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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

He is a genuine legend of both country music and cannabis with a new album called "First rose of spring", available now.

他是一个天才 无论在乡村音乐方面还是抽大麻方面 他的新专辑《春天里的第一朵玫瑰》 现已发售
Please welcome the one and only Willie Nelson.
Thank you. Thank you. How you doing?
谢谢 谢谢 你好吗
I'm good, brother. Let me ask you a question now. I know that you have a place in Maui.
我很好 兄弟 现在我来问第一个问题 我知道你在毛伊岛有一处地产
Do you prefer the surf and turf? Do you prefer the surf of Maui to live or the turf of Austin to live?
你更喜欢冲浪还是草皮 你喜欢住在毛伊岛的冲浪区还是奥斯汀的草皮上
Where do you feel more comfortable?
No, well. You know, I've been kind of spoiled. I can kind of take the best of both worlds there.
嗯 你知道 我有点被宠坏了 我可以兼得两者的优点
I would love to go to Maui now. But with all the...well, all the BS going on around the world.
我现在就想去毛伊岛 但是不管哪里……不管哪里都有新冠病毒
It's hard to get there. And then you got to quarantine a while and all that.
所以去那儿挺难 去了还要隔离一段时间什么的
So I love Maui. But I'm in a pretty good spot right here.
所以我喜欢毛伊岛 不过我现在住的这个地方也不错
With someone like you like... So cannabis is so widely accepted now marijuana.
你这样的人……所以 大麻现在已经被大家普遍接受了
Is it shocking to you to see how well it's being received?
No, I always knew that people would realize its benefits.
并没有 我一直都相信人们会发现大麻的好处
And I think now's like in 30 states medicinally it's illegal.
And in a lot of states recreationally is legal. So it's on the way and I think it's a good thing.
但在很多州从娱乐的层次讲它是合法的 所以人们对它的看法已经在改变了 我觉得这是好事
You know, there's so many benefits of cannabis, you know, health, appetite, anxiety, forgetting things.
你知道 大麻有很多好处 健康、食欲、焦虑、健忘什么的
But medically it's a good thing, isn't it?
从医学上来说这些都是好处 不是吗
It's a good thing to forget things I think.
Hey, do you remember the first joint that you ever smoked?
嘿 你还记得自己抽的第一支大麻吗
You know, I have been smoking something all my life.
你知道 我抽烟抽了大半辈子了
I started out smoking when I was just a kid, grapevines, cedar bark, and then I got to boulder.
很小的时候我就开始抽烟 抽葡萄藤、雪松树皮 后来又开始抽……
So all along I was smoking something and then I got to where I realized that my lungs were caving in.
所以我从未停止过抽烟什么的 后来我意识到自己的肺在萎缩
So I had to quit something. So I wasn't getting high on ...
所以不得不停止抽烟 所以我……并没有抽得很嗨
So I threw them away and rolled up 20 big fat joints stuck it in my pocket and I haven't had a cigarette sense.
我把它们(毒品)都给扔了 然后卷了20根又大又肥的香烟塞在口袋里 这样我就完全没有抽烟的感觉了
My man, exactly, thank you. So I know in December that...I saw it on a scroll but people tripped out because I think...
我的兄弟 讲真 谢谢你 十二月的时候……我在卷轴上看到 大家都惊呆了 因为……
you said that you were gonna quit smoking marijuana and the whole world went upside down. Right?
你说你要戒掉大麻 感觉很不可思议 整个世界都反转了 是吧
I read that somewhere and I had a nice laugh about it.
我之前在哪儿看到过这个 笑了很久


Yeah, because, you know, once Snoop has anointed you...because I think you outsmoked Snoop.

嗯 因为 你知道 连史努比都关注你了……不过我觉得你吸烟比史努比厉害
It's tough.
That's like the pope telling you you're a good catholic. The...
so I had the honor of meeting. I know he was a good friend of yours-Merle Haggard.
我有幸见过他 我知道他是你的好朋友 梅尔·哈格德
Yes, he.
And he invited me into his bus. And when I walked in, there was a wonderful smell of marijuana.
他之前邀请我进他的车里 然后我进去了 里面有一股很梦幻的大麻味儿
And I went over. And I talked to him. He was some oil dale. I had some relatives that live out there.
我走过去跟他说话 他是个石油大亨 我有一些亲戚住在那里
We started talking and I smoked. Then he passed around the bottle of George Dickle.
我们开始聊天 我一边吸着烟 然后他递过来一瓶乔治·迪克(威士忌)
And I look for a glass. He's like, we're country folks, we're not much on glasses.
我就开始找玻璃杯 他说:我们是乡下人 不怎么用玻璃杯
So I'm there smoking and drinking George Dickle from the bottle.
所以我就在那里抽着烟 对着瓶子喝着乔治·迪克
And about an hour and a half, he says to his wife how was the show honey?
大概一个半小时后 他问他媳妇儿:节目怎么样 亲爱的
And she goes, Merle, we haven't, you haven't done the show yet.
他媳妇儿说:梅尔 你还没开始录呢
So my question is can you be too high, Willie? Can you beat...can someone be too high?
所以我的问题是:你会不会到很嗨的程度 威利?你能打败……有很嗨的时候吗
Yeah. Sure. Yeah. You can be too drunk. You can be too high.
有的 肯定有 嗯 有的时候会喝得酩酊大醉 特别嗨
Sure. I've been too high before and I realized it pretty quick.
当然 我之前也嗨过 我能很快意识到自己嗨了
Yeah, you know, so Willie...on stage, with the cowboy hat and the glasses, didn't miss a beat which was amazing.
嗯 你知道 所以 威利 ……在舞台上 戴着牛仔帽和眼镜 所有节拍完美贴合 非常棒
You know, but have you been on stage and not knowing where you were?
你知道 你有没有说 明明在舞台上 但是你不知道自己在哪里
Yeah. I have smoked too much before a show and I don't remember the town, but I do remember that I wasn't able to do a show.
有的 有一次我在演出前抽了太多烟 我都不记得自己在哪个城市了 但是我确实清楚自己的状态没办法做节目了
I walked out there and said sorry and went back to the bus.
然后我走出去说:抱歉 说完继续回到车里
And I came back about a month later and said I think I remember being here before.
So you stayed in that bus a month and then you came back out tonight.
所以说你在车里待了一个月 然后今晚才出来
Well, I had other dates to play.
没有 我还有别的约
So this is your 70th album. Congratulations.
所以这是你的第70张专辑 恭喜!
What do you like about this music? What would we like about this album?
关于这次的音乐你喜欢哪一点 关于这张专辑你喜欢什么地方
Well, I did it. This is my 15th album with buddy Cannon as my producer.
嗯 这是我和我的伙伴坎农一起制作的第15张专辑
He and I work so well together, writing and recording.
And I think this particular album has a lot of good songs on it.
The title song "First rose of spring" Is a great song. And in fact, all the songs on there are good.
其中它的主打歌曲“春天里的第一朵玫瑰”很棒 说实话 里面的每一首歌都很棒
Yesterday When I Was Young closes out the album, and that's always been a nice standard.
昨天《当我年轻时》结束了专辑的发行 这一直是一个很好的标准
When you were growing up, who was musical in your family?
在你成长的过程中 你家里有谁喜欢音乐
Well, my sister Bobby and I. She was a great...she is a great piano player.
我的姐姐波比和我 她是一个伟大的……她是一个伟大的钢琴演奏家
And we've been playing music together all our lives. And she taught me a lot.
我们一生都在一起演奏音乐 她教会了我很多
She could read music early and I would sit on a piano stool next to her
她很早就会读乐谱 当她演奏《星尘》、《月光》和《佛蒙特》等歌曲时
and while she was playing songs like Stardust and Moonlight and Vermont.
And I was learning them as she was playing them.
So it must be even more You know, you've done some work with your sons
所以肯定是一些比较难忘的时光 你知道 你和你的儿子一起做过很多工作
like the song you're going to perform, you're going to perform with your kids.
比如下期节目你要演奏的歌曲 你会和你的儿子们一起演奏
Oh, it's great. It's great working with the boys, working with all the kids is good.
哦 这很棒 和孩子们一起工作特别棒 和所有的孩子们一起
I've got some talented kids. I appreciate that.
我的孩子都很有天赋 这让我很欣慰
Do they all play the guitar or do they have the piano? How many instruments do you play?
他们是弹吉他还是弹钢琴 你会弹多少种乐器呢
Well, I, you know, play at the guitar. That's about it. But no, Luke and Mike can play piano.
嗯 我的话 你知道 弹吉他 而卢克和迈克会弹钢琴
They play pretty good piano, drums and practically anything.
他们钢琴、鼓 几乎什么乐器都擅长
Here in my living room, here I've got all kind of instruments.
I've got guitars and pianos and... So they were around musical instruments all their lives.
And I didn't push them. I just kind of let them drift into it as they wanted to. And they had really done well.
我并没有逼他们学 我就是让他们想学什么就学什么 但是他们都学得很棒
Well, you know, you have one of those unmistakable sounds that from the minute the guitar chord is struck. Everybody knows it's you. So...
嗯 你知道 当大家听到你的第一声吉他时 就知道你从不会弹错 就知道是你
Well, that's trigger. Yeah. That's...
嗯 触发器 嗯
Yeah. That's bigger, baby. Yeah. I love you, Willie. Thank you, man. Thanks for being my guest.
没错 是触发器 宝贝 嗯 我爱你 威利 谢谢 谢谢成为我的嘉宾
My pleasure. Good to talk to you.
我的荣幸 很高兴进行这次访谈
...and then we come back music from Willie Nelson.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
legend ['ledʒənd]


n. 传说,传奇

boulder ['bəuldə]


n. 大圆石,巨砾

chord [kɔ:d]


n. 弦,和音,情绪

talented ['tæləntid]


adj. 有才能的,有天赋的

available [ə'veiləbl]


adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的

guitar [gi'tɑ:]


n. 吉他

legal ['li:gəl]


adj. 法律的,合法的,法定的

perform [pə'fɔ:m]


v. 执行,运转,举行,表演

genuine ['dʒenjuin]


adj. 真正的,真实的,真诚的

scroll [skrəul]


n. 卷轴,目录 v. 卷动





