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Buzzword Mix-Unbanked

即使你完全不关注金融新闻, 相信在过去的几天内也刷到了美国硅谷银行倒闭的信息.

Even if you don't follow up on any financial news, I'm sure in the past couple of days, you have seen the headlines about the Silicon Valley bank collapse.

Now this has triggered a lot of discussions even fear about the security of banks.

今天的buzzword我们不讨论新闻, 就来说说和银行有关的词Unbanked.

这个词没有特别正式的官方翻译, 基本上你可以把它理解为 “没有银行账户的人”.

Now it's easy to assume that with the world's digital financial services advancements that everyone today has a bank account, but this is far from the truth.

According to the World Bank's latest report, nearly 1.4 billion people are unbanked globally. That's close to 1/5 of the global population.

在听节目的大家可能每天用着各种的移动金融/移动支付, 会觉得这个世界上所有的人都至少会有银行账户;



Unbanked is an informal term for adults who do not use banks or banking institutions in any capacity.


While often an issue in the developing world, there are also pockets of unbanked adults in developed countries.

Unbanked people generally pay for things in cash, they also typically do not have insurance, pensions, or any other type of financial money related services.

这一部分的人口他们通常都只能用现金或者一些其他的方式进行交易, 同时也基本上不会有保险, 养老金等等专业的和银行相关的服务.

They may take advantage of alternative financial services such as check-cashing and payday lending if such services are available to them.

那需要钱的时候, 他们有的时候会通过check-cashing, 支票兑换或者一个叫做payday lending, 发薪日贷款, 也就是承诺说用你下一次发的薪水来偿还你现在的借贷这样的一个短期的金融服务.

Now remember earlier I said there is also unbanked population in developed countries.

However, there is no doubt that there is a widening disparity between the world's developed and developing countries when it comes to banking services.

According to the UN’s report, in 2021, developed countries have 94% of adults with a bank account, while in developing countries that figure plummets to 71%.

There is also a divide between men and women with more women in the unbanked population.

除了没有银行账户Unbanked这个词, 其实还有一个相关的词汇叫做Underbanked.

This refers to families who have checking or savings accounts, so these basic accounts, but they more often rely on alternative financial services such as money orders, check-cashing services, payday loans as opposed to traditional loans and credit cards to manage their finances.

这个Underbanked相当于说是银行业务使用率不足, 这样的家庭他即使有基本的银行账户, 与其选择这些传统的银行借贷或者是信用卡, 他平时的一些金融需求可能更多的会去选择;

比如说像money orders汇票, 以及我们刚才说的发薪日贷款或者是支票兑换等等服务.

01 Why people become unbanked

Now you probably want to ask why people become unbanked, because it sounds very inconvenient.

Now according to the Global Findex survey, people who remain unbanked, they give specific reasons.

The most common one is simply lack of money. Another reason is some unbanked adults said that they just don't need an account, some others state that bank accounts are just too expensive.

And other reasons include distance, documentation requirements, distrust in the financial system and religious concerns.

According to surveys in developed countries, including the US and UK you can hear some similar reasons for being unbanked.

This includes cost of opening bank accounts or managing your finances at a bank, lack of trust in mainstream banking institutions or simply people's lack of financial literacy or knowledge of banking products.

不管是在发达国家还是在发展中国家, unbanked的人群为什么不在银行开户?

ta给出的理由一般都是比如说经济或者时间成本太高, 不相信主流的银行机构, 或者干脆没有钱存.

还有些人可能是因为到银行网点不方便, 或者是没有基本的金融知识.

Think about older people who live in the countryside would rather save cash than going to a bank.

02 Why is being unbanked a problem

But why is being unbanked a problem or being unbanked can be undesirable for several reasons.

Alternative financial services are much more costly.

What's more, without a bank account, people don't really generate the data they need to establish credit worthiness or credit history.

As a result, when it comes to the time to cover an emergency, they have very few options.

And these extra costs will significantly hurt families who are already struggling to make ends meet.

同时没有正规的银行账户, 它也不会有任何的信用记录信用历史, 很难通过正常的途径去贷款, 或者遇到紧急事件需要钱的时候, 难度都会变得更大, 而且借贷的成本也会更高.

Now it is commonly believed that providing banking services could lift people out of poverty.


World Bank Group said that providing financial services to the unbanked population could boost economic growth and opportunity for the world's impoverished population.

Harnessing the power of financial services can really help people to pay for schooling, safe for a home or start a small business that can provide jobs for others.

Unbanked population decreased

Interestingly, in the past few years, the Covid-years, it has some unexpected influence on the unbanked population.

In developing countries today, 71% of people have an account up from 42% decade ago.

And the biggest growth has been in the use of digital payments which surged during Covid-19 mobility restrictions and when cash was perceived as unsanitary.

因为在疫情管控期间用现金不方便, 而且使用现金被人认为是不太卫生的, 所以因为这个疫情反而推动了电子支付/移动支付在全球的发展.

And many believe that by promoting digital payment systems, the many initiatives in place will reach more of the unbanked populations in the world does further promoting financial inclusion.

很多人也认为通过推动电子支付系统可以进一步的缩小unbanked population, 让他们能够拥有正规的银行账户, 更好地实现financial inclusion, 金融普惠.



Now let's move on to the sample sentence.


Example 1:

-New technology has allowed many countries to cater to their unbanked populations.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
disparity [dis'pæriti]


n. 不一致

global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的

advantage [əd'vɑ:ntidʒ]


n. 优势,有利条件
vt. 有利于

widening ['waidəuiŋ]


v. 使变宽;使扩大;拓宽;扩展(widen的ing形式

payment ['peimənt]


n. 支付,付款,报偿,报应

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

capacity [kə'pæsiti]


n. 能力,容量,容积; 资格,职位

available [ə'veiləbl]


adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的

silicon ['silikən]


n. 硅

alternative [ɔ:l'tə:nətiv]


adj. 两者择一的; 供选择的; 非主流的





