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听歌学英语: 不是你的芭比娃娃 Not Your Barbie Girl

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Not Your Barbie Girl

Ava Max


Not your Barbie girl, 才不是你的芭比娃娃

I'm livin' in my own world 我的世界我作主

I ain't plastic, call me classic不是塑料花 我美得经典

You can't touch me there, you can't touch my body没有我的允许

Unless I say so, ain't your Barbie, no不要随意碰我

Pull up to that dream house, god gate heels down车在我的梦幻别墅前停下来 穿着高跟鞋迈出车门

How much do you like this?满意你眼前看到的一切么

Welcome to my bedroom,欢迎来到我的卧室

hallway go down经过走廊

Say he's got permission 得到我的允许才能走下楼梯

I can take myself on a dinner date 我可以跟自己约会吃一顿晚餐

Buy myself diamonds and a champagne钻石和香槟我自己买

Order five courses, then chocolate cake, uh-huh点5个主菜 然后上巧克力蛋糕

Actin' like I care when I want a man想要伴侣的时候 就假装入戏

Actin' like I care but I don't, and?假装在乎 其实不是

I do my own thing, yeah watch me dance, uh-huh我活在自己的世界 我起舞 你看好了

Not your Barbie girl, I'm livin' in my own world不是你的玩物 我有自己的世界

I ain't plastic, call me classic 不是塑料花 我美得经典

You can't touch me there, you can't touch my body别随便摸这摸那

Unless I say so, ain't your Barbie, no除非我应允 可别把我当玩物

I'm my own boss, I'm remindin' you of it 我的身体我做主 你别忘记这一点

Somethin' that you just can't get 这不是你随手可得的东西

Words don't tempt me, tryin' to break me 甜言蜜语 攻破不了我

In these heels I ain't tryin' to trip, no虽然穿着恨天高 但我走得稳稳地

I can take myself on a dinner date 我可以请自己吃晚餐

Buy myself diamonds and a champagne给自己买钻石和香槟

Order five courses, then chocolate cake, uh-huh点5个菜和巧克力蛋糕

Actin' like I care when I want a man需要男人的时候 我会假装入戏

Actin' like I care but I don't, and?其实并不当回儿事

I do my own thing, yeah watch me dance, uh-huh我想做什么就做什么 我起舞 你看好了

Not your Barbie girl, I'm livin' in my own world不是你的芭比娃娃 我有自己的世界

I ain't plastic, call me classic不是塑料脸 我美得经典

You can't touch me there, you can't touch my body别碰我 别碰我身体

Unless I say so, ain't your Barbie, no除非你经了我的应允 不是你的玩物

Did you forget I'm real? 你忘了我是真人了吧

Oh, I'm breathing, touch me, feel 我有呼吸 你摸一下 感觉一下

Oh, say I'm your toy to play with, wanna put me in a box说我是你的玩具 想把我装进盒子

You ain't gonna talk to me like that, you better stop别用这种口吻跟我说话 你最好闭嘴

Not your Barbie girl, I'm livin' in my own world不是你的芭比娃娃 我主宰我的世界

I ain't plastic (I'm not), call me classic不是塑胶娃娃 请叫我经典美女

You can't touch me there, you can't touch my body别他妈乱动 我的身体是你摸的吗

Unless I say so, ain't your Barbie, no除非我允许你 可不是你的芭比娃娃

Ain't your Barbie, no不是你的芭比娃娃 不

Ain't your Barbie, no不是你的芭比娃娃 不


每天跑步的身体变化: Things that happen to your body when you run everyday.

When it comes to exercise, it's no secret that running is good for you.


When it comes to exercise: 一谈到;当提到;当谈到

When it comes to cooking, I am all thumbs.一谈到烹饪,我是一窍不通。

But do you know what happens to your body when you run?


I'm not just talking about sweating and getting out of breath.


Much like yoga and strength training, running provides so many healthful benefits.


The rad thing about it is you don't even need to run a marathon.

跑步有一点非常棒: 你根本不需要高强度地进行就能获益。

A short and sweet morning or lunch workout will still do your body good.


Each and every effort will matter. It all adds up in the end.




提取码: 2sc9

琳达微信公众号: Multilingual Freaks Club


重点单词   查看全部解释    
tempt [tempt]


vt. 引诱,诱惑,勾引

classic ['klæsik]


n. 古典作品,杰作,第一流艺术家

plastic ['plæstik, plɑ:stik]


adj. 塑料的,可塑的,造型的,整形的,易受影响的

hallway ['hɔ:lwei]


n. 门厅;玄关;走廊

permission [pə'miʃən]


n. 同意,许可,允许


关键字: 可可英语 芭比娃娃




