

您的位置: 首页 > 标签  包含有标签 老人 的文章共有:31
  • [囧记单词] 囧记单词:Santa 圣诞老人

    “球,不是这么踢滴!”resource ['ri:sɔ:s, ri'sɔ:s] n. 资源, 财力, 办法

    2012-12-24 编辑:mike

  • [海外文化] 你真的了解圣诞节吗?


    2012-12-21 编辑:ivy

  • [2012年12月VOA慢速英语] VOA慢速英语附双语字幕:词语典故:圣诞老人

    这里是VOA特别英语词语典故节目。 圣诞老人是孩子们心中永远铭记的人物。他让孩子们相信,圣诞节之日他会为带来玩具或其他礼物。

    2012-12-16 编辑:helen

  • [口语怎么说-新闻篇] 这句话怎么说(时事篇) 第63期:"圣诞老人"怎么说?

    【背景】圣诞节是西方的传统节日,家家户户都会举行很多的活动来庆祝,他们会把家里精心布置一番,还会互相赠送礼物,享受大餐。当然,圣诞老人也是圣诞节不可缺少的人物,每年圣诞节,圣诞老人便会骑着驯鹿四处分发礼物。现在,不仅在西方国家,亚洲也有越来越多的国家开始庆祝这个盛大的节日。【新闻】我们来看一段相关的英文报道A professional diver dressed&nb

    2012-11-16 编辑:Aimee

  • [27宜嫁] 听电影《27宜嫁》学英语第04期:不再相信婚姻

    [page]原文欣赏[/page]Which part, the forced merriment, horrible music or bad food?[qh]哪部份?扮笑、垃圾音乐 还是难吃的食物?  [qh]Actually, it's meeting 

    2012-09-10 编辑:justdoit

  • [他她话题] 我心永恒:70岁老人种“爱心”树林怀念亡妻

    A devoted husband spent years creating this touching heart-shaped meadow as a tribute to his late wife. Farmer Winston Howes planted the oak saplings after his wife Janet died suddenly 17 years ago.一

    2012-07-18 编辑:justxrh

  • [关注社会] 多数美国老人不愿与成年子女同住

    In a spirit of gratitude and giving back to the parents who raised them, Bill and Jackie Merz's daughters have extended a generous invitation.比尔•默茨和杰基•默茨夫妇的女儿们一心想

    2012-07-12 编辑:justxrh

  • [关注社会] 老人拾荒20年圆妻子钢琴梦

    It may have taken him two decades, and the income saved from tons of recycled trash, but Wu Zheng finally fulfilled his wish to buy his wife a piano.尽管老人吴政花了近20年时间,倾尽靠回收垃圾攒下的积

    2012-06-05 编辑:Sara

  • [关注社会] 关注社会:退休老人须买"没死证明"?!

    An online post said retirees in Mudan District of Heze City, Shandong Province, have to be present and buy a five-yuan certificate to prove they're alive; otherwise, they will be assumed dead and

    2012-03-29 编辑:jasmine

  • [海外文化] 海外文化:圣诞老人的传说

    Chrismas Father was the descendant of a deity called Odin. It's also said that Chrismas Father comes from San Nichola, so he is also called St.Nicholas. He was the bishop of Asia Minor city of Ra

    2012-01-06 编辑:jasmine

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