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来源:可可英语 编辑:Rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Come on. Easy dose it, easy does it. Come on.

慢点 慢点
Steady there, boy. Steady, boy. That's it. Nice and done now, isn't it?
稳着点 稳着点 好的
Hey Hey
嘿 嘿
Morning, Pop.
Put your mark here. Good luck.
在这儿签字 祝你好运
Get the colt
Whoa, whoa.
Now that's a beauty.
Forget it, Ted. He's half thorougbred. Not got a day's work in him. Now there. There's your ticket.
得了吧 泰德 种只有一半纯 而且一天的活也没有干过 看那儿 那才是你要的
But look at him, Si. Look at that creature.
但是看看他 看看这匹马
Don't be daft. You need something solid to plow a field.
别犯傻了 你需要强壮的来耕地
Yeah, but he's something else, that one.
是啊 但是他总有些特别
All right, ladies and gentlemen, settle down, settle down. Horses on my right, men with money in their pockets on my left. It's the perfect combination.
安静点 各位 安静 马儿们在我的右边 有钱的人们在左边 完美的搭配
Is Fred Goddard here? Yes, I am here! Good. More money than sense.
弗雷德·戈达德来了吗? 本人在此。 很好 人傻钱多
Dave Hill! I'm here, yes!
大为·希尔呢 在 我在这
Bugger off, you tight bastard. You've been coming here for 20 years, never bought so much as a pork scratching!
走开 你这穷鬼 你来这20多年了 连刷猪的东西都没有买过
Come on. All right. First up today, a gorgeous young horse.
来 第一位 一匹漂亮的小马
Prettiest young thing I've seen since my wife on our wedding day.
除了新婚那天的老婆 我就没有见到过这么漂亮的
Let's get going, shall we? Who wants this wonderful creature?
那咱们开始吧 谁想要这漂亮的小家伙?
One guinea! One guinea, one guinea!
一基尼! 一基尼,一基尼!
I thought you needed a plow horse, Mr. Narracott.
One guinea. Any advance on one guinea.
Two guineas! Two guineas! Three.
2基尼 2基尼 3基尼
Ted Narracott, it's completely the wrong animal.
泰德·纳拉科特 这不是你需要的那种马
Si Easton, I'm not gonna let that bastard see me off.
对 伊斯顿 我不想让那个混蛋赢了我
Five guineas! Five guineas! Six. Seven.
5基尼 5基尼 6基尼 7基尼
Greedy sod. Thinks he can just buy anybody. Eight!
这个贪鬼 他以为什么都能买到 8基尼
Stop it. He's your landlord. You can't be picking fights with him.
别喊了 他是你的地主 你不要和他作对
Ten guineas! Ten guineas. You haven't got the money. Let's go home, let's have a pint.
10基尼 10基尼 你没那么多钱 我们回家喝酒吧
Eleven guineas, sir! From as good a man as any in this town!
11基尼 先生 这是一个有种男人的报价
Do I hear 12 guineas? Twelve guineas. That's top price for a working animal. Ted, save it for the shire!
我听到12基尼 12基尼 对于驮马来说这价钱太高了 给你的拖车牲口留点儿钱吧
There are big days and there are small days. Which will it be?
总有黄道吉日 总有丧气时辰 试试看吧
Do I hear any advance on 11 guineas?
Just let him go, Dad. I don't care for him. He's too jumpy.
爸 咱就算了吧 我对这马没兴趣 太闹腾了
Shall we say 25? Twenty-five guineas. He's got you there. Nice try, Ted.
那咱就出个25基尼吧 25基尼 好了 他打败你了 泰德起码你争取过了
You were great, Mr.N. Gave him a run for his money. Going, going... Thirty! Thirty guineas! Thirty guineas.
干得不错 逼他出了一大笔钱 30基尼 30基尼 30基尼
Thirty guineas, going. Going. Gone! To Mr. Ted Narracott!
30基尼 一次 两次 成交 卖给泰德·纳拉科特先生
What have you done, Ted? What have you done? Here, Ted.
你做了啥糊涂事 泰德? 给你,泰德。
Quite a beast there. What are you gonna do with him on a working farm?
真是个好家伙 可你想让它怎么干农活?
I hope you got the rent, Ted. I'll be around for it when it comes due.
但愿你还有钱交地租 到时候我会来亲自收租的
You're a fool, Ted. And now Roise will never forgive you.
你真是个傻瓜 泰德 罗丝永远也不会原谅你的

重点单词   查看全部解释    
social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

beat [bi:t]


v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动
n. 敲打,

bastard ['bæstəd]


adj. 私生的,错误的,混蛋的 n. 私生子,混蛋

dose [dəus]


n. 剂量,一剂,一服
vt. 给 ... 服

sod [sɔd]


n. (一块)草皮,草地 n. 鸡奸者 vt. 用草皮覆

steady ['stedi]


adj. 稳定的,稳固的,坚定的
v. 使稳固

pulp [pʌlp]


n. 果肉,纸浆,木髓,牙髓,低级刊物 vt. 使成为浆

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

combination [.kɔmbi'neiʃən]


n. 结合,联合,联合体

plow [plau]


n. 犁,耕地
vt. 耕犁,





