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诺贝尔文学经典:《宠儿》第1章Part 19

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Sethe started to turn over on her stomach but changed her mind. She did not want to call Paul D'sattention back to her, so she settled for crossing her ankles.塞丝本想翻个身趴着,临了又改变了主意。她不想再引起保罗·D的注意,所以只把双脚叠了起来。
But Paul D noticed the movement as well as the change in her breathing. He felt obliged to tryagain, slower this time, but the appetite was gone. Actually it was a good feeling — not wantingher. Twenty-five years and blip! The kind of thing Sixo would do — like the time he arranged ameeting with Patsy the Thirty-Mile Woman. It took three months and two thirty-four-mile roundtrips to do it. To persuade her to walk one-third of the way toward him, to a place he knew. Adeserted stone structure that Redmen used way back when they thought the land was theirs. Sixodiscovered it on one of his night creeps, and asked its permission to enter. Inside, having felt whatit felt like, he asked the Redmen's Presence if he could bring his woman there. It said yes and Sixopainstakingly instructed her how to get there, exactly when to start out, how his welcoming orwarning whistles would sound. Since neither could go anywhere on business of their own, andsince the Thirty-Mile Woman was already fourteen and scheduled for somebody's arms, the dangerwas real. When he arrived, she had not. He whistled and got no answer. He went into the Redmen's deserted lodge. She was not there. He returned to the meeting spot. She was not there. He waitedlonger. She still did not come. He grew frightened for her and walked down the road in thedirection she should be coming from. Three or four miles, and he stopped. It was hopeless to go onthat way, so he stood in the wind and asked for help. Listening close for some sign, he heard awhimper. He turned toward it, waited and heard it again. Uncautious now, he hollered her name.但保罗·D注意到了这个动作,还有她呼吸的变化。他觉得有责任再试一遍,这回慢一点,然而欲望消失了。实际上这是一种很好的感觉———不想要她。二十五年咔嚓一下!西克索才干得出那种事———就像那回,他安排了同“三十英里女子”帕特茜的会面。他花了整整三个月时间和两次三十四英里路来回,去说服她朝他这边走三分之一的路程,到一个他知道的地方。那是一座被遗弃的石头建筑,很久以前红种人认为这块土地属于他们时使用过它。西克索在他的一次夜半溜号中间发现了它,并请求它允许他进入。在里面,他与红种人的精灵灵犀相通,向它请示能否把他的女人带来。它说可以。西克索就费了牛劲指导她怎么到那儿,究竟什么时刻出发,如何分辨他表示迎接和警告的口哨声。由于谁都不许跑出去干自己的事,再加上“三十英里女子”已经十四岁并且许配了人,所以危险可是真格的。他到的时候,她还没到。他吹了口哨,却没有得到回应。他走进红种人遗弃的旧屋。她不在那儿。他回到相会的地点。她不在那儿。他又等了一会儿。她还是没来。他越来越毛骨悚然,就沿着大路朝她该来的方向走下去。走了有三四英里路,他停下脚步。再走下去没有什么希望,于是他站在风中向天求助。他仔细地捕捉着信号,听到了一声呜咽。他转向它,等了一会儿,又听见了。他不再警惕了,大叫她的名字。
She answered in a voice that sounded like life to him — not death. "Not move!" he shouted.她回答的声音在他听来仿佛生命———而非死亡。“别动!”他嚷道。
"Breathe hard I can find you." He did. She believed she was already at the meeting place and wascrying because she thought he had not kept his promise. Now it was too late for the rendezvous tohappen at the Redmen's house, so they dropped where they were. Later he punctured her calf tosimulate snakebite so she could use it in some way as an excuse for not being on time to shakeworms from tobacco leaves. He gave her detailed directions about following the stream as ashortcut back, and saw her off. When he got to the road it was very light and he had his clothes inhis hands. Suddenly from around a bend a wagon trundled toward him. Its driver, wide-eyed,raised a whip while the woman seated beside him covered her face. But Sixo had already meltedinto the woods before the lash could unfurl itself on his indigo behind.“使劲喘气,我能找着你。”他找到了。她以为自己已经到了那个相会的地点,正在为他的失信而哭泣呢。这时候再去红种人的房子里幽会已经来不及了,于是他们就地倒下。事后,他刺伤她的小腿以冒充蛇咬,这样她没有准时去给烟叶打虫子就有了借口。他详细地指导她沿小溪抄近路回去,并目送她消失。上路的时候天已大亮,他把衣服拿在手里。突然,一辆大车从转弯处向他隆隆驶来。赶车的怒目圆睁,举起鞭子;坐在他身旁的女人一下子捂住了脸。可是鞭梢还没抽上西克索靛青的屁股,他早已溶进了树林。
He told the story to Paul F, Halle, Paul A and Paul D in the peculiar way that made them cry-laugh. Sixo went among trees at night. For dancing, he said, to keep his bloodlines open, he said.他以独特的方式把故事讲给保罗·F、黑尔、保罗·A和保罗·D,让他们笑出了眼泪。夜里西克索漫步林间。是去跳舞,他说,为了让他的血统后继有人,他说。

Sethe started to turn over on her stomach but changed her mind. She did not want to call Paul D'sattention back to her, so she settled for crossing her ankles.
But Paul D noticed the movement as well as the change in her breathing. He felt obliged to tryagain, slower this time, but the appetite was gone. Actually it was a good feeling — not wantingher. Twenty-five years and blip! The kind of thing Sixo would do — like the time he arranged ameeting with Patsy the Thirty-Mile Woman. It took three months and two thirty-four-mile roundtrips to do it. To persuade her to walk one-third of the way toward him, to a place he knew. Adeserted stone structure that Redmen used way back when they thought the land was theirs. Sixodiscovered it on one of his night creeps, and asked its permission to enter. Inside, having felt whatit felt like, he asked the Redmen's Presence if he could bring his woman there. It said yes and Sixopainstakingly instructed her how to get there, exactly when to start out, how his welcoming orwarning whistles would sound. Since neither could go anywhere on business of their own, andsince the Thirty-Mile Woman was already fourteen and scheduled for somebody's arms, the dangerwas real. When he arrived, she had not. He whistled and got no answer. He went into the Redmen's deserted lodge. She was not there. He returned to the meeting spot. She was not there. He waitedlonger. She still did not come. He grew frightened for her and walked down the road in thedirection she should be coming from. Three or four miles, and he stopped. It was hopeless to go onthat way, so he stood in the wind and asked for help. Listening close for some sign, he heard awhimper. He turned toward it, waited and heard it again. Uncautious now, he hollered her name.
She answered in a voice that sounded like life to him — not death. "Not move!" he shouted.
"Breathe hard I can find you." He did. She believed she was already at the meeting place and wascrying because she thought he had not kept his promise. Now it was too late for the rendezvous tohappen at the Redmen's house, so they dropped where they were. Later he punctured her calf tosimulate snakebite so she could use it in some way as an excuse for not being on time to shakeworms from tobacco leaves. He gave her detailed directions about following the stream as ashortcut back, and saw her off. When he got to the road it was very light and he had his clothes inhis hands. Suddenly from around a bend a wagon trundled toward him. Its driver, wide-eyed,raised a whip while the woman seated beside him covered her face. But Sixo had already meltedinto the woods before the lash could unfurl itself on his indigo behind.
He told the story to Paul F, Halle, Paul A and Paul D in the peculiar way that made them cry-laugh. Sixo went among trees at night. For dancing, he said, to keep his bloodlines open, he said.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
deserted [di'zə:tid]


adj. 废弃的,荒芜的,被遗弃的 动词desert的过

bend [bend]


v. 弯曲,使弯曲,屈服,屈从
n. 弯曲,弯

persuade [pə'sweid]


vt. 说服,劝说

calf [kɑ:f]


n. 小牛,幼崽,愚蠢的年轻人,小牛皮,小腿肚

stream [stri:m]


n. (人,车,气)流,水流,组
v. 流动,

settled ['setld]


adj. 固定的;稳定的 v. 解决;定居(settle

permission [pə'miʃən]


n. 同意,许可,允许

presence ['prezns]


n. 出席,到场,存在
n. 仪态,风度

frightened ['fraitnd]


adj. 受惊的,受恐吓的

appetite ['æpitait]


n. 嗜好,食欲,欲望





