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HONG KONG — At the waterfront site destined for a vast new center for the arts here, the view across Victoria Harbor is one to marvel at — an urban jungle of high-rises that together make up the city’s famous skyline.


The vista from the other side of the harbor could not be more different. Mostly barren land. A small construction zone. Some temporary buildings. And a sign announcing in big orange capital letters: “West Kowloon Cultural District.”


This is where a “museum of visual culture” called M+ (for “museum plus”) is scheduled to be built as a key part of the new complex, a mammoth government-sponsored project budgeted at $2.8 billion. By the end of 2019, according to the current timeline, many of the area’s components, including the 650,000-square-foot museum, will be ready to open to the public.


But as plans for M+ move forward, questions are mounting about whether the original vision — a wide-ranging art museum that would put Hong Kong on the global cultural map — can ever be fully realized.


In recent years, both M+ and the larger project have been troubled by delays and the departures of high-level staff members. More worrying now are concerns that M+ may not be able to maintain the curatorial independence and distance from politics necessary for a world-class museum to thrive. Many members of Hong Kong’s art community describe a growing feeling of “nervousness,” especially among Hong Kong government officials, about art and a fear of provoking Beijing.


In February, the first show of works from the museum’s already extensive collection of Chinese contemporary art will open at a Hong Kong exhibition space after previous runs in Umea, Sweden, and Manchester, England. It will include a large-scale installation by the Beijing government’s artistic bête noire, Ai Weiwei, as well as a series of photographs by Liu Heung Shing of the 1989 pro-democracy demonstrations in Tiananmen Square. The show is being promoted as the first to recount the chronological development of Chinese contemporary art without rupture. But it will have a less challenging title than the one it bore abroad — “Right Is Wrong” — and a different catalog.

二月,艺术馆将在香港一处展览空间内举办第一次展览,展品是从博物馆目前丰富的中国当代艺术收藏中选出的展品,此前,这个展览先在瑞典于默奥与英国曼彻斯特举行。展品包括北京政府的眼中钉艾未未的大型装置艺术,以及刘香成关于1989年天安门广场民主示威的系列照片。展览宣传中说,它是第一个没有断层,按年代发展详细展示中国当代艺术的展览。但是这次展览将不会沿用海外展览富于挑战色彩的名字——“正确就是错误”(Right Is Wrong),展品目录也将有所不同。

Unlike mainland China, Hong Kong has maintained Western-style protections for freedom of speech despite its return to Chinese rule in 1997. Still, worries about China’s growing influence on the territory have taken on greater urgency in the aftermath of the Umbrella Revolution last year, when thousands of protesters took to the streets to demand greater electoral freedom from the government in Beijing.


“I have no concern that the building will not be delivered,” said Uli Sigg, a former Swiss diplomat who in 2012 donated a large part of his collection, widely regarded as one of the most important and comprehensive of contemporary Chinese art, to M+. (Selections from it make up the coming exhibition.)

“我不担心这座建筑不能交付,”前瑞士外交官乌利·希克(Uli Sigg)说,他的收藏被广泛认为是最重要、最全面的当代中国艺术收藏之一,2012年,他将其中的大部分捐献给了M+,部分精选将在即将到来的展览上展出。

But, he noted, “Then there is also the question of what the mood will be in Hong Kong in a few years.”


Plans for the building, designed by the Swiss firm Herzog & de Meuron, have been completed; the contractor has been chosen; and the museum’s core team is in place. The museum has also been building a collection. According to its own estimates, it has spent $62 million on acquisitions so far and received donated works valued at more than $175 million. But none of this has come easily.

这栋建筑由瑞士事务所赫尔佐格与德梅隆(Herzog & de Meuron)设计;方案已经完成,承包商亦已选好;艺术馆的核心团队已经就位。馆方已经获得了一批藏品。根据馆方自己的估计,迄今它已经花费6200万美元购买藏品,并获得价值超过1.75亿美元的捐赠物品。但这一切都得之不易。

“We have achieved everything we set out to do so far,” said Lars Nittve, 62, the executive director of M+ and previously the founding director of the Tate Modern and the Rooseum Center for Contemporary Art in Sweden. “But it’s probably taken four to five times more work to make it happen compared to my experience in the London and Scandinavian situations. Almost every day and night is spent arguing.”

“迄今,我们要做的事都已经完成了,”M+的执行馆长,62岁的李立伟(Lars Nittve)说,他也是泰特现代艺术馆与瑞典马尔默当代艺术中心的创始馆长。“但是和我在伦敦与北欧的经验相比,这里要花费四五倍的工作。几乎每日每夜都在争执中度过。”

Much of the reason for this wrangling with bureaucrats and government officials, Mr. Nittve and others said, is the lack of a developed museum culture in Hong Kong and, more generally, Asia. Only in recent years has mainland China had a sudden increase in contemporary art museums. Many, like the Himalayas Museum in Shanghai and the M Woods Museum in Beijing, were spearheaded by real estate developers and private collectors and are privately run.

李立伟和其他人说,许多同官僚及政府官员产生的争执都源自于香港,乃至亚洲缺乏发达的艺术馆文化。直至近年来,中国大陆才突然涌现出大批当代艺术馆。像上海的喜马拉雅美术馆和北京的M Woods美术馆等许多艺术馆都是由房地产开发商和私人收藏家牵头,私人经营的。

Although M+ is not directly under government control, the museum has scarcely been insulated from politics. Currently, it is financed wholly by public funds. Representatives from government departments have been appointed to the cultural district committee responsible for overseeing it, and its chairwoman is Carrie Lam, the Hong Kong chief secretary and the city’s second-ranking official.


The involvement of the government, some say, has made the museum vulnerable to political pressures.


“The problem in Hong Kong is not censorship,” said Pi Li, the Sigg senior curator at M+. “The problem in Hong Kong is self-censorship. It’s self-censorship hidden in the procedures, so it’s difficult to distinguish.”


Mr. Pi said that procedural delays cropped up over the summer during discussions about plans for the exhibition opening in February. It will be the first time that the Sigg collection will be shown in Hong Kong since Mr. Sigg donated or sold more than 1,500 works to the museum.


Because the exhibition had already been on a European tour, Mr. Pi said, bringing it to Hong Kong should have been a straightforward proposition. Instead, he said, museum committee members took issue with not only the “Right Is Wrong” title but also some of the show’s educational aspects, which they said were insufficiently tailored to Hong Kong viewers.


“I think the officials here are still trying to half-guess how Beijing would feel when an exhibition is mounted, so they tend to be very, very cautious,” said Ada Wong, a community cultural advocate and a member of the museum committee.

“我觉得,推出某个展览时,官员们仍然在试图猜测北京的感受,所以他们会非常、非常谨慎,”社区文化宣传者与艺术馆委员会成员之一艾达·王(Ada Wong,音译)说。

All the works in the show were retained. But in Hong Kong, it will be called simply “M+ Sigg Collection: Four Decades of Chinese Contemporary Art.” Mr. Pi and other curators emphasized that if there were any censorship of content, in the Sigg collection show or in future exhibitions, they would quit.

展览中的所有作品都得以保留,但是在香港,它的名字将被称为“M+希克展:中国当代艺术40年”(M+ Sigg Collection: Four Decades of Chinese Contemporary Art)。皮力和其他策展人强调,如果希克展或未来的任何展览的内容遭受审查,他们就退出。

“We came to Hong Kong because here, unlike in mainland China, you have freedom of speech,” said Mr. Pi. “But it’s not like freedom of speech in the United States. You don’t have it all the time. Here you must continually test it, maintain it and protect it.”


Still, the most immediate challenge facing M+ is clear. In September, Mr. Nittve said he would be stepping down as executive director in January, when his contract will expire.


Mr. Nittve has been with M+ since 2011. But after delays in the schedule for the museum’s completion, he said, he felt unable to commit to an additional four years.


Though he will continue as an adviser for the project, the search for a successor is underway. Among the many attributes required, most of those involved seem to agree that one quality will be especially important: a willingness to deal with politics.


“Politics are real here,” Mr. Nittve said. “It has real consequences, and you have to take it very seriously.”


He added: “In Europe, it’s like this or like that. But actually, nothing fundamental really changes. Here they can.”


重点单词   查看全部解释    
challenge ['tʃælindʒ]


n. 挑战
v. 向 ... 挑战

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

fundamental [.fʌndə'mentl]


adj. 基本的,根本的,重要的
n. 基本原

straightforward [streit'fɔ:wəd]


adj. 笔直的,率直的

comprehensive [.kɔmpri'hensiv]


adj. 综合的,广泛的,理解的

temporary ['tempərəri]


adj. 暂时的,临时的
n. 临时工

district ['distrikt]


n. 区,地区,行政区
vt. 把 ... 划

bore [bɔ:]


vt. 使厌烦
n. 讨厌的人,麻烦事

willingness ['wiliŋnis]


n. 乐意,愿意

urban ['ə:bən]


adj. 城市的,都市的


关键字: 香港 美术馆




