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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Far away there appeared a red light. Then it disappeared for a moment and came back again, bigger and stronger. Then he could see dark shapes going to and fro on this side of the light and carrying bundles and throwing them down. He knew now what he was looking at. It was a bonfire, newly lit, and people were throwing bundles of brushwood on to it. Presently it blazed up and Tirian could see that it was on the very top of the hill. He could see quite clearly the stable behind it, all lit up in the red glow, and a great crowd of Beasts and Men between the fire and himself. A small figure, hunched up beside the fire, must be the Ape. It was saying something to the crowd, but he could not hear what. Then it went and bowed three times to the ground in front of the door of the stable. Then it got up and opened the door. And something on four legs - something that walked rather stiffly - came out of the stable and stood facing the crowd.远处出现一片红光。接着,红光消失了一会儿又亮起来了,面积更大,光芒更强烈。他看得见在火光的这一边有黑黑的人影来回走动,背着一捆捆的东西,把它们一一丢在地上。现在他明白他正在瞧着的是什么东西了。原来是个刚点燃起来的篝火,人们正在把一捆捆木柴丢进去。不久,篝火熊熊地燃烧起来了,蒂莲看得出篝火就在那个山顶上。他能够十分清楚地看到篝火后的马厩,在通红的火光里它全都照亮了;在篝火与他本人之间,有一大群野兽和人;篝火旁边,隆起一个小小形体,必定是无尾猿了。它在同群众说话,但他听不见。然后它走到马厩门前,三次鞠躬到地。接着它站起身来,打开马厩的门。于是一头四条腿的动物——一头走路十分不灵活的动物——从马厩里走出来了,站着面向群众。
A great wailing or howling went up, so loud that Tirian could hear some of the words.腾起了一大片哀鸣和号啕的声音,十分响亮,蒂莲听得出其中几个字。"阿斯兰!阿斯兰!阿斯兰!"众野兽大声喊道,"对我们讲话吧。安慰我们吧!别再跟我们生气吧。"
"Aslan! Aslan! Aslan!" cried the Beasts. "Speak to us. Comfort us. Be angry with us no more."从蒂莲所站的地方望过去,他没法十分清楚地看出来它是什么东西,但他看得出它是黄黄的、浑身都是毛。他从来没有见过伟大的狮王。他也从来没见过一头普通的狮子。他没有把握肯定他所看到的不是阿斯兰。他不曾料到阿斯兰竟看上去像那条站着不说话的、呆板僵化的畜生。然而,怎样才能有把握呢?片刻之间,恐怖的思想兜上他的心头:接着他记起了关于塔什和阿斯兰是同一个神祇的信口雌黄,觉得这整个儿事情必定是个骗局。
From where Tirian was he could not make out very clearly what the thing was; but he could see that it was yellow and hairy. He had never seen the Great Lion. He had never seen a common lion. He couldn't be sure that what he saw was not the real Aslan. He had not expected Aslan to look like that stiff thing which stood and said nothing. But how could one be sure? For a moment horrible thoughts went through his mind: then he remembered the nonsense about Tash and Aslan being the same and knew that the whole thing must be a cheat.无尾猿把他的头挨近黄色畜生的脑袋,仿佛它在静听某些讲给它听的悄悄话。然后它转而向群众讲话,群众重又哀号了。接着,黄色畜生笨拙地转过身体,然后迈步走回去——几乎可以说是蹒跚而行——走进了马厩,无尾猿便在它背后把门关上。这之后,篝火必定是被扑灭了,因为光芒突然消失;而蒂莲又重新独自面对着寒冷和黑暗。
The Ape put his head close up to the yellow thing's head as if he were listening to something it was whispering to him. Then he turned and spoke to the crowd, and the crowd wailed again. Then the yellow thing turned clumsily round and walked - you might almost say, waddled - back into the stable and the Ape shut the door behind it. After that the fire must have been put out for the light vanished quite suddenly, and Tirian was once more alone with the cold and the darkness.他想起古时候在纳尼亚生活和逝世的其他国王们,在他看来,似乎没有一个国王曾经像他那样倒霉的。他想起他那曾祖父的曾祖父)国王瑞廉——当他不过是个年轻王子时,便被一个女巫盗走,藏在北方巨人的土地下的黑洞里好多年。但结果却逢凶化吉,两个来自世界尽头之外的孩子突然出现了,他们救了他,他就回到纳尼亚的家里,进行着长期的繁荣昌盛的统治。"跟我的情况可大不相同。"蒂莲跟他自己说道。然后他追溯到瑞廉的父亲——航海者凯斯宾,他那邪恶的叔父弥若兹曾设法谋害他,凯斯宾便逃进森林里,生活在小矮人们中间。但这故事也有个否极泰来的好结局;因为凯斯宾也得到了儿童们的帮助——只不过当时有四个儿童——他们来自外部世界,打了一个大仗,扶他登上了他父亲的王位。"但这都是很久很久以前的事了,"蒂莲跟他自己说道,"如今这种事情是不会发生的了。"接着他又想起(因为他是个孩子时就对历史很熟悉了)帮助过凯斯宾的四个孩子,一千多年以前曾在纳尼亚待过,就是在那个时候,他们打败了白女巫,结束了几百年的冬天,此后他们就在凯尔帕拉维尔统治(四个人一起统治)多年,终于他们不复是儿童,而是至尊王和美丽可爱的女王,而他们统治的岁月便成了纳尼亚的黄金时代。在那个故事里,向斯兰曾多次出现过。就蒂莲现在记得的,阿斯兰在一切其他的故事里也出现过。"阿斯兰——以及来自另一个世界的孩子们,"蒂莲心中想道,"在事情最糟糕最险恶的时候,他们总是出现的。啊,如果他们现在能出现,那有多好啊。"
He thought of other Kings who had lived and died in Narnia in old times and it seemed to him that none of them had ever been so unlucky as himself. He thought of his great-grandfather's great-grandfather King Rilian who had been stolen away by a Witch when he was only a young prince and kept hidden for years in the dark caves beneath the land of the Northern Giants. But then it had all come; right in the end, for two mysterious children had suddenly appeared from the land beyond the world's end and had rescued him so that he came home to Narnia and had a long and prosperous reign. "It's not like that with me," said Tirian to himself. Then he went further back and: thought about Rilian's father, Caspian the Seafarer, whose wicked uncle King Miraz had tried to murder him and how Caspian had fled away into the woods and lived among the Dwarfs. But that story too had all come right in the end: for Caspian also had been helped by children - only there were four of them that time - who came from somewhere beyond the world and fought a great battle and set him on his father's throne. "But it was all long ago," said Tirian to himself. "That sort of thing doesn't happen now." And then he remembered (for he had always been good at history when he was a boy) how those same four children who had helped Caspian had been in Narnia over a thousand years before; and it was then that they had done the most remarkable thing of all. For then they had defeated the terrible White Witch and ended the Hundred Years of Winter, and after that they had reigned (all four of them together) at Cair Paravel, till they were no longer children but great Kings and lovely Queens, and their reign had been the golden age of Narnia. And Aslan had come into that story a lot. He had come into all the other stories too, as Tirian now remembered. "Aslan - and children from another world," thought Tirian. "They have always come in when things were at their worst. Oh, if only they could now."于是他大声呼唤道"阿斯兰!阿斯兰!阿斯兰!现在就来帮助我们呀!"
And he called out "Aslan! Aslan! Aslan! Come and help us now."

Far away there appeared a red light. Then it disappeared for a moment and came back again, bigger and stronger. Then he could see dark shapes going to and fro on this side of the light and carrying bundles and throwing them down. He knew now what he was looking at. It was a bonfire, newly lit, and people were throwing bundles of brushwood on to it. Presently it blazed up and Tirian could see that it was on the very top of the hill. He could see quite clearly the stable behind it, all lit up in the red glow, and a great crowd of Beasts and Men between the fire and himself. A small figure, hunched up beside the fire, must be the Ape. It was saying something to the crowd, but he could not hear what. Then it went and bowed three times to the ground in front of the door of the stable. Then it got up and opened the door. And something on four legs - something that walked rather stiffly - came out of the stable and stood facing the crowd.
A great wailing or howling went up, so loud that Tirian could hear some of the words.
"Aslan! Aslan! Aslan!" cried the Beasts. "Speak to us. Comfort us. Be angry with us no more."
From where Tirian was he could not make out very clearly what the thing was; but he could see that it was yellow and hairy. He had never seen the Great Lion. He had never seen a common lion. He couldn't be sure that what he saw was not the real Aslan. He had not expected Aslan to look like that stiff thing which stood and said nothing. But how could one be sure? For a moment horrible thoughts went through his mind: then he remembered the nonsense about Tash and Aslan being the same and knew that the whole thing must be a cheat.
The Ape put his head close up to the yellow thing's head as if he were listening to something it was whispering to him. Then he turned and spoke to the crowd, and the crowd wailed again. Then the yellow thing turned clumsily round and walked - you might almost say, waddled - back into the stable and the Ape shut the door behind it. After that the fire must have been put out for the light vanished quite suddenly, and Tirian was once more alone with the cold and the darkness.
He thought of other Kings who had lived and died in Narnia in old times and it seemed to him that none of them had ever been so unlucky as himself. He thought of his great-grandfather's great-grandfather King Rilian who had been stolen away by a Witch when he was only a young prince and kept hidden for years in the dark caves beneath the land of the Northern Giants. But then it had all come; right in the end, for two mysterious children had suddenly appeared from the land beyond the world's end and had rescued him so that he came home to Narnia and had a long and prosperous reign. "It's not like that with me," said Tirian to himself. Then he went further back and: thought about Rilian's father, Caspian the Seafarer, whose wicked uncle King Miraz had tried to murder him and how Caspian had fled away into the woods and lived among the Dwarfs. But that story too had all come right in the end: for Caspian also had been helped by children - only there were four of them that time - who came from somewhere beyond the world and fought a great battle and set him on his father's throne. "But it was all long ago," said Tirian to himself. "That sort of thing doesn't happen now." And then he remembered (for he had always been good at history when he was a boy) how those same four children who had helped Caspian had been in Narnia over a thousand years before; and it was then that they had done the most remarkable thing of all. For then they had defeated the terrible White Witch and ended the Hundred Years of Winter, and after that they had reigned (all four of them together) at Cair Paravel, till they were no longer children but great Kings and lovely Queens, and their reign had been the golden age of Narnia. And Aslan had come into that story a lot. He had come into all the other stories too, as Tirian now remembered. "Aslan - and children from another world," thought Tirian. "They have always come in when things were at their worst. Oh, if only they could now."
And he called out "Aslan! Aslan! Aslan! Come and help us now."


重点单词   查看全部解释    
fro [frəu]


adv. 向那边,向后,离开,回来

comfort ['kʌmfət]


n. 舒适,安逸,安慰,慰藉
vt. 安慰,使

wicked ['wikid]


adj. 坏的,邪恶的,缺德的
adv. 极端

throne [θrəun]


n. 王座,君主

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

mysterious [mis'tiəriəs]


adj. 神秘的,不可思议的

stiff [stif]


adj. 硬的,僵直的,生硬的,拘谨的,不灵活的

remarkable [ri'mɑ:kəbl]


adj. 显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的

stable ['steibl]


adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的
n. 马厩,

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型


关键字: 最后一战 小说




