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乡村音乐:The Band Perry - Double Heart

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歌曲Double Heart

艺人:The Band Perry


所属专辑:The Band Perry



相关介绍:The Band Perry 是美国新人乡村音乐乐队,由三个名字里含有Perry的青年于2009年8月成立。The Band Perry,Kimberly Perry 主唱、吉他手、钢琴,Reid Perry 贝司、和声,Neil Perry 曼陀林,鼓,手风琴,背景主唱,其首支单曲Hip to my heart 在2009年登上美国音乐公示牌Billboard热门乡村音乐第52位。


SongDouble Heart
Artist:The Band Perry

He was sweet as cotton candy at a county fair
Well he's a cold drink of water with butterscotch hair
He swore that he loved me
Well I guess he probably did
'cause when he rolled up his sleeve one day
I saw my name next to his

A new tattoo stinging like a hornet
Two little hearts like a big red warning
I wasn't looking for a permanent thing
First comes the ink, then comes the ring

Burn burn baby
I bet we could've made a bunch of sweet memories
You should have slowed down mister
Moving like a twister's just a little fast for me

So now it's 0 to 60
And if you ever miss me I'm right there on your arm
Don't you cry, I'll leave you something behind
Skid marks and a double heart

Well he's a tough bronc buster
I bet he sleeps in his boots
Well he tried to throw a rope around me right out of the shoot
He swore that he loved me
Well I reckon he probably did
'cause when he rolled up his sleeve one day
I thought here we go again

A new tattoo burning like a brand
Two little hearts on my rodeo man
I wasn't looking for a permanent thing
First comes the ink, then comes the ring

Burn burn baby
I bet we could've made a bunch of sweet memories
You should have slowed down mister
Moving like a twister's just a little fast for me

Well now it's 0 to 60
And if you ever miss me I'm right there on your arm
Don't you cry, I'll leave you something behind
Skid marks and a double heart
I'm a free bird

A new tattoo whistling Dixie
Two little hearts ain't gonna get me
I'm not looking for a permanent thing
So don't you put ink 'til I take the ring

Burn burn baby
I bet we could've made a bunch of sweet memories
You should have slowed down mister
Moving like a twister's just a little fast for me

Well now it's 0 to 60
And if you ever miss me I'm right there on your arm
Don't you cry, I'll leave you something behind
Skid marks and a, skid marks and a
Skid marks and a double heart
Well, I'm a free bird





重点单词   查看全部解释    
permanent ['pə:mənənt]


adj. 永久的,持久的
n. 烫发

candy ['kændi]


n. 糖果
vt. 用糖煮,使结晶为砂糖

band [bænd]


n. 带,箍,波段
n. 队,一群,乐队

brand [brænd]


n. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记
vt. 打烙印,


关键字: 音乐 乡村




