the projected scale of “The Hunger Games.”


“Having been a corporate soldier for most of my career, I was very aware of how scared big companies can get down the line,” Ms. Jacobson said. “At Lionsgate, everyone was in the room from the beginning and knew exactly what they were in for.”


One of those things was Ms. Collins’s uncompromising vision of a heroine who is not friendly, funny, kooky or defined by a man. “A brilliant, possibly historic creation — stripped of sentimentality and psychosexual ornamentation, armed with Diana’s bow and a ferocious will — Katniss is a new female warrior,” Manohla Dargis wrote in The New York Times review of the first film.

柯林斯笔下毫不妥协的女英雄不怎么友好,也并不有趣或古怪,并且完全不受男人掌控,这是小说中非常重要的东西。“这是精彩的,或许是历史性的开创,她身上剥除了多愁善感和精神性爱的装饰,用狩猎女神的弓箭武装起来,有着凶狠的意志——凯特尼斯是全新的女战士,”曼诺拉·达吉斯(Manohla Dargis)在《纽约时报》发表的,对第一部影片的影评中说道。

Still, Ms. Jacobson insisted that there had never been any demands to direct the role differently. Mr. Lawrence agreed. “The conventional arc for this kind of movie would have been that she was petrified to go into the Games, and learns courage and triumphs,” he said. “Instead she volunteers, is courageous from the beginning and is changed in other ways — and not always for the better. In the last movie, it is her fault that some of the loss of life happens.”


He added that he liked that the love triangle involving Katniss, Peeta (Josh Hutcherson) — her fellow tribute from District 12 — and her childhood friend Gale (Liam Hemsworth) was not at the forefront of the movies or the books. “It’s not about romance, it’s just about survival,” he said.

他补充说,片中凯特尼斯、她在12区的祭品同伴皮塔(Peeta,乔什·哈切森[Josh Hutcherson])饰演),以及她的童年朋友盖尔(Gale,利亚姆·海姆思沃斯[Liam Hemsworth]饰演)之间的三角关系,并不是电影或书的中心,这一点他非常喜欢。“它的主题不是浪漫爱情,而是生存,”他说。

Ms. Lawrence has won plaudits for her Katniss, but her casting initially drew an outcry from some fans of the novels — too old, too blonde, too curvaceous. Yet Ms. Jacobson; Mr. Kilik; and the first film’s director, Gary Ross, held their ground.

詹妮弗·劳伦斯因凯特尼斯这个角色获得了喝彩,但一开始决定由她来饰演这个角色时,却令不少原著的书迷抱怨——她年纪太大,是金发,身材太丰满。然而雅克布逊、吉里科和第一部电影的导演加里·罗斯(Gary Ross)都力挺她。

“Jen had and has a very youthful face and quality, and quite honestly from the time we saw her audition, there was no one else that we even considered.” Plus, she added, there was always hair dye.


After the wild box-office success of the first movie, which took in $686.5 million globally, the producers found themselves without a director. Mr. Ross, who had written the screenplay of “The Hunger Games” with Ms. Collins and Billy Ray, issued a statement at the time saying he didn’t have enough time to write as well as direct the second installment.

影片第一部取得了巨大的票房成功,在全球赚到了6.865亿美元,之后制片人们发现,他们缺了一个导演。罗斯和柯林斯女士以及比利·雷(Billy Ray)一起创作了《饥饿游戏》第一部电影的剧本,当时他发表声明,说自己没有时间为为第二部影片担任编剧和导演。

Mr. Lawrence, who had already established his post-apocalyptic directing credentials in the Will Smith vehicle “I Am Legend,” said that he was at first hesitant when Ms. Jacobson approached him. “I had never done a sequel to anyone else’s movie,” he said. “If too many parameters have been set, there is not enough to do.” After going back to the books, he said, he found enough of a change of environment to make the second film, “Catching Fire,” interesting.

弗朗西斯·劳伦斯当时已经执导过威尔·史密斯(Will Smith)坐镇的后末日巨作《我是传奇》(I Am Legend),他说,当雅克布逊女士同他接触时,他一开始非常犹豫。“我从来没接手过另一个人的系列片,”他说。“如果有太多限制因素已经设定好了,那就没什么发挥余地了。”但是,他说,读过原著之后,他发现环境有了足够的改变,可以令第二部影片《饥饿游戏2:星火燎原》(Catching Fire)有趣起来。

The decision to split the final novel, “Mockingjay,” into two parts was made before he came aboard, but Mr. Lawrence said he would not have been able to make an adequate version of the book in a single film. “We got a lot of flack; some people thought it was cynical and money-making,” he said. “But I honestly don’t think the changes that happen to people in that book are doable in a two-and-a-half-hour movie.”


Fans may not have agreed; “Mockingjay Part 1” earned Lionsgate around $100 million less than “Catching Fire.” But Ms. Jacobson defended the film, saying that it was the darkest of the movies, with difficult themes of war and revolution as well as traumatic emotional events. “We hope that people seeing Part 2 will understand the need for Part 1 better,” she said.


(The cast and crew members suffered their own trauma when Philip Seymour Hoffman, who played the chief gamemaker Plutarch Heavensbee in the final three movies, died suddenly a few weeks before the end of shooting “Mockingjay Part 2,” in which he appears, though the filmmakers were forced to rewrite some of his scenes for other characters.)

(拍摄过程中,剧组成员也经历了创伤的时刻,在后三部影片中饰演游戏总监普鲁塔克·黑文斯比[Plutarch Heavensbee]的菲利浦·赛默·霍夫曼[Philip Seymour Hoffman]于《嘲笑鸟下》拍摄结束前几个星期突然身亡,制片人们只得重写片中一些和他有关的场景,把他的戏份改给别人。)

Mr. Lawrence and Ms. Jacobson said that while such themes are always relevant, they carry particular weight today. “The fear and the consequences of defying the status quo are not glossed over,” Ms. Jacobson said. “You can change the world if you stand up to authority, but at a great cost.”


重点单词   查看全部解释    
emotional [i'məuʃənl]


adj. 感情的,情绪的

relevant ['relivənt]


adj. 相关的,切题的,中肯的

cynical ['sinikəl]


adj. 愤世嫉俗的,吹毛求疵的

district ['distrikt]


n. 区,地区,行政区
vt. 把 ... 划

trauma ['trɔ:mə]


n. 精神创伤,外伤

intrepid [in'trepid]


adj. 无畏的,刚毅的

guilty ['gilti]


adj. 有罪的,内疚的

specific [spi'sifik]


adj. 特殊的,明确的,具有特效的
n. 特

tribute ['tribju:t]


n. 贡品,颂词,称赞,(表示敬意的)礼物

environment [in'vaiərənmənt]


n. 环境,外界


关键字: 饥饿游戏 嘲笑鸟




