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听歌学英语:给你的歌 A Song For You

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A Song for You On Your 40th Birthday - My Little Pony
写首歌给你(庆祝你的40岁生日 - 我的小马)

And a time in a town镇子上有一段时间
When The Beatles were around披头士很流行
Your parents made love without making a sound你爸爸妈妈静悄悄地温存
Sgt. Pepper said Hey 帕伯军士说(是披头士作一张专辑相关的名称)
Come see my band play来看我们乐队表演
I'll put you on the list so you won't have to pay我就会把你列入名单里,这样你就不用花钱买票
That was the first sound you heard你第一次听到
A sly trombone and a lead saxophone长号和萨克斯的声音
You'd hear it again and again你听了一遍又一遍
And a song on the street当街上响起音乐时
Is where you and I meet你我相遇
You want to play cards你说你想玩牌
And I tell you not to cheat我叫你别出老千
I sit down on a chair 我坐在椅子上
You got spray in your hair你往头发上喷发胶
I say you look old and you think I'm unfair我笑你看起来好老,你说才不是
But you'll never going to change但你从未改变过
You'll play the sly trombone and lead saxophone你会一直奏着长号和萨克斯
You'd do it again and again一遍一遍地演奏着
And in the corner of your eye然后呢,你的眼角
There's a tear that comes out with a sigh随着叹息掉下一滴泪
It's not the first time you felt this way你说这不是第一次有这种感觉了
And hopefully this isn't the last希望这也不会是最后一次
You'll have birthdays again and again我会给你过每一个生日
And a time in a town然后回到那个小镇
When The Beatles were around披头士正流行时
Your parents made love without making a sound你的父母在悄声无息的夜晚
They made you给了你生命

作为名词:n. 条,棒;酒吧;障碍;法庭
I'll see you in the bar later 一会儿酒吧见。
On the ship there are video lounges, a bar and a small duty-free shop. 船上有录像厅、一个酒吧间和一家小型免税商店。(lounge [laʊndʒ] n. 休息室;闲逛;躺椅;(英)酒吧间)
I called her from a public phone booth near the entrance to the bar 我在酒吧入口处附近的公用电话亭给她打了电话。 (booth 小隔间 (如公用电话亭、投票间) )
Having not yet lunched, we went to the refreshment bar for ham sandwiches. 我们都没吃午饭,于是便去小吃店买了火腿三明治。(refreshment [rɪˈfreʃmənt] n. 点心;起提神作用的东西)

a bar of soap/chocolate; a candy bar 一条肥皂 / 巧克力;糖果棒
What is your favourite chocolate bar? 你最喜欢哪种巧克力?
Snickers bars士力架
Bend the bar into a horseshoe 把铁条弯成马蹄形。
An iron bar is solid; a pipe is hollow. 铁条是实心的,管子是空心的。
door bar:门闩
(be put) behind bars: 身陷囹圄,关进铁窗; 在押,坐牢
He is sitting alone behind bars in his dark cell 他独自一人坐在铁窗后阴暗的牢房里
behind the bar: 吧台之后
The man polished glasses behind the bar. 那名男服务员在吧台后擦拭着杯子。

One of the fundamental bars to communication is the lack of a universally spoken, common language 交流的基本障碍之一就是缺少一种普遍使用的通用语。 (fundamental [fʌndə'ment(ə)l] adj.

In industry after industry, government bodies have erected bars to competition. 政府机构在一个又一个行业中设置了障碍以阻止竞争。
Against his father's will,he did not go to the bar, . 他违背了父亲的意愿,没有当律师。

作为动词:vt. 拴住门;禁止;阻拦
All the doors and windows were barred. 所有的门、窗都加上了铁条。 (封住;上铁条)
Harry moved to bar his way 哈里走过去挡住了他的路。
He stepped in front of her, barring her way. 他走到她前面,挡住去路。
Many jobs were barred to them. 很多工作将他们拒之门外。
The players are barred from drinking alcohol the night before a match. 运动员在参赛前夜不得喝酒。

When she gets angry, it is no holds barred. 她发起火来什么都干得出。(no holds barred [nəʊ həʊldz bɑːd] 不受任何规则约束;不限任何方式方法;不择手段; n hold 抓; 握; 拿; 持; 抱)
It is a war with no holds barred and we must prepare to resist...这是一场没有规则的战争,我们必须作好抵抗的准备。



重点单词   查看全部解释    
cell [sel]


n. 细胞,电池,小组,小房间,单人牢房,(蜂房的)巢室

polished ['pɔliʃt]


adj. 擦亮的;优美的;圆滑的 v. 擦亮(polis

tear [tiə]


n. 眼泪,(撕破的)洞或裂缝,撕扯

bend [bend]


v. 弯曲,使弯曲,屈服,屈从
n. 弯曲,弯

candy ['kændi]


n. 糖果
vt. 用糖煮,使结晶为砂糖

soap [səup]


n. 肥皂
vt. 用肥皂洗,阿谀奉承

hollow ['hɔləu]


n. 洞,窟窿,山谷
adj. 空的,虚伪的,

resist [ri'zist]


v. 抵抗,反抗,抵制,忍住
n. 防蚀涂层

communication [kə.mju:ni'keiʃn]


n. 沟通,交流,通讯,传达,通信

competition [kɔmpi'tiʃən]


n. 比赛,竞争,竞赛





