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The cheery face of Mrs Richards shone with a hospitable reply, and Miss Tox, accepting the proffered chair, and grab fully recognising Mr Toodle on her way to it, untied her bonnet strings, and said that in the first place she must beg the dear children, one and all, to come and kiss her.

The ill-starred youngest Toodle but one, who would appear, from the frequency of his domestic troubles, to have been born under an unlucky planet, was prevented from performing his part in this general salutation by having fixed the sou'wester hat (with which he had been previously trifling) deep on his head, hind side before, and being unable to get it off again; which accident presenting to his terrified imagination a dismal picture of his passing the rest of his days in darkness, and in hopeless seclusion from his friends and family, caused him to struggle with great violence, and to utter suffocating cries. Being released, his face was discovered to be very hot, and red, and damp; and Miss Tox took him on her lap, much exhausted.第二个最小的图德尔走运不利,如果从他在家里遭到不幸的次数来看,也许他是在一颗不吉祥的星辰的照耀下出生的;这时他又不能参加到这次普遍的问候中去,因为他把那顶防水帽(他起先正在玩弄它)深深地紧套在头上,但前后戴错了,现在不能把它脱下来;这桩意外事故在他恐怖的想象中预兆着一幅灰暗的图景:他将在黑暗中度过今后的岁月,并和他的朋友与家庭永远隔离,因此他拼命挣扎,发出了几乎要窒息的号哭声。当他摆脱困境之后,大家看到他的脸孔很热,很红,很湿;托克斯小姐把他抱到膝盖上,这时他已筋疲力尽了。
'You have almost forgotten me, Sir, I daresay,' said Miss Tox to Mr Toodle.“先生,我想您已几乎把我忘了吧,”托克斯小姐对图德尔先生说道。
'No, Ma'am, no,' said Toodle. 'But we've all on us got a little older since then.'“不,夫人,不,”图德尔说道。”不过从那时以来我们全都比过去老一些了。”
'And how do you find yourself, Sir?' inquired Miss Tox, blandly.“您身体怎么样,先生?”托克斯小姐温和地问道。
'Hearty, Ma'am, thank'ee,' replied Toodle. 'How do you find yourself, Ma'am? Do the rheumaticks keep off pretty well, Ma'am? We must all expect to grow into 'em, as we gets on.'“身强力壮,夫人,谢谢您,”图德尔回答道。”您身体怎么样?还没有得风湿病吧,夫人?我们岁数慢慢大起来,今后全都会得上它的。”
'Thank you,' said Miss Tox. 'I have not felt any inconvenience from that disorder yet.'“谢谢您,”托克斯小姐说道,”我现在还没有得这个病,没有感到它的苦恼呢。”
'You're wery fortunate, Ma'am,' returned Mr Toodle. 'Many people at your time of life, Ma'am, is martyrs to it. There was my mother - ' But catching his wife's eye here, Mr Toodle judiciously buried the rest in another mug of tea“您很幸运,夫人,”图德尔先生回答道。”许多人到了您这样的年纪,夫人,都受它的折磨。就拿我母亲来说吧--”可是这时图德尔先生觉察到妻子的眼色,就聪明地把没说出来的话埋葬在另一杯茶水里了。
'You never mean to say, Mrs Richards,' cried Miss Tox, looking at Rob, 'that that is your - '“理查兹大嫂,”托克斯小姐看着罗布,喊道,”这莫不是您的--”
'Eldest, Ma'am,' said Polly. 'Yes, indeed, it is. That's the little fellow, Ma'am, that was the innocent cause of so much.'“大儿子,夫人,”波利说道,”不错,他就是。就是这个小家伙,夫人,他就是好多事情无罪的根源。”
'This here, Ma'am,' said Toodle, 'is him with the short legs - and they was,' said Mr Toodle, with a touch of poetry in his tone, 'unusual short for leathers - as Mr Dombey made a Grinder on.'“就是他,夫人,就是那个腿短短的,”图德尔先生带着诗意的语调说道,”特别是当董贝先生让他当上一名磨工,他穿上皮短裤的时候,他的腿就越发显得异乎寻常的短。”
The recollection almost overpowered Miss Tox. The subject of it had a peculiar interest for her directly. She asked him to shake hands, and congratulated his mother on his frank, ingenuous face. Rob, overhearing her, called up a look, to justify the eulogium, but it was hardly the right look.这回忆几乎使托克斯小姐支撑不了。回忆到的主人翁与她直接有着特殊的利害关系。她请他跟她握手,并为他的坦率的、老实的脸孔向他母亲表示祝贺;罗布听到这些话,竭力在脸上装出一副神色来证明这赞美是正确的,可是他装得不太像。
'And now, Mrs Richards,' said Miss Tox, - 'and you too, Sir,' addressing Toodle - 'I'll tell you, plainly and truly, what I have come here for. You may be aware, Mrs Richards - and, possibly, you may be aware too, Sir - that a little distance has interposed itself between me and some of my friends, and that where I used to visit a good deal, I do not visit now.'“现在,理查兹大嫂,”托克斯小姐说道,”还有您,先生,”她转过去对图德尔说,”我要坦白地、老实地告诉你们,我为什么要上这里来。您可能知道,理查兹大嫂--也许您也可能知道,先生,--我跟我朋友当中的某个人产生了一点隔阂,相互疏远了;过去我经常去拜访的地方,我现在不去了。”

The cheery face of Mrs Richards shone with a hospitable reply, and Miss Tox, accepting the proffered chair, and grab fully recognising Mr Toodle on her way to it, untied her bonnet strings, and said that in the first place she must beg the dear children, one and all, to come and kiss her.
The ill-starred youngest Toodle but one, who would appear, from the frequency of his domestic troubles, to have been born under an unlucky planet, was prevented from performing his part in this general salutation by having fixed the sou'wester hat (with which he had been previously trifling) deep on his head, hind side before, and being unable to get it off again; which accident presenting to his terrified imagination a dismal picture of his passing the rest of his days in darkness, and in hopeless seclusion from his friends and family, caused him to struggle with great violence, and to utter suffocating cries. Being released, his face was discovered to be very hot, and red, and damp; and Miss Tox took him on her lap, much exhausted.
'You have almost forgotten me, Sir, I daresay,' said Miss Tox to Mr Toodle.
'No, Ma'am, no,' said Toodle. 'But we've all on us got a little older since then.'
'And how do you find yourself, Sir?' inquired Miss Tox, blandly.
'Hearty, Ma'am, thank'ee,' replied Toodle. 'How do you find yourself, Ma'am? Do the rheumaticks keep off pretty well, Ma'am? We must all expect to grow into 'em, as we gets on.'
'Thank you,' said Miss Tox. 'I have not felt any inconvenience from that disorder yet.'
'You're wery fortunate, Ma'am,' returned Mr Toodle. 'Many people at your time of life, Ma'am, is martyrs to it. There was my mother - ' But catching his wife's eye here, Mr Toodle judiciously buried the rest in another mug of tea
'You never mean to say, Mrs Richards,' cried Miss Tox, looking at Rob, 'that that is your - '
'Eldest, Ma'am,' said Polly. 'Yes, indeed, it is. That's the little fellow, Ma'am, that was the innocent cause of so much.'
'This here, Ma'am,' said Toodle, 'is him with the short legs - and they was,' said Mr Toodle, with a touch of poetry in his tone, 'unusual short for leathers - as Mr Dombey made a Grinder on.'
The recollection almost overpowered Miss Tox. The subject of it had a peculiar interest for her directly. She asked him to shake hands, and congratulated his mother on his frank, ingenuous face. Rob, overhearing her, called up a look, to justify the eulogium, but it was hardly the right look.
'And now, Mrs Richards,' said Miss Tox, - 'and you too, Sir,' addressing Toodle - 'I'll tell you, plainly and truly, what I have come here for. You may be aware, Mrs Richards - and, possibly, you may be aware too, Sir - that a little distance has interposed itself between me and some of my friends, and that where I used to visit a good deal, I do not visit now.'

重点单词   查看全部解释    
salutation [.sælju'teiʃən]


n. 招呼,致敬,问候 n. (信函开头)称呼语

unusual [ʌn'ju:ʒuəl]


adj. 不平常的,异常的

dismal ['dizməl]


adj. 阴沉的,凄凉的,暗的

seclusion [si'klu:ʒən]


n. 隔离,隔绝

ingenuous [in'dʒenjuəs]


adj. 坦白的,正直的,天真的

rob [rɔb]


v. 抢劫,掠夺

tone [təun]


n. 音调,语气,品质,调子,色调
vt. 使

recollection [.rekə'lekʃən]


n. 记忆,回想,回忆

utter ['ʌtə]


adj. 全然的,绝对,完全
v. 发出,作声

fortunate ['fɔ:tʃənit]


adj. 幸运的,侥幸的





