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中石油职称英语考试阅读60篇精讲 第56篇:Why Antarctica Is Being Explored 为什么要勘探南极洲

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1. When the United States was born, the continent of Antarctica was as remote as the moon-more so, in a way, because the moon was clearly visible and the very existence of Antarctica was uncertain. But now that remote land area is so attainable and so important that it has become the subject of an international treaty which protects it from national rivalries yet leaves it open to all for exploration and use. The pact arranging this is even being viewed as a model applicable to the moon and other celestial bodies.

1、在美国诞生之时对人们来说南极洲(Antarctica)就像月球一样遥远(as remote as the moon)-从某种角度说(in a way)甚至更远(more so)因为月亮清楚可见(clearly visible)而南极大陆是否真实存在还无法确定(uncertain)。但是今天,这块遥远的陆地已变得如此触之可及(so attainable)并且如此重要(so important)以致(that)它已受到一个国际公约(an international treaty)的保护,使其免于成为国家间竞相抢夺的对象(national vivalries),而是对所有国家开放(leaves it open to all),供大家共同开发和利用。这个公约(the pact)甚至被视为(be viewed as)一个范本,适用于(be applicable to)月球和其他天体的开发。

2. Yet many people, thinking of the distant continent only as a bleak, rocky, cold and inhospitable land mass, may wonder: Why all the fuss? Why protect something so unpromising?

2、至今仍有很多人认为这块遥远的大陆(the distant continent)仅仅是一大片荒凉(bleak)、寒冷(cold)、岩石林立(rocky)、根本无法居住的(inhospitable)土地。他们可能很奇怪:为什么如此小题大做(fuss)?为什么要保护这样一块毫无前途的(unpromising)土地?

3. The answer lies in a number of factors, not the least of which is isolation itself. Antarctica is a very large area of the earth's surface, but-until recent years-was the least studied. More knowledge of it is important for all mankind.


4. A look at a globe is perhaps the best way to appreciate the significance of this peculiar continent. The globe shows that the entire southern hemisphere is preponderantly water-the widest parts of the Atlantic and Pacific, the unbroken sweep of Antarctic seas circling the world. Although much of South America, parts of Africa and all of Australia lie south of the equator, most of the world's land lies north of the line.

4、仔细观察地球仪也许能帮助我们更好地了解(the best way to appreciate)这个神奇大陆的重要性(the significance of this peculiar continent)。地球仪显示,水在整个南半球(the entire southern hemisphere)占绝对优势(preponderantly)-包括大西洋和太平洋最广阔的部分以及环抱地球的(circling the world)南极海洋。尽管绝大部分南美洲、部分非洲以及整个澳洲位于赤道以南,但地球上的大部分陆地还是分布在赤道以北。

5. Antarctica stood in splendid-even awesome-isolation from the rest of the world for countless years. Its forbidding climate and wild seas prevented the migration and development of land animals such as the Arctic regions known. On the continent itself are a few insects, some lichens and mosses, but nothing else that is land supported. However, there are amphibious penguins and seals and a rich marine life, ranging from the minute organisms called plankton to the biggest creature the world has ever known, the blue whale.

5、南极洲的壮丽(splendid)引人敬畏(awesome)在无数的岁月里(for countless years)它就这样孤独傲立于世界。和人们已熟知的北极区域一样,它那令人难以亲近的(forbidding)气候和狂野的(wild)海浪使得陆地动物无法迁移至此和繁衍(prevented the migration and development)依附于(supported)南极洲陆地生存的只有很少的一些昆虫、地衣和苔藓。然而,这里却有着两栖的(amphibious)企鹅和海豹以及丰富的海洋生命-包括(ranging)被称为浮游生物(called plankton)微小生物(the minute organism),直到迄今所知世界上最大的动物蓝鲸(the blue whale)

6. The Antarctica treaty applies to all areas (the high seas excepted) below latitude 60 degrees south. This line, running around the globe some 2,000 miles from the South Pole itself, just misses the lower tip of South America, and is well below the Cape of Good Hope and New Zealand. There are a number of small islands between this line and the Antarctic continent, but the waters here are known to mariners as "the screaming Sixties" because there is so little obstruction to the world-circling winds.

6、《南极洲公约》适用于(apply to)除公海以外(the high seas excepted)位于南纬60以南(below)的所有区域。南纬60度线距南极点(the South Pole itself)大约2000英里,它环绕地球(running around the globe),刚好错过南美洲的最南端,远在好望角(the Cape of Good Hope)和新西兰之南。该线和南极洲之间分布着一些小岛,但是,这里的海域(the waters here)被水手们称为(are known to mariners as)“狂啸的60(the screaming Sixties),因为这里障碍物(obstruction)很少,阻挡不了“世界环风”(the world-circling winds)(so…to…=too…to…)

7. In contrast, in the northern hemisphere, the lands lying above the sixtieth parallel of latitude include much of Scandinavia, Siberia and Alaska, all of Greenland and Iceland, with a total population of several million. Great mountains help subdue the winds; a spur of the Gulf Stream and part of the Japan Current temper the frigid airs of this polar region. This, and the presence of the Arctic Ocean in the center of the great land mass, give the area a markedly different conformation and climate from that around the opposite pole.

7与之相对(in contrast)的北半球北纬60度平行线以北(above)区域包括斯堪的纳维亚半岛、西伯利亚和阿拉斯加的大部分地区以及格陵兰岛和冰岛的全部人口总数几百万(a total population of several million)。高山阻碍(subdue)了风的前进;墨西哥湾流和部分日本洋流使这里的极地寒冷空气(the frigid airs of this polar region)有所缓和(temper);再加上北冰洋又处在大块陆地的中央(in the center of the great land mass),这一切使得这块区域地球另一端相比,在构架(conformation)和气候方面存在显著的不同

8. Antarctica seems a vast basin of rock, filled and overflowing with a load of ice. In the heart of the continent it is almost as high as the summits of the Alps, yet soundings show that in places that rock floor is below sea level.

8、南极洲看似一个巨大的石盆,被冰所覆盖。大陆的中心几乎与阿尔卑斯山等高,然而,超声探测(soundings)显示岩石底部的许多地点都低于海平面(below sea level)

9. Actually, the ice accumulation is less than it was perhaps 1,000 years ago. Its seaward flow is not so voluminous as it once was, and as a result there are patches of bare rock here and there along the coast and inland. They were scoured clear of soil ages ago, but one may sometimes find moss or lichens growing, though virtually no flowering plants.

9、事实上1000年前相比这些冰的堆积物(accumulation)减少了许多尤其是朝向大海(seaward)的一面已经不像以前那么多了结果在海岸边和陆地上留下一片片裸露的岩石(patches of bare rock)很多年前(ages ago)这里的土壤已经被冲刷干净(be scoured clear),实际上已找不到开花植物(flowering plant 有花植物)的踪影,但有时还能发现地衣和苔藓。

10. In all this barrenness and cold, what is there of value? First, Antarctica is bound to have mineral resources comparable to those of other great continents. Coal-much of it of poor quality-has been found at many points along the 2,000 mile mountain system known as the Great Antarctica Horst. A writer has found a small deposit of manganese ore and rock specimens flecked with uranium or stained green by copper. These finds are important only as indications that further exploration would be worthwhile, and such a systematic effort has begun under SCAR (the Special Committee on Antarctic Research). This group is an outgrowth of the International Geophysical Year (I.G.Y.); but its program has broadened from geophysics to include mapping and biology.

10这样一个空旷寒冷(barrenness and cold)的地方到底有什么价值首先南极洲的地下一定有(is bound to have)能与其它几个主要大陆相媲美(comparable to)的矿产资源(mineral resources)在被称为南极大地垒的山脉(mountain system)附近,沿线2000英里范围内已有多处找到了煤,尽管大多数质量很差(much of it of poor quality)。一名作家还发现了一个不大的锰矿堆积体和一些粘染有铀痕迹或者带着铜绿斑痕的矿石标本(rock specimens)这些发现的重要性在于它表明在这一地区进行深入的勘探是很有价值的,并且在“南极洲研究特别委员会(SCAR)”的指导下,系统的工作(such a systematic effort)已经开始了。这个组织是国际地球物理学年会(IGY)一个派生机构(an outgrowth),但是它的项目已经从地球物理学(geophysics)拓展到地图测绘(mapping)生物学(biology)

11. There are other possible economic values. Several intercontinental air routes lie across portions of Antarctica. Strange antibiotics have been found in the drifting plants of the Antarctic seas; the Russians are reported to be carrying in live herring to be dumped overboard in an attempt at sea "farming."

11除此之外还有其他的经济价值。有数条洲际航线(several intercontinental air routes)经过南极上空;在南极海洋的浮游植物里(in the drifting plants of the Antarctic seas)已发现了一些前所未知的抗生素(strange anjtibiotics);据报道,俄国人要将鲱鱼苗倒进海洋,尝试在南极“放养”。

12. But for the immediate future the great value of Antarctica may lie in other lines of research-from the common cold to problems of outer space. The former is under scrutiny at a biological laboratory at McMurdo Sound, where clues to certain viruses are being sought in the study of epidemics among the utterly isolated members of scientific parties.

12但是就近期看来南极洲的重要价值却存在于其他的研究领域(other lines of research)从普通的感冒到外层空间的问题。对于感冒的研究已经在位于麦克默多湾(McMurdo Sound)生物学实验室里紧锣密鼓地进行,一群完全与外界隔绝的科学组织的人员从流行病学的角度(in the study of epidemics)寻找(seek-sought -sought)一些特殊的病毒。

13. Investigations of the weather's origins and patterns are being pressed. There is no question that Antarctica plays an important role in the weather that affects the destinies of those living south of the equator; some believe its effects are felt in the north as well.

13对于气候的形成和模式的研究也正在加速进行(are being pressed)毫无疑问在气候方面南极洲扮演着一个重要的角色(play an important role)与生活在赤道以南的人们息息相关甚至有人认为它的影响也(as well)同样波及到了(are felt)北半球。

14. As to space research, there is no place on earth better suited than the South Pole for certain kinds of observation. Here is a firmly fixed point, in contrast to the drifting floes that cover the North Pole; from it all directions are north, and during the six months of darkness the stars circle around a point directly overhead. The United States established an observatory there in 1957 for the I.G.Y. and has maintained it ever since.

14在空间研究方面南极是地球上最适宜的(better suited than)进行观察的地方。与北极上覆盖的漂流浮冰相比(in contrast to),这里是一个稳定的点(a firmly fixed point)这里所有的方向都是北,在长达六个月的黑夜中,星星围绕的中心点就在头顶(directly overhead)1957年,美国为国际地球物理学年会在此处建立了一个观测站,并且一直维持至今。

15. Now it is an ideal space tracking station. Any vehicle on a mission in the southern half of the heavens remains continuously "visible" to an antenna at the pole. Such a station is also able to play a unique role in interrogating earth satellites in orbit over both poles.

15现在,这里是最理想的空间跟踪站。在南半球的太空中执行任务的所有飞行器(any vehicle on a mission)都可被极点上的天线(an antenna at he pole)持续追踪(continuously visible)。同时,这个观测站还在监视(interrogating)两极轨道上的地球卫星方面发挥不可替代的作用。

16. Such satellites-maintaining their steady sweeps as the earth revolves beneath them-cover all parts of the globe and hence are ideal for weather observation, communications and other tasks. The South Pole would be the check point on each circuit, snatching the data from space, processing them in computers within seconds and relaying them to the rest of the world.

16、这些卫星处在平稳旋转的地球上空,几乎可以对全球的所有地区进行稳定的扫描,因此能很好地完成气象观察、通讯以及其它任务。南极点将成为这些卫星环球轨迹的检查站(the check point)从太空采集数据(snatching the data from space)、通过电脑在几秒钟之内处理数据,并传送到世界各地(the rest of the world)

17. On all these counts, the scientists justify their voyages to Antarctica and the vast sums needed. But essentially their argument is a simple one. The great continent to the south is still largely unknown. In the quest for fundamental knowledge, which is the heart and soul so all science, it cannot be ignored.

17、综上所述,科学家们认为应当进行南极勘探,同时需要大量的资金。但是,他们最根本的论据(argument)很简单:南方的这块大陆在很大程度上(largely)仍是个迷(unknown)。为了探索(quest)基础知识-而探索基础知识也正是科学的核心和灵魂所在-这个地区不容忽视(cannot be ignored)

重点单词   查看全部解释    
rocky ['rɔki]


adj. 岩石的,像岩石的,坚硬的,麻木的,困难重重的

temper ['tempə]


n. 脾气,性情
vt. 使缓和,调和 <

forbidding [fə'bidiŋ]


adj. 可怕的,令人难亲近的

mass [mæs]


n. 块,大量,众多
adj. 群众的,大规模

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

observatory [əb'zə:və.tri]


n. 天文台,气象台,了望台

established [is'tæbliʃt]


adj. 已被确认的,确定的,建立的,制定的 动词est

applicable ['æplikəbl]


adj. 合适的,适用的

current ['kʌrənt]


n. (水、气、电)流,趋势
adj. 流通的

subdue [səb'dju:]


v. 使服从,压制,减弱





