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Hey there. I'm mike rugnetta. This is Crash Course Theater. And today futureism's so bright.

嘿 大家好 我是迈克·鲁格内塔 这里是“戏剧速成课堂” 今天的未来主义简直太明亮了
The manifestos continue. So does the grudge match between realism and newer forms which argue that
还会有很多宣言 现实主义和新的形式之间的激烈竞争也表明
if you really want to show how weird and visceral and terrifying contemporary life is, Booga family arguing in a living room just doesn't… cut it.
如果你真的想展示当代生活有多怪异、多粗俗、多可怕 ……家庭在客厅里争吵不…… 把这段剪掉
This time, the argument gets dangerous.
这一次 争吵愈演愈烈
We'll look at "futurism", a multiple manifesto having Italian and later Russian movement that got going in the early decades of the 20th century.
今天我们来讲“未来主义” 即意大利和后来的俄罗斯运动在20世纪初的几十年里发起的多重宣言
And then will stay in Russia to hang out with the constructivist director Vsevolod Meyerhold,
之后它会在俄罗斯继续发展 和构成主义者的领头人、斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基的对手以及最终的继承者
who was Stanislavski's opponent and ultimate inheritor. lights up.
弗塞沃洛德·迈耶霍尔德一起玩耍 打灯!
Futurism is an Italian movement that got going in France.
In 1909, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti published a manifesto in the front page of the newspaper Le Figaro. Nice placement.
1909年 菲利波·托马索·马里内蒂在《费加罗报》的头版发表了一份宣言 不错的位置
The manifesto called for a form of art that would be as fast exciting mechanical and macho as a race car.
宣言呼吁创造一种艺术形式 这种艺术形式将像赛车一样快速、激情、具有机械感和男子气概
Marinetti later named this idea "Automobilism".
"Art", he wrote, "can be nothing but violence, cruelty, injustice."
“艺术” 他写道 “只能是暴力、残忍、不公”
He called for a form that would "sing the love of danger, the habit of energy and rashness."
他呼吁一种“歌颂对危险的热爱 对活力和鲁莽的习惯”的形式
And okay. I mean that maybe sounds kind of fun, but Marinetti also called for an arts that glorifies war.
好吧 我的意思是 听起来好像很有趣的亚子 不过除此之外马里内蒂还呼吁用艺术来美化战争
The world's only hygiene, militarism, patriotism, the destructive gesture of freedom bringers beautiful ideas worth dying for and scorn for woman.
He wrote, we will destroy the museums, libraries, academies of every kind.
他写道 我们将摧毁所有的博物馆、图书馆和学院
We will fight moralism, feminism, every opportunistic or utilitarian cowardice.
Basically, as the name implies, futurism wanted a total break from the past.
总的来说 恰如其名 即未来主义想要与过去彻底决裂
But it's probably also important to note that Maron Eddy also co-wrote the original Italian fascist manifesto
不过值得一提的是 马隆·埃迪最初也参与了意大利法西斯宣言的撰写
and founded the futurist political party which would later be subsumed into Mussolini's political party.
并建立了未来主义政党 这个政党后来并入了墨索里尼的政党
So, yeah. That total break with the past has really different theoretical underpinnings in comparison to say Dada,
所以 嗯 和“达达主义”相比 这种与过去的彻底决裂有着完全不同的理论基础
which was kind of about, you know, pulling pieces of paper out of a hat.
达达 你知道 从帽子里抽纸片的那个
Futurism was the rare art movement that embraced war.
And a lot of futurist artists got excited about Mussolini when he showed up.
Futurism even became the house style of italian fascism.
Now maybe you're thinking uncool. Well, Marinetti doesn't care.
你可能觉得一点儿都不酷 嗯 人家墨索里尼不在乎


He writes, "you have objections?—Enough! Enough! We know them… We've understood! But who cares?

We don't want to understand! Woe to anyone who those infamous words to us again!"
我们不想理解!对于那些侮辱我们的人 画个圈圈诅咒你!”
Marinetti would fit right in on Twitter.
马里内蒂 欢迎来推特发展
So, what was futurist theater like? It definitely wasn't realistic.
那么 什么是未来主义戏剧呢?未来主义戏剧肯定是不现实的那种
Marinette evented his discuss with both historical reconstruction, pastiche or plagiarism, and photographic reproduction of our daily life.
马里内特通过对历史的重建、复制或剽窃 以及对我们日常生活的摄影再现来发起讨论
Futurists said goodbye to all of that.
The first futurist play was "Poupees Electriques" or "Electric Dolls", a play about a Booga couple and their look-alike robots.
第一部未来主义戏剧是《电动玩具》 讲的是一对Booga夫妇 和一些和他们长得很像的机器人
Marinetti recited his manifesto in the middle of it. The audience hated it, really hated it.
马里内蒂在戏剧的中间部分朗诵了他的宣言 观众不喜欢 很不喜欢
During the second act, the play included a bunch of gross digestion noises, they pretty much rioted.
第二幕里 剧里有一连串刺耳的消化声 特别闹腾
Futurists liked the music hall and the variety theater too.
Marinetti wrote that, "the authors, actors, and techniques of the variety theater
had only one reason for existing and triumphing: incessantly to invent new elements of astonishment."
They produced variety evenings called "Serates", kind of like Dada, but less playful.
他们发明了各种各样的晚会叫做“Serates” 有点像达达 但并没有那么好玩儿
These evenings had music and poetry and surprise surprise, the reading of more manifestos.
In futurism, the manifesto was also a form of art. There were plays too called "Sintesi".
在未来主义中 宣言也是一种艺术形式 还有一种叫做“Sintesi”的戏剧
The important thing to know about Sintesi is that they were short and they were fast.
关于Sintesi戏剧最重要的一点是 它们很短、很快
There's one called "Detonation" and it's main character is a bullet, like an actual bullet, fired from an actual gun.
其中有一部Sintesi剧叫《引爆》 它的主角是一颗子弹 真的子弹 从真枪里射出来的那种子弹
No guy in a bullet costume, just a guy with a firearm with a bullet in it.
没有穿子弹服的人 只有拿着枪的人 枪里面有颗子弹
Marinetti's idea was to take conventional plays, like "A Fellow", and shrink them down into play that were one minute long.
马里内蒂的想法是把传统的戏剧 比如《一个家伙》 压缩成一分钟
Envied, handkerchief, adultery, strangling, wow, efficient.
嫉妒 手绢 通奸 勒死 哇哦 够效率!
Marinetti was definitely against psychological realism and instead it promoted what he called "Fiscofollia", a crazy kind of body movement.
马里内蒂坚决反对心理现实主义 相反 他提倡一种疯狂的身体运动 他称之为"Fiscofollia"
The other important thing about futurist theater was that the audience was supposed to get in on the action, but not voluntarily or happily.
未来主义的另外一个重要特点是:让观众参与互动 不过并不是自愿的、超开心的那种
To get spectators going, Marinetti had some ideas.
为了吸引观众 马里内蒂想了一些办法
"Spread a powerful glue on some of the seats" he wrote, "so that the male or female spectator will stay glued down and make everyone laugh…
他在一些座位上涂上胶水 这样的话 某些男女观众就被黏在了座位上 以此把观众逗笑……
sell the same ticket to ten people, traffic jam, bickering, and wrangling…
或者把同一张票卖给十个人 制造交通堵塞、斗嘴、争辩……
offer free tickets to gentlemen or ladies who are notoriously unbalanced, irritable, or eccentric
and likely to provoke uproars with obscene gestures, pinching women, or other freakishness.
Sprinkle the seats with dust to make people eat and sneeze, etc."
Marinetti was a bad person.
Futurism also took off in Russia though it had a much different feel there, more literary, more philosophical.
俄罗斯也兴起了未来主义 不过感觉上大不相同 更文学、更哲学
Still, Russian futurism also wanted a complete break with the past and embrace of modernity.
不过 俄罗斯的未来主义也希望与过去彻底决裂、拥抱现代
No fascism to speak of here, though Russian futurism drew much more from communism and the Soviet state.
这里没有法西斯主义 尽管俄罗斯的未来主义更多出现在共产主义国家和苏联国家
Q: horseshoe theory comments here.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
director [di'rektə, dai'rektə]


n. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演

multiple ['mʌltipl]


adj. 许多,多种多样的
n. 倍数,并联

efficient [i'fiʃənt]


adj. 效率高的,胜任的

comparison [kəm'pærisn]


n. 比较

mechanical [mi'kænikəl]


adj. 机械的,力学的,呆板的
n. (供制

pastiche [pæs'ti:ʃ]


n. 混成曲,模仿作品

firearm ['faiərɑ:m]


n. 火器,枪炮

cruelty ['kru:əlti]


n. 残酷,残忍,残酷的行为,虐待

contemporary [kən'tempərəri]


n. 同时代的人
adj. 同时代的,同时的,

infamous ['infəməs]


adj. 无耻的,臭名昭著的





