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北京纽约谁是财富之都 各家数据说法不一

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Never before have we had so much information about the world’s billionaires.


We know their average age (63), their marital status (90 percent are married, 6 percent divorced), their most common alma mater (Harvard) and even their most common sign under the Chinese zodiac (the snake). We can get daily updates on their net worth and their competitive positions within the wealth rankings.


An entire cottage industry has grown up around probing and publicizing billionaire wealth. At least six different companies now compile billionaire lists.


“Look, the billionaires control more than 4 percent of the wealth on the planet,” said David Friedman, president of Wealth-X, a private company that tracks and ranks billionaires. “There’s a lot of interest in who they are and how much they have. As long as there has been wealth, there has been a fascination with who has the most.”

“要知道,这个星球的财富有4%以上控制在亿万富翁手里,”从事富豪数据追踪和排名的私人公司Wealth-X总裁戴维·弗里德曼(David Friedman)说。“他们是谁,有多少钱,是很多人关心的问题。只要还有财富这东西存在,就会有人渴望知道谁拥有最多。”

Yet determining how much the billionaires have — and exactly how many there are in the world — depends on who’s counting. The fast-growing number of rich lists has produced wildly different sets of numbers on the population and wealth of the world’s billionaires. While one company says there are more than 2,400 billionaires in the world, another says there are about 1,800. One says China has the most and that Beijing is the world’s billionaire capital, while another says the United States has twice as many as China.


Tallies of individual fortunes vary even more. One ranking pegs the Ikea tycoon Ingvar Kamprad as the 10th-richest man in the world, with a $42 billion fortune. Another ranking says he’s not even a billionaire. The Koch brothers, David and Charles, are each worth either $43 billion or $55 billion, depending on the source.

具体到个人的财富,统计的差异就更大了。有一个榜单把宜家(Ikea)大亨英格瓦·坎普拉德(Ingvar Kamprad)放在全球财富榜第10的位置,拥有420亿美元。还有一个榜单说他连亿万富翁都不算。科赫(Koch)兄弟——戴维(David)和查尔斯(Charles)——各自的身家为430亿或550亿美元,具体要看你信哪个数据源。

The Kochs are doing just fine either way, of course. And whether there are 2,400 billionaires or 1,800 hardly matters to most of us. Yet in the age of rising wealth concentration, the financial lives of billionaires have attained outsize importance to policy analysts, inequality crusaders and wealth voyeurs alike. And measuring the wealth of the wealthy, it turns out, is often more art than science.


"Some of the numbers have to be taken with a grain of salt,” said Caroline Freund, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. "But the estimates have value because it tells us what activities are most rewarding and where the billionaires are coming from. A best estimate is better than no estimate with wealth.”

“这些数据不可尽信,”彼得森国际经济研究所(Peterson Institute for International Economics)高级研究员卡罗琳·佛洛恩德(Caroline Freund)说。“但是估算是有意义的,因为我们从中能看到哪些活动有最多的回报,亿万富翁都来自什么地方。最好的财富估算总比没有估算强。”

Forbes magazine started the rich-list craze in 1982, when it published its first “400” list of the 400 richest Americans. It followed in 1987 with its World’s Billionaires List. In 2010, two Forbes staff members left to help start Wealth-X, a private wealth research firm also devoted to calculating the fortunes of billionaires and multimillionaires. The company now has over 170 researchers compiling detailed “billionaire dossiers,” which it sells to private banks, private-jet sellers, luxury retailers, universities, charities and other groups looking for clients or donors.


Wealth-X keeps its own finances a secret, but says its business has tripled over the last three years. The company says its larger army of researchers has helped it identify more than 2,400 individual billionaires in the world, compared with Forbes’ 1,864. (Forbes says it tracks an additional 500 billionaire “family fortunes.”)


“The quality of these lists comes down to resources,” Friedman said. “The more people you have working on it, the better your numbers are going to be.”


In 2012, Bloomberg started publishing its real-time billionaires index, which is updated daily. And the Shanghai-based Hurun Report, a wealth research firm founded in 1999 by the British accountant Rupert Hoogewerf, has also started tracking billionaires worldwide after starting out with its China rich lists. Hurun publishes more than 20 magazines and supplements a year and makes money from a fast-growing series of conferences and events.

2012年,彭博(Bloomberg)开始发布实时的亿万富翁指数,每天更新。总部位于上海的财富研究公司“胡润百富”由英国会计师胡润(Rupert Hoogewerf)在1999年创办,最初编制的是中国富人榜,后来开始跟踪统计全球的亿万富翁。胡润每年出版逾20份杂志和增刊,并通过举办越来越多的研讨会和活动来赚钱。

The battle of the billionaire lists can grow contentious. In February, Hurun said that the 100 billionaires in Beijing made it the new “billionaire capital of the world” and that China had 568 billionaires to America’s 535. Forbes shot back in an article stating that New York was the billionaire capital, with 79, while Beijing ranked fourth with 51. Forbes and Wealth-X say the United States has more billionaires; Wealth-X tallies 585 in the United States to China’s 260. Forbes said Hurun sometimes included an entire family’s fortune when identifying a billionaire, while Forbes counted only individuals.


While the lists are unanimous in crowning Bill Gates the richest man in the world, their valuations for him range from $75 billion to $85 billion. The Spanish retailing giant Amancio Ortega ranks second with about $74 billion.

这些榜单一致将比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)尊为全世界最富有的人,不过它们给出的估值在750亿到850亿美元之间。西班牙零售业巨头阿曼西奥·奥尔特加(Amancio Ortega)以约740亿美元的身家位列第二。

Billionaires themselves often disagree with their public valuations. Some seek to be removed from the lists, fearing the exposure, and argue that their net worths are far lower. Others argue that their public valuations should be far higher.


“Billionaires owe their success to being competitive, so they’re competitive about where they rank on the billionaires lists,” Friedman said.


None may be more competitive about their wealth ranking than Donald Trump. Despite Trump’s claims that his net worth exceeds $10 billion, all of the wealth research firms put him far lower in rankings. While Hurun lists Trump’s wealth at $6.5 billion, Forbes says it is $4.5 billion and Wealth-X has it at $4.5 billion. Bloomberg pegged him at $2.9 billion, which Trump called “a disgrace,” blaming Michael Bloomberg.

说到在财富排名上的好胜心,大概谁也比不过唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)。他声称自己的资产净值超过100亿美元,然而所有的财富研究机构给他的排名都远低于这个水平。胡润得出特朗普的财富为65亿美元,《福布斯》说是45亿美元,Wealth-X也给出了45亿美元。彭博给了一个29亿美元,被特朗普斥为“可耻”,并认为是迈克尔·布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg)在从中作梗。

As for Bloomberg, Forbes put his net worth at $45 billion. But Bloomberg doesn’t appear on Bloomberg’s own billionaire list. The company says its policy “is not to cover” Bloomberg’s company, Bloomberg LP.

至于布隆伯格本人,《福布斯》称他的资产净值为450亿美元。但布隆伯格并没有出现在彭博的亿万富翁榜单里。该公司称其政策规定要将布隆伯格的“彭博有限合伙公司”(Bloomberg LP)“排除在外”。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
concentration [.kɔnsen'treiʃən]


n. 集中,专心,浓度

exposure [iks'pəuʒə]


n. 面临(困难),显露,暴露,揭露,曝光

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

contentious [kən'tenʃəs]


adj. 好辩的,好争吵的,有争议的

unanimous [ju'næniməs]


adj. 全体一致的,一致同意的

vary ['vɛəri]


v. 变化,改变,使多样化

luxury ['lʌkʃəri]


n. 奢侈,豪华,奢侈品

inequality [.ini'kwɔliti]


n. 不平等,不平均,差异,多变性,不等式

fascination [.fæsineiʃən]


n. 魔力,魅力

planet ['plænit]


n. 行星


关键字: 北京 纽约 财富之都




