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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

It is spring break. Anybody here on spring break today?

现在是春假 大家有人在度春假吗

Ooh, yeah, it's spring break. You can tell because people are going crazy.

哦 嗯 是春假呢 这能看出来 因为人们都疯了

Long story short, mom is pregnant, again.

长话短说 妈妈又怀孕了

You might not know this, but spring break is thousands of years old.

大家可能不知道 不过春假有几千年的历史了

In order to have a good harvest, Mayans would take a week off to pray to Sammy Hagar.

为了获得大丰收 玛雅人会休息一周向Sammy Hagar神祷告


True story. Actually, no-- nobody really knows where spring break started, because everyone was too drunk.

真的 其实 没有人知道春假是什么时候开始的 因为大家都烂醉如泥

But, today, I'm going to tell you the history of spring break drinking.

不过 今天 我要告诉大家春假饮酒的历史

All right. In the beginning, there were shots, and they were good.

好 开始的时候 有酒 很好喝

But then you had to do it all by yourself, so somebody invented this.

然后你就得自己上手了 有人发明了这个

This is called a Shotski. You have four shot glasses, and everyone has to do a shot at the same time.

这叫Shotski 一共有四小杯 每个人都得同时喝一杯

Because if there's one thing drunk people are good at, it's coordination.

因为喝醉的人很擅长一件事 那就是协调

But people wanted to have more than just one serving at a time, so they came up with the beer bong.

但人们想一次性多喝几杯 于是就想出了啤酒机这个东西

Yeah. This forces beer into your mouth using gravity.

对 中立会让酒自动流到嘴里

So kids are using physics. That college tuition is really paying off.

所以孩子们是在应用物理 大学学费没白交

Only one person could use the beer bong at a time, so someone invented this.

但一次只能有一个人用啤酒机 所以人们又发明了这个

It is called Bongzilla. It's like six bad decisions at once.

它叫Bongzilla 这就像一次做六个烂决定

And the thing is that you know that these things are clean, right? For sure.

你们知道这些东西是干净的 对吧 肯定的

Now, you probably heard of the body shots, right? Where somebody yeah.

现在 大家可能听说过身体饮酒 就是别人 对

You'd do a shot out of somebody's bellybutton.


Anybody ever done a body shot, a bellybutton thing?

有人做过身体饮酒 肚脐饮酒吗

A handful of people who are not ashamed to say it.


Everyone else is about to and then like--


--not going to admit to that. All right.

不想承认 好

Well, here's something else. There's called an ice luge.

还有一种 这个叫冰雪橇

Have you seen this where you pour a shot down a slide right into your mouth?

大家见过这个吗 把酒倒在冰滑梯里 流到嘴里

It seems like the alcohol is having all the fun. It's on a--


-- on a ski, it's in a tube, it's going down a slide.

可以滑冰 在管子里 还能玩滑梯

The newest drink on spring break combines a body shop and an ice luge.


It's something-- It's truly terrible, really. It's called a butt luge. Now--

是那种 真的很恐怖 叫做屁股雪橇 现在

--do you know what I'm talking about before I? All right.

给大家看之前 大家能明白我在说什么吗 好

I can't really show you a real picture of it. But, basically, I drew this. This is how it works.

我不能给大家看真正的照片 不过 其实 这是我画的 就是这么玩的

So--what happens is one person pours beer down the back-- actually, I can't show that diagram.

就是一个人把酒顺着背倒下去 其实 我没法给大家看图解

Take that down, that's a--

关掉吧 真是

重点单词   查看全部解释    
alcohol ['ælkəhɔl]


n. 酒精,乙醇,酒

gravity ['græviti]


n. 重力,严重,庄重,严肃

diagram ['daiəgræm]


n. 图解,图表
vt. 用图解法表示

slide [slaid]


vi. 滑,滑动,滑入,悄悄地溜走
vt. 使

coordination [kəu'ɔ:di'neiʃən]


n. 协调





