[经济学人商业系列] 汽车制造商 燃油汽车越来越环保了
Business商业Carmakers汽车制造商Revenge of the petrolheads燃油车赢得先机Fossil-fuel cars are getting much cleaner, making life hard for green one2012-11-19 编辑:justxrh
[商业报道] 商业报道:福特汽车关闭欧洲工厂或裁员4900人
(We call it) by the name Supervan, the transit van was one of the greatest stalwarts of the industry, the2012-11-18 编辑:helen
[趣味英语起源论] 趣味英语起源论第45期:coach马车,长途公共汽车,教练
世间万物的存在,必定有其存在的价值和意义,每一个事物的产生必定有其产生的根源,并非凭空而降。 coach马车,长途公共汽车,教练 匈牙利西北部,在布达佩斯与吉厄尔之间,有一个村庄名叫Kocs,约在公元1475年首制了一种舒适的大型马车,以该村庄命名为kocsi szeker,意思是wagon of Kocs,随后又简称作kocsi.德语借用了该词,2012-11-14 编辑:Ukki
[环境] VOA视频:2012年底全世界将有百万轿车
One Billion Vehicles Worldwide by the end of 2012到2012年底,全世界将有1百万小轿车The production of passenger vehicles around the world&nbs2012-11-13 编辑:Jasmine
[科技动态] 科技动态: 微软的家庭能源服务将转型为汽车控制服务
Cnet.com/live is the place to find your favourite CNet Tech shows. From the hottest gadgets to the latest tech2012-11-06 编辑:Jasmine
[精美英文欣赏] 精彩英文欣赏:比尔·盖茨与通用汽车公司(下)
and refuse to restart, in which case you would have to reinstall the engine.并且不能重启,在这种情况下,你将不得不重新安装引擎。5. Macintosh would 2012-10-23 编辑:Rainbow
[精美英文欣赏] 精彩英文欣赏:比尔·盖茨与通用汽车公司(上)
Bill Gates vs. GM比尔·盖茨与通用汽车公司At a computer expo, Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with the a2012-10-23 编辑:Rainbow
[关注社会] 贝鲁特巨大汽车炸弹炸死八人 情报主管丧生
A huge car bomb detonated on a residential street in Beirut at Friday rush hour, killing at least eight p2012-10-23 编辑:ivy
[关注社会] 英国调查:汽车车贴成“马路杀手”
Nearly two million drivers in the UK have had accidents due to ‘Baby On Board’ signs and children’s toys2012-10-15 编辑:ivy
[经济学人科技系列] 微型汽车大的探测器在火星着陆
Science and Technolgy科技Mars exploration探测火星How to land a Mini on Mars如何让一辆微型汽车大的探测器在火星着陆The biggest and fanciest Mars rover s2012-10-13 编辑:justxrh