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雅思听力练习 听见英国(MP3+中英字幕):第48听 中了乐透你会怎么办?

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Listening 4 What Would You Do if You Won the Lottery?

第四听 中了乐透你会怎么办?
Speaker 1: If I won the lottery, I think I'd buy a small island and a sailing boat. And I'd have my house on the beach with palm trees everywhere.
1 号说话者:如果我中了乐透,我想我会买一座小岛和一艘帆船,然后我要在海边盖一栋房子,到处种满棕榈树。
Of course, I'd also need a big satellite dish, a tennis court and a swimming pool.
Speaker 2: I'd buy Manchester United football team.
2 号说话者:我要买下曼彻斯特足球联队。
Speaker 3: I'd save half the money so I would never have to worry about money in my life again.
3 号说话者:我会把一半的钱存起来,这样我一辈子再也不用担心钱的问题了。
With the other money I would buy myself a lot of clothes and furniture for my house. But I'd try not to change my life as much as possible.
Speaker 4: I'd buy a new snowboard, a new windsurfer... Oh and a van to carry them in, because mine's broken down.
4 号说话者:我要买一个新的滑雪板,还有风帆冲浪板......还有一台箱型车来载这些东西,因为我的车子坏了。
Then, if I had any money left, I'd buy some new snowboarding trousers and a jacket.
The ones I've got now are really old, and I always end up getting wet and cold.
Speaker 5: I would give up my part-time job as a waiter and would go on a boat trip with my girlfriend around the world.
5 号说话者:我会辞掉在餐厅做服务员的兼职工作,然后和女朋友一起搭船环游世界。
We'd go to Hawaii, Australia, Europe and many other counties we have always wanted to go to.
Then we would live in a really big flat in the middle of London with a beautiful view of the park.
Speaker 6: We'd take the kids to see their grandparents who moved to Australia two years ago.
6 号说话者:我们会带孩子去看祖父母,他们两年前搬到澳洲去了。
Speaker 7: I'd buy some lands with lots of trees and next to a lake. Then I'd build a house made of wood, you know, like the log cabins you see in Canada.
7 号说话者:我要买几块地,有很多树,靠近湖边,然后我要盖一栋木造的小屋,你知道的,就像加拿大你看到的那种原木小屋。
Outside the front floor there'd be a big wooden veranda going about right onto the lake.
Speaker 8: I would give up my job and move with my family to somewhere warm.
8 号说话者:我会辞掉工作,和全家搬去一个温暖的地方。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
trousers ['trauzəz]


n. 裤子

lottery ['lɔtəri]


n. 彩票





