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第十六章 世界的尽头(6)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


But between them and the foot of the sky there was something so white on the green grass that even with their eagles'eyes they could hardly look at it.

不过在他们和天空之间, 草地有什么东西白得刺眼, 连他们鹰一样的眼睛都无法直视。

They came on and saw that it was a Lamb.

他们走上前, 才发现是只小羊羔。

"Come and have breakfast, "said the Lamb in its sweet milky voice.


Then they noticed for the first time that there was a fire lit on the grass and fish roasting on it.

他们回头的时候才发现草地上有个火堆, 上面架着烤鱼。

They sat down and ate the fish, hungry now for the first time for many days.

他们坐下来吃鱼, 然后想, 很多天了还是第一次感到肚子饿,

And it was the most delicious food they had ever tasted.


"Please, Lamb, "said Lucy, "is this the way to Aslan's country ?"

"小羊, 请问这条路通往阿斯兰的国土吗?"露茜问。

"Not for you, "said the Lamb. "For you the door into Aslan's country is from your own world. "

"这条路不是给你们走的, "小羊说, "通往阿斯兰国土的门在你们自己的世界里。"

"What !"said Edmund. "Is there a way into Aslan's country from our world too ?"

"什么!"爱德蒙说, "我们的世界也有通往阿斯兰国土的路吗?"

"There is a way into my country from all the worlds, "said the Lamb; but as he spoke his snowy white flushed into tawny gold and his size changed and he was Aslan himself, towering above them and scattering light from his mane.

"所有的世界都有通往我们国土的路。"小羊话音刚落, 原本雪白的毛皮就变得金光闪闪, 个子也变大了许多。原来它就是阿斯兰, 高高在上的阿斯兰, 散发着耀眼的金光。

"Oh, Aslan, "said Lucy. "Will you tell us how to get into your country from our world ?"

"哦, 阿斯兰, "露茜说, "我们该怎样从我们的世界到你的国土去呢?"

"I shall be telling you all the time, "said Aslan.

"我以后会告诉你的, "阿斯兰说,

"But I will not tell you how long or short the way will be; only that it lies across a river.


But do not fear that, for I am the great Bridge Builder.

你们不用害怕, 因为我是个很棒的造桥专家。

And now come; I will open the door in the sky and send you to your own land. "

来吧, 孩子们, 我要打开天门了, 送你们回自己的世界中去了。"

"Please, Aslan, "said Lucy. "Before we go, will you tell us when we can come back to Narnia again? Please. And oh, do, do, do make it soon. "

"阿斯兰, "露茜说, "走之前, 请你告诉我们, 我们什么时候还能回到纳尼亚。请你一定, 一定, 一定让这一天早点到来, 好吗?"

"Dearest, "said Aslan very gently, "you and your brother will never come balk to Narnia. "

"亲爱的, "阿斯兰非常温和地说, "你和你哥哥不会再回到纳尼亚了。"

"Oh, Aslan !!"said Edmund and Lucy both together in despairing voices.

"不要啊, 阿斯兰!"爱德蒙和露茜两个人都沮丧地说。

"You are too old, children, "said Aslan, "and you must begin to come close to your own world now. "

"孩子们, 你们长大了, "阿斯兰说, "你们现在必须要学着认识并接受自己的世界。"

"It isn't Narnia, you know, "sobbed Lucy.

"你知道, 我们不是说纳尼亚, "露茜想哭着说,

"It's you. We shan't meet you there. And how can we live, never meeting you ?"

"是你。我们在那儿就见不到你了。永远见不到你, 这让我们怎么活啊?"

"But you shall meet me, dear one, "said Aslan.

"亲爱, 你们会再次见到我的。"阿斯兰说。

"Are--are you there too, Sir ?"said Edmund.

"难道你在我们的世界也存在, 阁下?"爱德蒙说。

"I am, "said Aslan. "But there I have another name. You must learn to know me by that name.

"是的, "阿斯兰说, "不过在那里用的是其他的名字。你们想知道我的名字,

This was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there. "

就是这个缘故, 才把你们带到纳尼亚来, 你们在这儿认识了我, 在那儿就会更加了解。"

"And is Eustace never to come back here either ?"said Lucy.


"Child, "said Aslan, "do you really need to know that? Come, I am opening the door in the sky."

"孩子啊, "阿斯兰说, "你真的需要知道吗?过来, 我给你开一扇门。"

Then all in one moment there was a rending of the blue wall(like a curtain being torn)and a terrible white light from beyond the sky, and the feel of Aslan's mane and a Lion's kiss on their foreheads and then--the bark bedroom in Aunt Alberta's home in Cambridge.

说着蓝天墙上瞬间出现一个裂口就像窗帘被一下子拉开一样, 一道神奇的白光从天外照进来, 他们觉得碰到了阿斯兰的鬃毛, 脑门上印着狮王的亲吻, 然后----又一次回到剑桥艾贝塔舅妈家的卧室了。

Only two more things need to be told.


One is that Caspian and his men all came safely back to Ramandu's Island.


And the three lords woke from their sleep.


Caspian married Ramandu's daughter and they all reached Narnia in the end, and she became a great queen and the mother and grandmother of great kings.

凯斯宾娶了拉曼杜的女儿, 然后他们都回到了纳尼亚。她不仅成为一位了不起的王后, 还成了几位国王的母亲和祖母。

The other is that back in our own world everyone soon started saying how Eustace had improved, and how "You'd never know him for the same boy": everyone except Aunt Alberta, who said he had become very commonplace and tiresome and it must have been the influence of those Pevensie children.

第二件是三个孩子回到我们的世界后, 很快人人都开始谈论尤斯塔斯的进步:"你绝对不知道这个孩子之前是什么样子的。"可是艾贝塔舅妈却说他变得既普通又令人讨厌, 八成是受了佩文西家那几个孩子的影响。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

balk [bɔ:k]


v. 阻止,突然停止,退缩,拒绝 n. 障碍,错误,失败

commonplace ['kɔmənpleis]


adj. 平凡的,陈腐的
n. 常事,老生常谈

bark [bɑ:k]


v. (狗)吠,咆哮
n. 狗吠,咆哮

curtain ['kə:tən]


n. 窗帘,门帘,幕(布)
vt. (用帘)装

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

lamb [læm]


n. 羔羊,小羊,羔羊肉,温顺的人
v. 产羊

towering ['tauəriŋ]


adj. 高耸的,激烈的,杰出的 动词tower的现在分





