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狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第23章Part 2

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
The spell upon it was more wasting than the spell that used to set enchanted houses sleeping once upon a time, but left their waking freshness unimpaired. The passive desolation of disuse was everywhere silently manifest about it. Within doors, curtains, drooping heavily, lost their old folds and shapes, and hung like cumbrous palls. Hecatombs of furniture, still piled and covered up, shrunk like imprisoned and forgotten men, and changed insensibly. Mirrors were dim as with the breath of years. Patterns of carpets faded and became perplexed and faint, like the memory of those years' trifling incidents. Boards, starting at unwonted footsteps, creaked and shook.对董贝先生公馆所施加的魔力要比那种使房屋沉睡一段时间、但醒来时仍清新如初、丝毫无损的魔力具有更大的破坏性。荒废的凄凉景象处处都在默默无声地证明这一点。房间里面,窗帘垂头丧气,萎靡不振,失去了先前的折痕与形状,像笨重的柩衣一般悬挂着;大批不用的家具像在大祭时被屠杀的大量牲口一样,依旧堆积着和被覆盖着,像被囚禁和遗忘的人们一样蜷缩着,不知不觉地改变着形貌。镜子好像随着岁月的呼吸,变得暗淡无光。地毯上的图案褪了色,看去模糊不清,像对往昔岁月中零星琐事的回忆一样。木板对不习惯的脚步感到吃惊,吱嘎吱嘎地响着并颤抖着。
+Keys rusted in the locks of doors. Damp started on the walls, and as the stains came out, the pictures seemed to go in and secrete themselves. Mildew and mould began to lurk in closets. Fungus trees grew in corners of the cellars. Dust accumulated, nobody knew whence nor how; spiders, moths, and grubs were heard of every day. An exploratory blackbeetle now and then was found immovable upon the stairs, or in an upper room, as wondering how he got there. Rats began to squeak and scuffle in the night time, through dark galleries they mined behind the panelling.钥匙在门锁中生了锈。墙壁开始潮湿。图画在污土的覆盖下似乎退缩下去,隐匿起来。霉菌开始潜藏在壁橱中。真菌从地窖的角落中生长出来。灰尘积聚着,谁也不知道是从哪里和怎样积聚起来的。蜘蛛、蛀虫和蛆蛴螬的声音每天都可以听到。喜爱探险猎奇的蟑螂不时可以在楼梯上或楼上的房间中看到,他一动不动,仿佛在纳罕,他怎么跑到那里去的。耗子到了夜间就穿过它们在墙上嵌板后面凿通的黑洞洞的通道,吱吱响叫并相互扭打着。
The dreary magnificence of the state rooms, seen imperfectly by the doubtful light admitted through closed shutters, would have answered well enough for an enchanted abode. Such as the tarnished paws of gilded lions, stealthily put out from beneath their wrappers; the marble lineaments of busts on pedestals, fearfully revealing themselves through veils; the clocks that never told the time, or, if wound up by any chance, told it wrong, and struck unearthly numbers, which are not upon the dial; the accidental tinklings among the pendant lustres, more startling than alarm-bells; the softened sounds and laggard air that made their way among these objects, and a phantom crowd of others, shrouded and hooded, and made spectral of shape.从关上的百叶窗中透过来的未必是真正的光线中,可以模糊看得出大房间中冷冷清清而又庄严豪华的景象;它也许正好充分说明这是一座被施过魔力的住宅。例如:镀金的狮子把失去光泽的脚爪偷偷地从罩套下面伸出;树立在底座上的大理石半身像的轮廓,透过面纱可怕地显露出来;时钟从不报时,或者如果偶尔拧上发条的话,就报错时间,敲打着人世间不存在、在针盘上没有显示出来的时间;悬挂着的分枝灯架偶尔相撞时发出的叮当响声比警钟更使人震惊;减弱了的声音和迟缓的气流在这些物体中间穿行;许多其他物品被寿衣和罩套覆盖着,就像虚幻的鬼怪一样,呈现出非现实的形状。
But, besides, there was the great staircase, where the lord of the place so rarely set his foot, and by which his little child had gone up to Heaven. There were other staircases and passages where no one went for weeks together; there were two closed rooms associated with dead members of the family, and with whispered recollections of them; and to all the house but Florence, there was a gentle figure moving through the solitude and gloom, that gave to every lifeless thing a touch of present human interest and wonder.可是除此之外,还有那个大楼梯,这座房屋的主人很少攀登到上面,而他的小儿子则沿着它上升到天国。还有其他的楼梯和走廊,是好几个星期谁也不去的;有两个锁上的房间与这个家庭死去的成员联系着,人们见到它们有时会窃窃私语,回忆起他们。除了弗洛伦斯以外,公馆中所有的人还看到一个温柔的人儿在穿过寂寞与幽暗的景物走动着;她向每一件没有生命的东西带去了活着的人们的关心与惊讶。

The spell upon it was more wasting than the spell that used to set enchanted houses sleeping once upon a time, but left their waking freshness unimpaired. The passive desolation of disuse was everywhere silently manifest about it. Within doors, curtains, drooping heavily, lost their old folds and shapes, and hung like cumbrous palls. Hecatombs of furniture, still piled and covered up, shrunk like imprisoned and forgotten men, and changed insensibly. Mirrors were dim as with the breath of years. Patterns of carpets faded and became perplexed and faint, like the memory of those years' trifling incidents. Boards, starting at unwonted footsteps, creaked and shook.

+Keys rusted in the locks of doors. Damp started on the walls, and as the stains came out, the pictures seemed to go in and secrete themselves. Mildew and mould began to lurk in closets. Fungus trees grew in corners of the cellars. Dust accumulated, nobody knew whence nor how; spiders, moths, and grubs were heard of every day. An exploratory blackbeetle now and then was found immovable upon the stairs, or in an upper room, as wondering how he got there. Rats began to squeak and scuffle in the night time, through dark galleries they mined behind the panelling.

The dreary magnificence of the state rooms, seen imperfectly by the doubtful light admitted through closed shutters, would have answered well enough for an enchanted abode. Such as the tarnished paws of gilded lions, stealthily put out from beneath their wrappers; the marble lineaments of busts on pedestals, fearfully revealing themselves through veils; the clocks that never told the time, or, if wound up by any chance, told it wrong, and struck unearthly numbers, which are not upon the dial; the accidental tinklings among the pendant lustres, more startling than alarm-bells; the softened sounds and laggard air that made their way among these objects, and a phantom crowd of others, shrouded and hooded, and made spectral of shape.

But, besides, there was the great staircase, where the lord of the place so rarely set his foot, and by which his little child had gone up to Heaven. There were other staircases and passages where no one went for weeks together; there were two closed rooms associated with dead members of the family, and with whispered recollections of them; and to all the house but Florence, there was a gentle figure moving through the solitude and gloom, that gave to every lifeless thing a touch of present human interest and wonder.




重点单词   查看全部解释    
dim [dim]


adj. 暗淡的,模糊的,笨的
v. 使暗淡,

manifest ['mænifest]


n. 载货单,运货单,旅客名单
adj. 显然

fungus ['fʌŋgəs]


n. 真菌,霉菌 (复数为funguses或fungi)

dreary ['driəri]


adj. 沉闷的,令人沮丧的,情绪低落的

secrete [si'kri:t]


v. 隐秘,隐藏,隐匿 v. 分泌

unearthly [,ʌn'ə:θli]


adj. 神秘的;怪异的;可怕的;非尘世的

mildew ['mildju:]


n. 霉病,发霉 v. (使)发霉,(使)生霉

marble ['mɑ:bl]


n. 大理石
vt. 使有大理石的花纹

perplexed [pə'plekst]


adj. 困惑的,不知所措的 动词perplex的过去式

gentle ['dʒentl]


adj. 温和的,轻柔的,文雅的,温顺的,出身名门的





