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We're back with Shailene Woodley.

欢迎Shailene Woodley回来

And we played a game with Woody Harrelson, we called it Woody He've Done That.

我们跟Woody Harrelson玩过一个游戏 叫做“Woody He've Done That”

Would he have done that.


And I had to guess if he'd actually done things, because he does a lot of crazy stuff.

我得猜他是否真的做过某些事 他经常做很疯狂的事情

Oh, I've seen that. I've seen that.

哦 我看过 我看过那个

Yeah, so you've done some adventurous stuff.

嗯 你做过一些冒险的事

So we're doing it again and we're calling it Woodley've Done That.

今天我们再玩一次 叫做“Woodley've Done That”


So creative.


Thank you. That's why we win the Emmys.

谢谢 我们就是凭借这一点赢得艾美奖的

All right. I'm going to read a scenario and I'm going to guess.

好 我会念一个场景 然后来猜

And we can all try to play along, we'll guess if you've done this or not.

大家可以一起玩儿 我们猜猜看你做过没有

Perfect. This one I already know, if this is true or not,

很好 这个我早就知道了 是真是假

you ate clay after learning about it's health benefits from an African taxi driver.

一名非洲司机告诉你黏土对身体的好处以后 你吃了它

That is half true. Yeah.

一半是对的 嗯

I was already eating clay for a few years and I don't remember exactly which country he was from.

那时候我已经吃了几年的黏土了 我不记得他是哪里人

But when women are pregnant, they eat clay,

但是女性怀孕的时候 会吃黏土

because it helps keep their systems clean for their growing babies.

因为它有助于保持身体系统的干净 对宝宝好

All right, to prepare for your role in The Fault in our Stars, you used fire to cut your hair.

好 为了拍摄《The Fault in our Stars》里的角色 你用火把头发烧断

I'm going to say no. You're right. You're correct.

我觉得你没做过 你猜对了 对的

Yeah, that seems like a dangerous-- That's a little too dangerous.

嗯 听起来有点危险 有点太危险了

You once lived in an RV for two months and slept in Walmart parking lots.

你曾经在娱乐车里住了两个月 还在沃尔玛停车场睡过

I'm going to say that's true. That's true.

我觉得这是真的 答对了

That's very true. Yup, that sounds right.

非常正确 嗯 听起来很正常

You use sesame oil to whiten your teeth.


No? I do. Really? I do. Yeah. Sesame oil?

没做过?我做过 真的吗?真的 对 芝麻油?

How does that whiten your teeth?


Not necessarily whiten your teeth, but it is a byproduct of doing that.

不一定是为了漂白牙齿 但也是它的功效之一

It's an Ayurvedic practice and you swish with sesame oil traditionally.

它是阿育吠陀疗法 通常是用芝麻油去刷的

But you can use coconut oil, olive oil, doesn't taste great, whatever.

也可以用椰子油 橄榄油 味道不太好而已

And it helps do a lot of great things. You probably floss a lot too.

它有很多好处 你应该也经常用牙线吧

I don't floss. What? I know. What is wrong with you?

我不用牙线 什么?我懂 你什么情况啊?

Everything. Everything. I was so into you until then.

我不对 我不对 一下抹杀了我对你的喜欢

I'm sorry. It's just a lot. You brush for a long time, then you do the oil, and then you're gonna floss too?

抱歉啦 工作量太大了 刷牙要刷很久 然后要用芝麻油 难不成还要再用牙线吗?

What? Well lose the oil and go to the floss. OK.

什么?别用芝麻油了 用牙线啊 好吧

Maybe I'll just need to start doing that.


What is wrong with you? Shailene.


Do you floss every day morning and night? Yes, I do.

你每天早晚都要用牙线吗?对 没错

Do you know what gets caught up in there in between--


Andy I'm talking to Shailene about something.

安迪 我在跟Shailene聊正事呢

You just calm down.


I am not breaking until I'm done with this.


There's all kinds of particles of different things that you don't get from brushing your teeth that go up into the gum.

你刷牙有很多刷不掉的各种微小物质 它们会钻到牙龈里面

I always thought if you brushed your gums it stimulated all those little guys and they came out.

我一直以为只要你刷牙龈 就能刺激这些小东西 让它们掉下来

They don't just fall out, no. No.

它们不会掉下来的 不会 不会

These are the stories I tell myself to make excuses for not flossing. Shailene.

我就是这么告诉自己的 好找到不用牙线的理由 Shailene

All right, season two of Big Little Lies starts Sunday, June 9 on HBO.

好 《大小谎言》6月9日周日在HBO开播

We'll be right back.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
brush [brʌʃ]


n. 刷子,画笔
n. 灌木丛

clay [klei]


n. 粘土,泥土
n. (人的)肉体

byproduct ['bai.prɔdʌkt]


n. 副产品

fault [fɔ:lt]


n. 缺点,过失,故障,毛病,过错,[地]断层

adventurous [əd'ventʃərəs]


adj. 爱冒险的,大胆的,惊险的

creative [kri'eitiv]


adj. 创造性的



adj. 受激的 v. 刺激(stimulate的过去式





