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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

'Come, Captain,' cried the injured youth, 'give my crime a name! What have I been and done? Have I stolen any of the property? have I set the house a-fire? If I have, why don't you give me in charge, and try it? But to take away the character of a lad that's been a good servant to you, because he can't afford to stand in his own light for your good, what a injury it is, and what a bad return for faithful service! This is the way young coves is spiled and drove wrong. I wonder at you, Captain, I do.'

All of which the Grinder howled forth in a lachrymose whine, and backing carefully towards the door.所有这些话,磨工都是泪流满面,嚎啕大哭着说出来的,同时他又小心翼翼地往门口退去。
'And so you've got another berth, have you, my lad?' said the Captain, eyeing him intently.“这么说,你已经找到另一个铺位了,是不是,我的孩子?”
'Yes, Captain, since you put it in that shape, I have got another berth,' cried Rob, backing more and more; 'a better berth than I've got here, and one where I don't so much as want your good word, Captain, which is fort'nate for me, after all the dirt you've throw'd at me, because I'm poor, and can't afford to stand in my own light for your good. Yes, I have got another berth; and if it wasn't for leaving you unprovided, Captain, I'd go to it now, sooner than I'd take them names from you, because I'm poor, and can't afford to stand in my own light for your good. Why do you reproach me for being poor, and not standing in my own light for your good, Captain? How can you so demean yourself?'船长聚精会神地注视着他。
'Look ye here, my boy,' replied the peaceful Captain. 'Don't you pay out no more of them words.'“是的,船长,就用您的话来说吧,我已经找到另一个铺位了,”罗布哭道,一边继续向后退去;”一个比这里更好的铺位;我不需要您替我在那里说一句好话,船长,这对我来说是幸运的,因为由于我穷,由于我不能为了您的利益而妨碍我自己的前程,您已臭骂了我一顿。是的,我已经找到了另一个铺位;如果我不是担心没有找到另外的仆人,就把您留下来的话,那么我真愿意现在就到那里去,而不来听您因为我穷,因为我不能为了您的利益而妨碍我自己的前程而谩骂我。您为什么因为我穷,因为我不能为了您的利益而妨碍我自己的前程就责怪我呢,船长,您为什么能这样行事呢?””你听我说,我的孩子,”船长心平气和地回答道,”你最好别再说这些话。”
'Well, then, don't you pay in no more of your words, Captain,' retorted the roused innocent, getting louder in his whine, and backing into the shop. 'I'd sooner you took my blood than my character.'“唔,那么您最好也别再对我说那些话,船长,”被惹得生气了的无辜的人说道,并继续后退到店铺里去;他的哭声愈来愈响了;”我宁肯您抽掉我的血,也不要败坏我的名誉!”
'Because,' pursued the Captain calmly, 'you have heerd, may be, of such a thing as a rope's end.'“因为,”船长平平静静地继续说道,”你也许听说过打人用的短绳这种东西吧!”
'Oh, have I though, Captain?' cried the taunting Grinder. 'No I haven't. I never heerd of any such a article!'“您听说过吗,船长?”骂骂咧咧的磨工喊道,”没有,我没听说过。我从来没听说过这样一种东西!”
'Well,' said the Captain, 'it's my belief as you'll know more about it pretty soon, if you don't keep a bright look-out. I can read your signals, my lad. You may go.'“唔,”船长说道,”我相信,如果你不是时刻防备着的话,那么你将会很快熟悉它的。我明白你的信号,我的孩子。你可以走了。”

'Come, Captain,' cried the injured youth, 'give my crime a name! What have I been and done? Have I stolen any of the property? have I set the house a-fire? If I have, why don't you give me in charge, and try it? But to take away the character of a lad that's been a good servant to you, because he can't afford to stand in his own light for your good, what a injury it is, and what a bad return for faithful service! This is the way young coves is spiled and drove wrong. I wonder at you, Captain, I do.'
All of which the Grinder howled forth in a lachrymose whine, and backing carefully towards the door.
'And so you've got another berth, have you, my lad?' said the Captain, eyeing him intently.
'Yes, Captain, since you put it in that shape, I have got another berth,' cried Rob, backing more and more; 'a better berth than I've got here, and one where I don't so much as want your good word, Captain, which is fort'nate for me, after all the dirt you've throw'd at me, because I'm poor, and can't afford to stand in my own light for your good. Yes, I have got another berth; and if it wasn't for leaving you unprovided, Captain, I'd go to it now, sooner than I'd take them names from you, because I'm poor, and can't afford to stand in my own light for your good. Why do you reproach me for being poor, and not standing in my own light for your good, Captain? How can you so demean yourself?'
'Look ye here, my boy,' replied the peaceful Captain. 'Don't you pay out no more of them words.'
'Well, then, don't you pay in no more of your words, Captain,' retorted the roused innocent, getting louder in his whine, and backing into the shop. 'I'd sooner you took my blood than my character.'
'Because,' pursued the Captain calmly, 'you have heerd, may be, of such a thing as a rope's end.'
'Oh, have I though, Captain?' cried the taunting Grinder. 'No I haven't. I never heerd of any such a article!'
'Well,' said the Captain, 'it's my belief as you'll know more about it pretty soon, if you don't keep a bright look-out. I can read your signals, my lad. You may go.'

重点单词   查看全部解释    
faithful ['feiθfəl]


adj. 如实的,忠诚的,忠实的

property ['prɔpəti]


n. 财产,所有物,性质,地产,道具

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

peaceful ['pi:sfəl]


adj. 安宁的,和平的

whine [wain]


n. 抱怨,牢骚 v. 哭诉,发牢骚

reproach [ri'prəutʃ]


n. 责备,耻辱
v. 责备,申斥

rob [rɔb]


v. 抢劫,掠夺

demean [di'mi:n]


vt. 贬抑,降低 vt. 刻意

innocent ['inəsnt]


adj. 清白的,无辜的,无害的,天真纯洁的,无知的

lachrymose ['lækriməus]


adj. 爱哭的,引人落泪的,哀痛的





