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每日新闻(视频版):三星Galaxy SIII强势来袭引领二季度更高收益

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1【Samsung says Q2 mobile profit higher than Q1】三星称第二季度手机利润更为乐观


TEXT:Samsung Electronics says this will be its best-selling smartphone ever, with 10 million of them in customers' hands by July. Samsung also dismissed concerns tight supplies of the new Galaxy SIII model and the weak global economy would pressure its earnings. Launching the SIII in South Korea Monday, mobile head JK Shin says he expects a strong second quarter earnings number at his unit. SHIN JONG-KYUN, PRESIDENT OF IT AND MOBILE COMMUNICATION DIVISION OF SAMSUNG, SAYING: "The overall market condition was challenging due to euro zone issues and tight supply of components ... but (our) second-quarter results will be better than the first quarter." Profit from Samsung's mobile division nearly tripled in the January to March quarter to $3.6 billion, accounting for 73 percent of group operating profit. But shares of Asia's most valuable technology firm tumbled to a four-and-a-half month low Monday (June 25), after more analysts downgraded estimates for Samsung's second-quarter earnings. Some are predicting sales of the latest Galaxy model have triggered a steeper than expected drop-off in sales of earlier products. Others cite persistent price weakness in Samsung's core chip business. Samsung sold nearly 45 million smartphones in the first quarter, giving it 30.6 percent market share compared to Apple's 24 percent. And the firm will be hoping customers like Lee Jae-hon will continue to give it the edge over its bitter rival. 30-YEAR-OLD LEE JAE-HO SAYING: "Samsung said with confidence it's the best mobile phone with best specifications among all mobile phones available now. So I chose Samsung's Galaxy." Samsung kicked off global sales of its Galaxy S III on May 29. Arnold Gay, Reuters
参考译文:三星电子称这将是有史以来最畅销的智能手机,至七月份销量已达到1000万部NmP;j~.%zed。三星还否认新推出的Galaxy SIII供应紧张以及全球经济疲软对其收入的压力U#cz6gs]k[。Galaxy SIII周一在韩国推出,手机总裁JK Shin预计第二季度在他的地区将会有更可观的收入d&JOW~e[tAFrUlr。三星移动通信部总裁称:“因欧元区问题以及零件供应紧张,整体市场行情是具有挑战性的,但我们第二季度销量将会比第一季度好VFSZfC]PH8;zs([。”三星手机部的利润从一月到三月这季度增加了三倍达到36亿美元,占到了集团营业利润的73%VzaygooKZ#_A6j=。然而,因亚洲的最具价值的科技公司股票在周一突然下跌至四个半月以来的低点,更多的分析师下调了对三星第二季度收入的预估YOH-7yJNGH3)w+v8tF。一些人预测最新Galaxy机在前期产品销售中已经引发了比预期更大的下降K##bJN4.Tm-B1I,。还有人指出三星在芯片市场上持续走软OwEi+3l@yfeGIT30C^k3。第一季度,三星销售了将近4500万部智能手机,与苹果的24%相比,它已经占据了30.6%的市场份额n20J|KKFIFa=1s。公司希望像Lee Jae-hon样的顾客能继续提供它优势来对抗它的死对头4OSC%&,sF1B,&V1m.3v。30岁LEE JAE-HO说:“三星满怀信心的说过,在所有移动手机中,它具有最好的参数,是目前最好的移动手机,=0DEOOzP;pSL;av。所以在5月29我购买了三星的Galaxy S III0Yo0gm|_nj]pOAoKJ@。”三星在5月29日开始向全球销售Galaxy S IIIewF#t%C=!M


2【No sign of relief in Syria】叙利亚局势未见缓和


TEXT:No sign of relief in Syria. Amateur video, which could not be independently verified by Reuters, shows shelling just north of Homs. More footage, purportedly from eastern Syria shows a wounded man being treated at home. Crying is heard in the background. On the streets of Deir al Zor buildings are riddled with holes. Streets are marked by the scars of war. Activists say shelling has killed at least 40 people in the town since Friday. More video shows residents taking cover as they look at a home hit by shelling. Some attempt to put out the flames. And yet the demonstrations go on. Footage from Aleppo province. Violence has escalated in Syria since a U.N.-backed peace mission was called to a halt. Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters
参考译文:叙利亚局势没有任何缓和迹象KV6)^lc@dz26Z。这段未能得到路透社独立核实的视频显示,炮击只是发生在胡姆斯以北的地区F4h6^mji!4LLGGt0*。据来自叙利亚东部的报道,更多画面显示一个伤者正在家中接受治疗^+@Qf-zsuBy08+co.,Ki。背后可以听到哭泣的声音sm@+#pm_cgX7。在Deir al Zor的街道上,各种建筑已经千疮百孔ul-#Ook3ys|LQ=Jhe~JB。街道上留下了战争的痕迹Dk*~c1|)8|js[4|f。活动人士称自星期五以来炸弹至少已经造成镇上40人死亡.NQ=en]YF6E5G。更多的视频显示,居民在目睹自己房屋被炸后四处躲避I~]o__k@.h。自联合国支持的和平任务被叫停以来,叙利亚暴乱已经蔓延r86omtn[1j
3【Egypt to unveil election result】埃及欲公布选举结果


TEXT:Thousands of Egyptians camped out on Saturday night in Cairo's Tahrir Square. They're vowing to stay until the country's first elected president is officially named on Sunday The protesters, many of them supporters of Islamic Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsy, have gathered here for four days in a row. The ruling military council's removal of many of the new president's powers has angered many. ABDEL HAMID MOHAMED, DEMONSTRATOR, SAYING (Arabic) "I need the protest to continue until it achieves all the demands of the revolution. The upcoming president has no authority, so how can he rule? He should come into office with complete powers." In another part of Cairo supporters of presidential candidate Ahmed Shafik take to the streets to show their backing. Shafik, the last prime minister under deposed President Hosni Mubarak, is, like his rival, claiming to have won. Whoever emerges the victor in Egypt's first ever democratic election, there's likely to be some kind of backlash. Paul Chapman, Reuters
参考译文:星期六,成千上万的埃及人露宿在开罗解放广场na@@fn*Wqv。他们誓言要一直呆在这里,直到国家第一位选举的总统在星期天正式公布hTva-e0bgBjlZGP。这些抗议者,大部分是伊斯兰兄弟会候选人Mohamed Morsy的支持者,他们已经连续在这聚集了4天wPnA_xjVNG。新总统政权的许多执政军事委员会的移除已经激怒的很多人q*-#6OffJtoUJZ-^。示威者ABDEL HAMID MOHAMED说:“除非它达到了改革的所有要求,否则我需要一直抗议下去AAI&6&n,jGT*4id。即将上任的总统没有任何权威,他怎么管好这个国家?他应该有足够的权利才能上任d;=!cbqFz26f|[Vwqki。”另一部分开罗总统候选人Ahmed Shafik 的支持者走上街头表示他们的支持7Fuq35d6nr|Ao]。Shafik,这位穆巴拉克执政时期的最后总理,就像他的竞争对手一样,声称自己已经获胜B4J|CL3SH_t+。不管是谁在这埃及有史以来第一次民主选举中获胜,都有可能遭到某种形式的强烈反对NcPUS11V6d~s
4【S Korea observes 62nd anniversary of war with the North】韩国庆祝南北战争62周年


TEXT:62 years ago, North and South Korea began a war that's technically, still going on. Korean soldiers commemorated the start of the Korean war on Monday with an amphibious landing operation. 3400 troops took part in the drill. In Seoul, a memorial service was held for veterans. One veteran had mixed feelings about the event. 81-YEAR-OLD THOMAS BEZOUSKA, WAR VETERAN FROM THE UNITED SATES, SAYING: "But I still feel bad that North and South Korea are separated. I would not want to be separated with my family. So that's what I feel about. It's a great day to be here but it's happy but somewhat sad." Three million soldiers and civilians were killed during the three year war. Five million became refugees. Although the war ended with a truce in 1953, there was no peace treaty drawn up. Julie Noce, Reuters
参考译文:62年前,朝鲜和韩国开始发起战争,严格的来说,现在仍在继续W#%O3lRLiadk#Ud。星期一,韩国以两栖登陆作战演习来纪念南北朝战争Ox~!4AA4Bb0。3400名士兵参加了演习]BaOl=jng])z33U^。首尔举办了纪念退伍军人仪式(,slZ0pgJtRVCmN+w。这是一位对这一历史事件有着复杂感情的老兵erBCIsr,utSg。81岁的南北战争老兵THOMAS BEZOUSKA说:“朝鲜和韩国的分裂我仍然感到难过,我不想和我的家人分开Hez#+J900B。这就是我所想的%+3x*zP3!7Eqz&o%g;。今天是一个很伟大的日子,我本该开心,却有说不出的难过nFeWo9mwhv。”在这场三年的战争中牺牲,三百万士兵和平民牺牲,五百万人流离失所,f!2NOBiRipcJY,(Ie&。尽管1953年战争因休战而终止,但并没有制定和平条约BrXeP^B24&)33Q4P



重点单词   查看全部解释    
protest [prə'test]


n. 抗议,反对,声明
v. 抗议,反对,申明

pressure ['preʃə]


n. 压力,压强,压迫
v. 施压

proposal [prə'pəuzəl]


n. 求婚,提议,建议

victor ['viktə]


n. 胜利者 Victor: 维克托(男子名)

measurement ['meʒəmənt]


n. 测量,衡量,尺寸,大小

challenging ['tʃælindʒiŋ]


adj. 大胆的(复杂的,有前途的,挑战的) n. 复杂

overall [əuvə'rɔ:l]


adj. 全部的,全体的,一切在内的

confidence ['kɔnfidəns]


adj. 骗得信任的
n. 信任,信心,把握

election [i'lekʃən]


n. 选举

democratic [.demə'krætik]


adj. 民主的,大众的,平等的





