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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

It is summer and the days are longer.

现在是夏天 白天变长了

The list of people working at the White House is shorter.


You seem like a smart audience. I was watching you.

你们这批观众应该挺聪明的 我观察了你们

I was backstage and you seem like a smart audience.

在后台的时候 你们挺聪明的

You seem like you're the type of people who would not really pogo stick off of a diving board

不像是那种因为有朋友在录视频 就会从跳水板上弹跳下来

or try to do a backflip off a trampoline just because your friends were filming it, right?

或者试图在蹦蹦床上做后空翻的人 对吧


Luckily there are plenty of people who were willing to do those things.

幸运的是 有不计其数的人愿意做这种事

So we can play our game Epic or Fail.


There's paddles under your seats.


And we will all see these together at the same time and see how much we know about human behavior.

大家一起同时看视频 看看我们对人类行为了解多少

It's an informative show that we have here. Let's see the first one.

我们的节目信息量很大的 来看第一个

I think that's a fail. I say a fail. Most of us think it's a fail.

我觉得会失败 是糗事 多数人都觉得会失败

There's some optimistic people here who think this is a good idea to do in a narrow space.


OK. Let's see it.

好 我们看一下

Wow. It seems like there had been some drinking happening before that.

哇哦 看来在这之前喝了不少酒啊

It appears it's the end of the night, and I thought, I'm going to try a headstand.

感觉像是晚上要结束时 我想 我来做个头倒立吧

All right, let's see the next one.

好 看下一个

Where's he going? What's he doing? No! No.

他要去哪儿 他在干什么 成不了 肯定失败

Oh my God. He really thought he could do that. All right.

天哪 他真以为他能做到 好

Let's see the next one.


I don't know, it feels like that's going to be-- only a few people think something's going to go wrong.

不知道 感觉会 只有几个人觉得情况不妙

It was going so well. Oh no.

本来看起来挺顺利的 不是吧

Imagine being that talented and then that happens.

想象一下那么有天赋的人 却是这样的结果

That's not fair. Let's see the next one.

不公平啊 我们来看下一个

I don't know. God, a lot of you-- I just feel like he's tried this before.

不知道 天 很多人 我只是觉得他以前干过同样的事

He's on some kind of thing, seems like he knows what he's doing.

他坐着同样的东西 感觉他知道自己在做什么

I'm going to say he's going to do it.


Look at that!


That is the laziest pole vaulting I've ever seen in my life.


Instead of running, which is the only exercise.

不用跑的 这可是这项活动中唯一的运动

I mean, I'm sure that's hard to do. I'm not saying that's easy to do.

我知道这很难做到 我并不是说它很容易

But just that you're on that instead of running.


All right, let's see the next one.

好 看下一个

Yeah. Still a lot of hopeful people out there. Sir.

嗯 还是有很多充满希望的人 先生

Sir, you've been wrong so many times and yet you still--All right.

先生 你都错了好多回了 但你依然 好

Almost every time, he's like, yeah, that's going to be a good one.

几乎每一次 他都觉得 嗯 这个可以的

All right, let's see the next one.

好 我们看下一个

What is that, like an ice chest that he's on?

那是什么 他骑的是个小冰车吗

I'm doing whatever the opposite is you're saying. Again he's hopeful, so I say fail.

不管你选什么 我都选跟你相反的 他依然觉得有希望 那我就选失败

All right, let's see the next one.

好 看下一个

I think this guy is going to be good. Yeah, look at that.

我觉得这个人不错 嗯 看他

Almost every single person-- only like six of you think fail. Really?

几乎所有人 只有六个人觉得会失败 真的吗

Look at this guy. You can see-- you're--

看看他啊 你们能看到

All right, that's how you play Epic or Fail.

好 “史诗还是糗事”就是这么玩的

重点单词   查看全部解释    
smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的

epic ['epik]


n. 史诗,叙事诗 adj. 史诗的,叙事诗的,宏大的,

stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

optimistic [.ɔpti'mistik]


adj. 乐观的,乐观主义的

talented ['tæləntid]


adj. 有才能的,有天赋的

pole [pəul]


n. 杆,柱,极点
v. (用杆)支撑

willing ['wiliŋ]


adj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的





