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成长的烦恼第六季 第20集:Not With My Carol You Don't

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Mike: Alright. I'm here. We can eat.
Maggie: Dinner will be a minute mike. Carol is at the store.
Mike: Ah, when it's ready, will it be free?
Maggie: Yes.
Mike: Then I'll stay.
Jason: Hmmm, boy those fish sticks sure, um, smell.
Maggie: We are waiting for tartar sauce.
Ben: Is Carol back yet?
Maggie: Relax Ben. Dinner's going to be a while.
Ben: Its not dinner. She was supposed to buy toilet paper. Mike, do you have any toilet paper?
Mike: No. I never buy the stuff. I steal yours. Gosh, you guys don_t think very much of me do
Maggie and jason: No.
Carol: If you are dumb enough to do it, then you are dumb enough to tell them about it.
Chrissy: Well...
Carol: Oh, you think you are so cute with that curly hair, unending smile and happy disposition.
You make me puke.
Jason: What's going on Carol?
Mike: Yeah, and more importantly, where is the tartar sauce?
Carol: Mike, this is bigger than tartar sauce.
Ben: Where's the toilet paper.
Carol: We have no tartar sauce. We have no toilet paper. We have no groceries. And why don't
we have any groceries Chrissy?
Chrissy: There was a lady who was needy with a dirty face and I gave her the grocery money.
Carol: How selfish can you be? What is a hungry person doing inside a supermarket?

Jason: Carol, come on, we are going to be late.
Maggie: Honey, in the light of day I'm not so sure this is such a good idea anymore.
Jason: Oh, you're kidding. Down at the free clinic she is going to meet some people who are
down on their luck, who are not freeloaders, misfits and losers.
Maggie: Well that could happen, yes.
Jason: I mean last night I couldn't believe the way she was talking Maggie. I mean I don't remember ever being so disappointed in one of our children. Where did she get that insensitivity?
Maggie: So you are saying I'm a bad mother?
Jason: No Maggie.
Maggie: Well excuse me for being a little concerned about our daughter hanging out with
dangerous people.
Jason: Maggie, I have been working with these people for six months.
Maggie: Jason, there is a reason you've been working with them for months.
Jason: Maybe you ought to come down and volunteer.
Maggie: Well I've thought about it and I've just been looking for the right weekend. Hey, I've
got an idea. I'll just write you a check.
Jason: Maggie, we do amazing things down there. It's a place I really believe in. You honestly
think I'd put my daughter in danger?
Maggie: No.
Jason: And underneath, she's a smart enough girl. I have a gut feeling that she is going to see
this as a very worthwhile experience.
Carol: Alright. I'm ready. Let's get this nightmare over with.
Jason: Come on Carol. This way. Right along here to the right are where all the doctor' s offices
are. Here you'll see that there is, uh, what are you doing?
Carol: Getting rid of all my jewelry.
Jason: Come on.
Webster: Excuse me. You dropped this.
Jason: Thank you Webster. And what have we learned from this?
Carol: They are watching me. They are all watching me.
Jason: Alright. This is the main conference room. This is where all those dead beats come to
fake their way through group sessions, so they can go back on the street and beg, borrow and
steal from people like you.
Carol: Uh hu.
Jason: Carol, I was being sarcastic.
Carol: I know you were dad. And I also know why you brought me here. So that I can see that
there are other people worse off than me.
Jason: When did you become such a Princess?
Carol: Hu! I am not a Princess. Now can we just get this pointless exercise over with so that I
can go home and take a nap?

(Phone rings)
Carol: Community health clinic. Uh hu. Uh hu. Oh I'm sorry; we can not give prescriptions over
the phone. And by the way, I don't think that is a legal drug. Well you don't have to be rude
about it. Excuse me but that is anatomically impossible.
Man: Excuse me, is the food bank open?
Carol: The hours are one to four. Sign in here. Last name first, first name last.
Man: Oh, I'm not here to get food; I'm here to give food.
Carol: Oh, oh I'm sorry.
Man: For your information thin is in. See I put in long hours at the spa to keep my body lean
and mean. You look familiar.
Carol: Do you go to Columbia?
Man: Only the P. Hold on. You stick your nose up in the air like you smell somet5hing bad.
Carol: No.
Man: Yeah, I know you. You take the number one train.
Carol: Well I don't know you.
Man: I sell you the New York Times every day.
Carol: Oh, yes. Yes of course. How nice to see you outside of work.

Webster: These black people get on my nerves too.
Lady: Alright. Let's have all my juvenile delinquents this way. I'm your last hope so don't tick
me off. Oh you. I said this way Princess.
Webster: She's not one of your juvenile delinquents. She's a person of substance who's just
slumming down here.
Carol: That's right.
Lady: Great. We need people like you.
Webster: These white people get on my nerves too.
Carol: You're making fun of me.
Webster: No. That was a joke. You're Doctor Seavers daughter, aren't you?
Carol: Yeah. How did you know?
Webster: I returned your ear ring this morning. Carol: Oh. Oh yes. Right. Of course. Nick isn't
Webster: No it isn't. It's Webster.
Carol: Webster, Nick, they are very close.
Webster: You don't notice people do you?
Carol: Oh, it's nothing personal. I don_t notice important people either.
Webster: Uh hu.
Carol: No. I'm sorry. I'm just a little uncomfortable. I mean there is a bucket of guns right
Webster: Well why are you volunteering right here?
Carol: Oh, I'm not volunteering. My father dragged me down here so I could get some
Webster: Still early in the day hu? Lucky for you you are here on a day I volunteer.
Carol: Oh, you're a volunteer? Oh what a relief. I thought I'd put my foot in my mouth again.
For a second there I thought you were one of them.
Webster: Who? Oh heaven forbid no.
Carol: I know what you are saying. I mean what is it with these people?
Webster: I know. Can't they get a job? Can't they be respectable? I guess they just like to fool
themselves with all these sessions.
Carol: I know.
Jason: Webster, we've got to put back your two o' clock session. They've got Doctor Miller
Carol: Two o clock session. You are one of them?
Webster: OOOh!
Carol: No.
Webster: My parole officer says I can get six months off my probation if I get a High School
Equivalency Certificate.
Jason: So what are you going to do?
Webster: Study.
Jason: Yeah. I wish my oldest son was on parole. Alright Webster. That's all the time we have
for today. And uh, I'm real proud of you. Last year did you think you'd be going back to school?
Webster: No way.
Jason: Hey Carol, how are you doing?
Carol: I gave back all the weapons, but there was one extra.
Lady: That's mine.
Jason: Thought we had a break through.
Carol: I found this in the copy machine. I think it's an English paper.
Webster: You didn't read it did you?
Carol: No.
Webster: Then what are all these red marks?
Carol: Ok. I read it and corrected it. Force of habit.
Webster: Well what did you think?
Carol: It was moving and compelling.
Webster: Especially for a street kid, right?
Carol: Look, I'm not saying that the spelling wasn't atrocious and grammar awful. And I've
never heard the word 'mother' used quite so colorfully. But the ideas behind it, when you are
deciding whether or not to rob a liqueur store, I knew how you were feeling. It took me two
and a half mo0nths to pick my major. I mean decisions like that can affect your whole life.
Webster: Golly!
Carol: You're making fun of me again?
Webster: No. It's just that you are the first person who's read it.
Carol: Webster, it's good.
Webster: Can you help me make it better?

Carol: I'm leaving now.
Jason: Carol? Hey, it's Saturday night. What are you doing going out?
Carol: Don't worry. It's not a date.
Jason: Come on, you're nineteen. You don't have to tell me where you are going. Who you are
going with. What you are going to be doing. When you are coming back.
Carol: Good.
Jason: Cos I'm proud of you Carol. I was real proud of you today. The way you came down to
the free clinic and you saw the way those people are just like the rest of us. They just need a
little trust and faith.
Carol: Thank you. And not that I need to tell you but I'm meeting with Webster to help him
with his English paper.
Jason: Oh Webster. Are you going over to his night school?
Carol: No.
Jason: Library?
Carol: No.
Jason: No no. Just the two of you?
Carol: Oh, I'm sorry. You think it's the Webster I know from the clinic, but its not. It's Webster
Thornhill from Columbia.
Jason: Oh yeah. Oh good. Ok great. You have a good time.
Carol: Dad, I can't believe this.
Jason: What?
Carol: It's the same Webster.
Jason: I am not a hypocrite.
Carol: After all this talk about me respecting people and I want to meet with him and you are
Jason: It's just that you don't know everything there is to know about Webster. I mean, he is
on parole and ...You're right. I am a hypocrite. And if you are going to respect somebody, you
should respect them as much as y0u would somebody else. So I'm sorry. You go and help him
and have a good time. Ok
Carol: Thank you daddy.
Jason: Alright.
Carol: Bye.
Jason: That's what I brought her down there for. This is good. This is a good thing. I'm proud
of her. I can't wait to tell Maggie. "Maggie, your daughter is going out with an ex con".
"Maggie, ha ha ha, Carol is going out with an ex con". Carol!
Maggie: Where's Carol going?
Jason: Don't know. Don't have a clue. No honestly I don't. No.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
disposition [.dispə'ziʃən]


n. 性情,倾向,安排,处置,控制

stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

register ['redʒistə]


v. 记录,登记,注册,挂号
n. 暂存器,记

score [skɔ:]


n. 得分,刻痕,二十,乐谱
vt. 记分,刻

bucket ['bʌkit]


n. 水桶
vt. 装在桶里

convinced [kən'vinst]


adj. 信服的

unending [ʌn'endiŋ]


adj. 不断的,不停的,永无止境的,不尽的

applaud [ə'plɔ:d]


vi. 拍手喝采
vt. 称赞,鼓掌

pointless ['pɔintlis]


adj. 不尖的,钝的,不得要领的


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