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第一章 卧室内的画(4)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Of course Eustace knew lots of answers to this, but he didn't say anything.

尤斯塔斯有很多话来回答露茜, 现在他却一言不发。

The reason was that at that very moment he looked at the waves and saw that they did look very much indeed as if they were going up and down.


He had only once been in a ship(and then only as far as the Isle of Wight)and had been horribly seasick.

他只坐过一次船( 只到了怀特岛), 还晕船晕得很厉害。

The look of the waves in the picture made him feel sick again. He turned rather green and tried another look.

现在一看海浪他又有点晕了。他脸色铁青, 却抑制不住对海浪的好奇心。

And then all three children were staring with open mouths.

接下来发生的事情, 更是让三个孩子目瞪口呆。

What they were seeing may be hard to believe when you read it in print, but it was almost as hard to believe when you saw it happening.

面对这些铅字的时候, 你们真的难以想象他们眼前的场景。即便亲眼看到, 你们也会不敢相信自己的眼睛的。

The things in the picture were moving.


It didn't look at all like a cinema either;the colours were too real and clean and out-of-doors for that.

却不像露天电影幕布里的那样。那幅画的色彩非常逼真, 相信即使露天电影也不会有这样逼真的效果:

Down went the prow of the ship into the wave and up went a great shock of spray.

那条船分明在海上航行, 船头在海浪中起伏,

And then up went the wave behind her, and her stern and her deck became visible for the first time, and then disappeared as the next wave came to meet her and her bows went up again.

激起一大片浪花后又猛地把它们甩在后面。他们刚看见了船尾和甲板, 第二个浪就打过来了, 船又在海浪中起起伏伏, 船尾和甲板又不见了。

At the same moment an exercise book which had been lying beside Edmund on the bed flapped, rose and sailed through the air to the wall behind him, and Lucy felt all her hair whipping round her face as it does on a windy day.

就在此时, 一直放在爱德蒙身边的练习本开始呼啦啦地翻动, 甚至飞了起来, 向爱德蒙身后的墙上飞去。

And this was a windy day;but the wind was blowing out of the picture towards them.

好像刮了一场大风, 露茜满头发丝都被吹到了脸上。

And suddenly with the wind came the noises--the swishing of waves and the slap of water against the ship's sides and the creaking and the over--all high steady roar of air and water.

其实那会儿的确刮风了----不过风是从画上刮来的, 还夹杂着各种声响----海浪沙沙的冲刷声, 海水拍打船舷的声音, 船身嘎嘎的鸣响声, 以及那回荡在天地间像是要摧毁一切的怒号声。

But it was the smell, the wild, briny smell, which really convinced Lucy that she was not dreaming.

海水那股强烈的咸涩味让露茜更加确定, 自己不是在做梦。

"Stop it, "came Eustace's voice, squeaky with fright and bad temper.


"It's some silly trick you two are playing. Stop it. I'll tell Alberta--Ow !"

"你们又在玩什么鬼把戏!快停下, 我要去告诉艾贝塔了……"

The other two were much more accustomed to adventures, but, just exactly as Eustace Clarence said "Ow," they both said "Ow" too.

两兄妹对这种冒险的事本来早已经习以为常了, 谁料就在尤斯塔斯嗷嗷大叫的同时, 他俩也一起"噢"了一声。

The reason was that a great cold, salt splash had broken right out of the frame and they were breathless from the smack of it, besides being wet through.

因为又凉又咸的海水从画中冲了出来, 不仅把他们全身都打湿了, 还差点让他们喘不过气来。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
accustomed [ə'kʌstəmd]


adj. 习惯了的,通常的

visible ['vizəbl]


adj. 可见的,看得见的
n. 可见物

convinced [kən'vinst]


adj. 信服的

frame [freim]


n. 框,结构,骨架
v. 构成,把 ...

steady ['stedi]


adj. 稳定的,稳固的,坚定的
v. 使稳固

temper ['tempə]


n. 脾气,性情
vt. 使缓和,调和 <


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  • 第一章 卧室内的画(3) 2023-12-14
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