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灵异故事:我房中的婴儿(The Baby In My House 02)
时间:2009-2-9 12:15:23  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

It took us about a week to get settled, and then my dad moved in with my mom. Brad and I fixed our side of the house up. I decided to look around the house thoroughly.

  I went to my mom’s side first. After looking at all the rooms my mom had decorated, I noticed a closed door. My curiosity stirred, I tried to open it. Locked.
  When mom came back, I asked her about the room. Her eyes lost their glow, and filled with fear. It was locked when I found it. Apparently, a newly wed couple lived here once, long ago. Maybe 20 years ago. They had a baby, and that room was the baby room. The salesman said the baby died, although he didn't say how or why. As soon as the child died, the couple moved out; too many memories I guess, she said.

  I was stunned. A dead baby? I didn't like the thought of it, although I tried my best to forget about it.

  After a couple of weeks, my whole family was having lunch in our living room. My mom asked me to get her something from her bathroom. As I walked to it, I passed her bedroom. The door was open. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a baby playing with rattles on my mother’s bed. I gasped and turned around. No baby there. I saw a small blue object on the bed though.

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