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We're here with Gayle king. Now Gayle we've been doing this thing on the show called the "late, late show" and tell.

现在我们和盖尔·金连线 盖尔 我们一直在搞一个深夜秀展示秀
where we ask our guest to share something, we were wondering if you had something from your home that you would like to share with us,
来让嘉宾分享一些东西 我们想知道 你有没有什么东西想给我们分享
that we may otherwise never get to see. Do you have anything to share? Yes, this is a first for me,
在别的任何时候看不到的东西 你有没有什么要分享的东西 有 这是第一次
This is a first because you go from i'm not allowing any TV cameras in my house to what other little corner can we shoot that hadn't been seen,
这是第一次 因为 我不允许任何电视摄像机在我家拍还没有被拍过的角落
So this the first time we're in the hallway because i wanted to show you this. I just love her.
所以这是第一次拍我家的走廊 因为我想让你看看这个 我很爱她
She's eight feet tall so i couldn't pick her up and bring her to you.
她有八英尺高 所以我不能把她带过去让你看
She's eight feet tall. You will like the story behind this. Because i'm trying to think of a cool name for her.
八英尺啊 你会喜欢这背后的故事的 我正在努力给她起一个酷酷的名字
In south Africa your partner Ben Winston did this thing for global citizens. That's right. And i got to play in that.
在南非 你的搭档本·温斯顿为全球公民组织做了这件事 是的 我也参与了
So when we were in south Africa Ava Duvernay recommended this artist, Oprah, Ava favorite son, favorite daughter,
当我们在南非时 阿娃·杜威内推荐了这位艺术家 奥普拉 阿娃最爱的儿子 最爱的女儿
We all went to this guy's studio, Nelson-- and all of us ended up buying something, we were so blown away by his work.
我们都去了这家伙的工作室 尼尔逊 我们最后都买了点东西 我们都被他的作品震撼了
He is a 35 year old south Pafrican artist and Ava was doing a thing with time magazine and got one of his pieces on the cover of Time.
他是一位35岁的南非艺术家 阿娃和《时代》杂志有个合作 他的一幅作品登上了《时代》杂志的封面
We were all saying, we want to buy something before it goes on the cover of Time and the prices go up.
我们都说 我们想在它上《时代》杂志封面和价格上涨之前买他的作品
So it is one of my favorite things. And it fits perfectly at the end of the hall.
所以这是我最喜欢的东西之一 它完全适合放在大厅的尽头


And so i thought if James is going to do and show and tell i will sit here in the hallway. And that is why i am here.

所以我想 如果詹姆斯要我展示 我就坐在走廊这里 这就是我坐在这里的原因
Because i couldn't pick it up and carry it to you, but i wanted you to see it.
因为我不能把它带给你看 但我想让你看到它
Isn't she cute? I think she's beautiful. What is the artist? Nelson Makamo, I love it.
好可爱啊 我觉得她很漂亮 艺术家的名字是什么 尼尔逊 马卡莫 我爱它
He is on Instagram am but i love that she wears little glasses,
他有ins账号 我喜欢戴着小眼镜
He have signature glasses on people because he says those are the windows to the world.
他给人们戴上标志性的眼镜 因为他说那是通向世界的窗户
Yellow is my favorite color, James, so when you buy me a gift, make it yellow.
黄色是我最喜欢的颜色 詹姆斯 所以你给我买礼物时 就搞黄色的东西
Yellow is my favorite color, so i was drawn to that. I just think the sweetness of it. I love it. I love it too.
黄色是我最喜欢的颜色 所以它很吸引我 我只是觉得它很甜蜜 我爱它 我也很爱它
Thank you so much for sharing that with us. Reggie, do you have a question for our guest.
非常感谢你和我们分享这个作品 雷吉 你有什么问题要问我们的嘉宾吗
Yes, tonight's question goes to-- let's make it for Gayle. Okay.
是的 今晚的问题要问 我们来问盖尔吧 好吧
A sentient Easter egg, a badger, and a robot meet in a garden.
一只有知觉的复活节彩蛋 一只獾和一个机器人在花园里相遇
What do you think they would say to each other.
Do you like your egg sunny side up or scrambled with cheese and bacon extra crispy, that is what they would say.
你喜欢单面煎的鸡蛋还是加奶酪和熏肉炒得特脆的鸡蛋 他们会这么说
Is that right, reg? Yeah, that's correct. It's absolutely correct.
说的对吗 雷吉 是的 很对 完全正确
Thank you so much, Gayle, for joining us on the show. Keep up the great work.
谢谢你 盖尔 来上我们节目 继续创造好作品吧
We love you so much, can't wait to see you in the flesh. Bye James, bye, Reggie. The incredible Gayle king, everybody.
我们很爱你 等不及要见你真人了 再见詹姆斯 雷吉 这就是不可思议的盖尔·金

重点单词   查看全部解释    
badger ['bædʒə]


n. 獾,獾皮(毛) Badger:獾州人(对威斯康星州

sentient ['senʃənt]


adj. 有知觉的,知悉的

global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的

partner ['pɑ:tnə]


n. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人
v. 同 ... 合

incredible [in'kredəbl]


adj. 难以置信的,惊人的

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

hallway ['hɔ:lwei]


n. 门厅;玄关;走廊


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