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录音原文Don: Time now for another episode of a Moment of Science-did you know? So Yael, did you know that there’ve been 23 mass extinctions since life be

标签: 时差 小时 杀手 海洋 时间:2012-02-21 编辑:beck

时差N小时:梅子干皮肤 Prune Skin
录音原文Prune skin on this Moment of Science At some time, we've all probably taken a long bath or been in the pool for a while, and then notice that parts

标签: 时差 小时 梅子 皮肤 时间:2012-02-20 编辑:beck

录音原文One thing we don't quite understand is why the local press should hype the maternity leave the Ministry of Education has decided to grant high-scho

标签: 时差 小时 学生 产假 时间:2012-02-17 编辑:beck

录音原文鸟儿睡觉也歌唱Don: I was awakened this morning by a flock of birds outside my bedroom window. They were singing up a storm at five in the morning. Some

标签: 时差 小时 睡觉 唱歌 时间:2012-02-16 编辑:Beck

正文Mike: Hey, Amanda, have you heard of the new online computer game? It's called Skullfire and it's all the rage right now![qh]迈克:嘿,阿曼达,你知

标签: 游戏 时差 小时 正事 时间:2012-02-15 编辑:Beck

These mini rock slides can be caused by head injury or viruses and can even happen suddenly in some people, It is much more common in adults over fifty. Is the

标签: 时差N小时时 耳石 时间:2012-02-10 编辑:beck

Ear rocks, also known as otoliths, are tiny pebbles of calcium carbonate in our inner ear that help keep us balanced. They’re located deep inside the inn

标签: 时差N小时 时间:2012-02-09 编辑:beck

Here’s how Knab explained it: males gather around some landmark—a cornstalk, perhaps the head of an unsuspecting human–and wait for eligible femal

标签: 时差N小时 昆虫的世界 时间:2012-02-08 编辑:beck

Have you ever walked into a swarm of insects—gnats, mosquitoes, or one of their many cousins–and then found yourself unable to shake the swarm? You fake

标签: 时差N小时 昆虫的世界 时间:2012-02-07 编辑:beck

Most marine organisms are adapted to the ocean’s salt concentration. Just as humans cannot drink saltwater, plankton and other small marine creatures flo

标签: 时差N小时 北冰洋 时间:2012-02-06 编辑:beck