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英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第1110期:欧·亨利精彩短篇 《二十年后》再相见

来源:可可英语 编辑:hepburn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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1.The policeman walked up the avenue impressively. The time was barely 10 o'clock at night, but chilly gusts of wind had almost emptied the streets. Now and then you might see the lights of a cigar store or of an all-night lunch counter; but the majority of places was closed.


The policeman suddenly slowed his walk. In the doorway of a darkened store a man leaned, with an unlighted cigar in his mouth. As the policeman walked up to him the man spoke up quickly. "It's all right, officer," he said, reassuringly. "I'm just waiting for a friend. It's an appointment made twenty years ago. Sounds a little funny to you, doesn't it? Well, I'll explain if you'd like to make certain it's all straight. About that long ago there used to be a restaurant where this store stands--'Big Joe' Brady's restaurant."


3."Until five years ago," said the policeman. "It was torn down then." The man in the doorway struck a match and lit his cigar. The light showed a pale, square-jawed face with keen eyes, and a little white scar near his right eyebrow. His scarfpin was a large diamond; looking very expensive.


4."Twenty years ago tonight," said the man, "I dined here at 'Big Joe' Brady's with Jimmy Wells, my best chum, and the finest chap in the world. He and I were raised here in New York, just like two brothers, together. I was eighteen and Jimmy was twenty. The next morning I was to go to the West to make my fortune. You couldn't have dragged Jimmy out of New York; he thought it was the only place on earth. Well, we agreed that night that we would meet here again exactly twenty years from that date and time, no matter what our conditions might be or from what distance we might have to come. We figured that in twenty years each of us oughtto have our fortunes made, whatever they were going to be."


5."It sounds pretty interesting," said the policeman. "Rather a long time between meets, though, it seems to me. Haven't you heard from your friend since you left?" "Well, yes, for a time we corresponded," said the other. "But after a year or two we lost track of each other. You see, the West is pretty big, and I kept hustling around. But I know Jimmy will meet me here if he's alive, for he always was the truest old chap in the world. He'll never forget. I came a thousand miles to stand in this door tonight, and it's worth it."

“听起来很有趣,”警察说,“但,这两次相聚之间的时间够长的,在我看来。自从你离开后,你有没有听到过你朋友的消息?”“嗯,有的,我们通信了一段时间。”男子说。“但是一两年后,我们彼此失去了联系。您知道,西部大得很,而且我一直忙忙碌碌的。但是我知道,如果吉米还活着 ,就会来这里见我,因为吉米一直是这个世界上最实诚的老兄。他绝对不会忘记我们的约定。今晚我千里迢迢来到在这扇门前,是值得的。”

6."Did pretty well out West, didn't you?" asked the policeman. "You bet! I hope Jimmy has done half as well. He was a kind of plodder, though, good fellow as he was." The policeman twirled his club and took a step or two. "I'll be on my way. Hope your friend comes around all right. "If Jimmy is alive on earth he'll be here by that time. So long, officer." "Goodnight, sir," said the policeman.

“你在西部过得很不错吧?”警察问道。“当然啦!我希望吉米也能混得有我一半好。那个时候,他工作勤勤恳恳,而且人很好。”警察转动着手里的警棍走动了一两步。“我要走了。希望你的朋友能够过来,并且一切都好。”“如果吉米还活在世上 ,会按时来的。再见,警官。”“晚安,先生,”警察说。


7.There was now a fine, cold drizzle falling, and the wind had become a stronger blow. About twenty minutes he waited, and then a tall man in a long overcoat, with collar turned up to his ears, hurried towards him across from the opposite side of the street. "Is that you, Bob?" he asked, doubtfully. "Is that you, Jimmy Wells?" cried the man in the door.

此时天上飘下了冷冰冰的毛毛细雨 ,风也越刮越大。他等了大约二十分钟后,一个身穿长款大衣,衣领竖到耳边的高个子男子,从马路对面匆匆向他走来。“是你吗,鲍勃?”他有些迟疑地问道。“是你吗,吉米·威尔斯?”站在门口的男子喊道。

8."Bless my heart!" exclaimed the new arrival, grasping both the other's hands with his own. "It's Bob, sure as fate. How has the West treated you, old man?" "Bully; it has given me everything I asked it for. You've changed lots, Jimmy. I never thought you were so tall!" "Oh, I grew a bit after I was twenty." "Doing well in New York, Jimmy?" "Moderately. I have a position in one of the city departments. Come on, Bob; we'll go around to a place I know of, and have a good long talk about old times."

“我的天哪!”新来的那名男子惊呼道,同时用自己的双手抓住了另一名男子的双手。“是鲍勃啊,果真是你。在西部混得怎么样,老伙计?”“好极了,在那里我得到了我想要的一切。你变化很大,吉米。我从来没有想过你有这么高!”“哦,我二十岁以后又长高了一些。” “在纽约过得好吗,吉米?”“不好不坏。我在一个市政府部门供职。跟我来,鲍勃。我们去个我知道的地方,然后好好叙叙旧。

9.The two men started up the street, arm in arm. The man from the West was beginning to outline the history of his career. The other, submerged in his overcoat, listened with interest. At the corner of the street stood a drug store, brilliant with electric lights, making each of them turn simultaneously to gaze upon the other's face.


10.The man from the West stopped suddenly and released his arm. "You're not Jimmy Wells," he snapped. "Twenty years is a long time, but not long enough to change a man's nose from a Roman to a pug." "It sometimes changes a good man into a bad one, said the tall man. "You've been under arrest for ten minutes, 'Silky' Bob; you’re a gangster from Chicago! Now, before we go on to the station here's a note I was asked to hand you. You may read it here at the window. It's from Patrolman Wells."


11.The man from the West unfolded the little piece of paper handed him. His hand was steady when he began to read, but it trembled a little by the time he had finished. The note was rather short. "Bob: I was at the appointed place on time. When you struck the match to light your cigar I saw it was the face of the man wanted in Chicago. Somehow I couldn't do it myself, so I went around and got a plain clothes man to do the job. JIMMY."


重点单词   查看全部解释    
minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

brilliant ['briljənt]


adj. 卓越的,光辉的,灿烂的
n. 宝石

scar [skɑ:]


n. 疤痕,伤痕,断崖
v. 结疤,使 ...

arrest [ə'rest]


vt. 逮捕,拘留
n. 逮捕,拘留

majority [mə'dʒɔriti]


n. 多数,大多数,多数党,多数派

track [træk]


n. 小路,跑道,踪迹,轨道,乐曲
v. 跟踪

simultaneously [saiməl'teiniəsli]


adv. 同时地(联立地)

doorway ['dɔ:wei]


n. 门口

steady ['stedi]


adj. 稳定的,稳固的,坚定的
v. 使稳固

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的





