

您的位置: 首页 > 标签  包含有标签 父母 的文章共有:45
  • [《丑女贝蒂》精讲] 吃透职场美剧《丑女贝蒂》第76期:父母总有偏爱

    试听正文影视片花:台词欣赏:Hilda: Good morning!早上好Justin, you are not gonna make me late today!Justin 今天你可别让我迟到了What time did you get in last night?昨天晚上你什么时候回来的Betty: I don&

    2012-07-17 编辑:Ballet

  • [每日视频新闻] 每日新闻(视频版):剩男剩女忙相亲之父母齐上阵

    《路透社新闻》选自REUTERS【精彩回顾】》》》-----今日心情:--福布斯评片酬最高女演员 暮光之城女主角当选--世界首位盲人新闻主持人--中国神九一飞冲天一《路透社新闻》1【Egypt awaits election results】埃及等

    2012-06-23 编辑:kahn

  • [日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:父母口中最恶劣的10句话

    Like father, like son.和你爸一个德行。How stupid you are!你真笨!Who is better? father or mother?是爸爸好,还是妈妈好?Are you my own child?你到底是不是我生的啊。Do as I say.照我说的做!Other children

    2012-06-13 编辑:rainbow

  • [童话镇] 美剧《童话镇》第32期:寻找你的父母

    原文试听What is it?[qh]怎么了[qh]The trail runs out here.[qh]他的踪迹到此为止[qh]You sure? ’Cause I thought tracking was one of your skills.[qh]你确定 我以为寻人是你的拿手好戏之一[qh]Just give

    2012-03-30 编辑:finn

  • [开心一笑] 开心一笑:先学叫爸爸 The Choice of Word

    The Choice of WordOne day, John was back home after work. He found that his wife was shaking their daughter who was only half a year old. She said Da-Dy to the baby many times. John felt very happy b

    2012-02-01 编辑:Jasmine

  • [关注社会] 研究:同性恋夫妻才是最好的父母!

    Gay marriage, and especially gay parenting, has been in the cross hairs in recent days.[qh]同性恋结婚,特别是同性恋双亲,近日颇受关注。[qh]On Jan. 6, Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum tol

    2012-01-18 编辑:jasmine

  • [心灵鸡汤] 心灵鸡汤:爱父母就聊聊这些吧!

    导读:生命苦短,我们都在不断老去。现在正是时候与父母敞开心扉,来一场意味深长的谈话。你不时听到别人说,自己有多么后悔没有在父母在世的时候与他们多说说话。现在你有这个机会,一定不能留下遗憾。We spend so

    2012-01-06 编辑:jasmine

  • [他她话题] 他她话题:一生当中需要问父母的8个问题

    We spend so much of our lives with our parents and yet most of it is devoted to routine and commonplace things.[qh]  我们大多数时间都与父母生活在一起,但是这些时间常被琐事虚度掉了。[qh]  Time is

    2011-11-25 编辑:richard

  • [心灵鸡汤] 心灵鸡汤:一定要问父母的8件事

    We spend so much of our lives with our parents and yet most of it is devoted to routine and commonplace things.[qh]我们大多数时间都与父母生活在一起,但是这些时间常被琐事虚度掉了。[qh]Time is short an

    2011-11-25 编辑:Jasmine

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