Trudy: Sharon, he gets thousands of letters a week. He doesn't even read them, let alone write back...
Sharon: He did, he wrote to me and it was in his writing. And then when I got this job working for him I just thought it was going to be so wonderful, but he's just been horrible to me... I don't know what I've done... What have I done wrong, Mrs Parks?
(VIC comes out of the house and listens, unnoticed.)
Trudy: (Fiercely) The only thing you did wrong, Sharon, was to love him in the first place... Because he is not a man to love, Sharon, I promise you. I speak as one who has tried for eight years, Sharon, to keep loving him. While that bastard has abused me and ignored me and taken me for granted—while he has been screwing his way round—I have looked after his kids and his house and his bad-tempered old mother... And I have tried to keep loving him... I swear to God I have tried. And if you are honestly clinging on to life in the hope of getting one tiny scrap of care or consideration back from that self-centred, selfish man, then all I can say is, you'd better jump in there now, Sharon, and cut your losses.