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When most of us die, a few tears might be shed over our bodies. Within a few days, we will likely be buried or cremated, our physical form reduced to a mere memory. But some of us will continue on in our adventures. Below is a collection of stories about corpses that eschewed tradition, from crash test dummies to bodies that became drug paraphernalia.

我们大多数人死的时候, 人们可能只会洒一些眼泪洒在我们身上。几天之内, 尸体就可能会被埋葬或火化,身体的物理形式只幻化成了一个记忆。下面是与传统方式截然不同的、有关人类尸体的故事集合, 从碰撞试验假人到成为吸毒用具的人的尸体……

10.Corpses Of Stone



Mankind has been taken with the idea of preserving corpses. The oldest known mummy is that of a child of the Chinchorro people, a prehistoric fishing culture that lived along the arid coast of present-day Chile and Peru. It was carbon dated to approximately 5050 B.C., long before the Egyptians began their practice.

Born in 1792, Italian anatomist Girolamo Segato was rather obsessed with Egyptian funerary practices. He went on several archaeological expeditions to Egypt, where he became intimately acquainted with the process of mummification. Upon his return to Italy, Segato unveiled an extraordinary technique of preserving flesh—artificial petrifaction. According to pioneering American surgeon Valentine Mott, who spent some time in Europe in the company of Segato, the Italian "had discovered a chemical process by which he could actually petrify, in very short time, every animal substance, preserving permanently, and with minute accuracy, its form and internal texture, and in such a state of stony hardness that it could be sawed into slabs and elegantly polished!" Segato died in 1836, destroying all his notes before his passing. His collection of preserved remains was scattered, with the largest concentration located at the Museum of the Department of Anatomy in Florence. Despite extensive study, Segato's petrification method remains a mystery to this day.
生于1792年,意大利解剖学家Girolamo Segato相当痴迷于埃及葬礼习俗。他曾数次去埃及考古探险,在那里他熟悉了木乃伊制造的整个过程。回到意大利后, Segato揭示了一个保存肉体的非凡技术——人工石化。先驱者美国的外科医生瓦伦丁·莫特,他在欧洲的Segato公司工作过一段时间,他认为Segato这个意大利人"发现了一种在很短的时间内可以真正实现石化的化学过程,任何动物的物质,都可以永久地保存它的形状和内部结构,而且伴随着时间的精准,在这样石头般坚硬的状态下,它可以锯成板和轻柔地抛光"。Segato在1836年去世,死前销毁了他所有的笔记。他的遗稿仍然散落各处,其中最多的收藏在佛罗伦萨解剖教研室的博物馆里。尽管进行了广泛的研究, Segato 的石化法在今天仍然是一个谜。

9.Pickled Corpses



A half century before the Panama Canal was constructed, a railway was built to link the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The chief inspiration for this project was the California Gold Rush of 1849 and the mad rush to stake a claim to fortune. Men came from across the globe to work on the railway, many without any identification or known next of kin.

This feat of engineering would come at great cost to many—diseases like yellow fever, malaria, and cholera plagued the workers, and thousands died. A ban on opium caused many of the Chinese workers, who had become addicted to the drug in their homeland, to commit suicide. No official records were kept, but the death toll could have easily exceeded 10,000. It might seem natural that the Panama Railroad Company would simply bury their dead and move on, but they had other plans. Keeping their eye on the bottom line, they pickled many of the corpses and sold them off to medical schools for experimentation. It was an exciting time in medicine—anesthesia had just been discovered, and surgeries, which had previously been hack jobs performed as swiftly as possible, became far more intricate. Bodies were in high demand, and for over five years, the Panama Railroad Company was a leading supplier.

8.Corpse Bongs



Those given to the frequent consumption of marijuana are rarely lauded for the motivation. But potheads tend to have the engineering prowess of MacGyver when it comes to manufacturing smoking implements, utilizing everything from apples to soda cans. In 2008, three teens in Humble, Texas used a truly ghoulish method to get high. They dug up the grave of a child named Willie Simms who'd died in 1921, severed the corpse's head, and used the skull as a bong.

那些频繁消费大麻的人很少因其动机而获得称赞。但当涉及到制造吸烟工具时,瘾君子往往有马盖先工程技术般的力量,利用一切资源,从苹果到汽水罐。2008年,在德克萨斯的Humble, 有三个少年用一种极为残忍的方法达到了制作吸烟工具的极致。他们挖了一个死于1921年,名叫威利·西姆斯的孩子的坟墓,切断了尸体的头颅,将它用作大麻烟筒。
The teens may very well have gotten away with this gruesome crime if they hadn't later been caught during a vehicle break-in investigation. One of them confessed to desecrating Simms's corpse. At first, the story seemed so bizarre that the police did not believe it, but a visit to the cemetery yielded a disturbed grave filled with rainwater, its headstone broken. All three were charged with abuse of a corpse, a misdemeanor, along with other crimes.

7.The Unclaimed Corpse Indicator



Funerals can be extraordinarily expensive. According to the National Funeral Directors Association, a traditional funeral and burial can easily approach $10,000. Even a comparatively cheap cremation exceeds $3,000.

In 2009, when the economy was in dire straits, cities across America reported a vast increase in unclaimed bodies, an indicator that the financial outlook of the nation was indeed grim. Los Angeles experienced a 36 percent rise in unclaimed dead over the previous fiscal year. Even in the most dire financial circumstances, most deceased are claimed by their loved ones, but in certain circumstances, it can be seen how a body could go unclaimed. Faced with the choice, would an impoverished single mother take on the staggering debt of burying a great uncle she'd never met? One of the cities hardest hit by this phenomenon was Detroit, an area plagued by unemployment and poverty. Here, the state of Michigan pays for indigent burials, which cost $750 each. Unfortunately, these payments were rarely timely, as the state struggled through its own financial woes. Meanwhile, the unclaimed bodies piled up in refrigerated storage rooms. In October and November 2008, Michigan paid for 637 indigent burials. A year later, the economy tanked so badly that this number nearly doubled, swelling to 1,268 in the same time period.

6.Audrey Mountford, The Jilted Bride



One of Charles Dickens's most celebrated works is the novel Great Expectations, in which a boy is subjected to the sinister machinations of a jilted bride. Real life has its own strange tales of jilted brides, including Australian Audrey Mountford. Audrey fell in love with a Canadian man, and the two planned to marry. However, their union was not to be. Heartbroken, she left her home in Sydney in 1969.

查尔斯·狄更斯最著名的作品之一是小说《远大前程》,一个男孩被一个被抛弃的新娘欺负。现实生活中也有被抛弃的新娘的离奇故事,包括澳大利亚的奥黛丽·芒福德。奥黛丽爱上了一个加拿大人, 并且两人计划结婚。然而, 他们的结合没有成功。伤心中, 她在1969年离开了悉尼的家。
Mountford frequently traveled and was described by her family as "flighty," so though they looked for her, they didn't worry that anything was amiss. It was believed that she had gone overseas to recover from the failed relationship. However, a teenager discovered her remains in a cave in Australia's Blue Mountains in 1981. She wore her mother's wedding ring and was surrounded by various items like toothpaste and utensils. The body could not be identified, and the case was dropped in 1983. A coroner's inquiry in July 2009 finally confirmed the fate of Audrey Mountford. Her family was devastated by the news. Her younger sister, 84-year-old Nola Stewart, had been the last family member to see Audrey alive. She said, "Actually it saddens me more to find out what happened to her because I thought that she was living somewhere and not bothering to get back in touch with me."

翻译:乔梦月 来源:前十网

重点单词   查看全部解释    
comparatively [kəm'pærətivli]


adv. 比较地,相对地

arid ['ærid]


adj. 干燥的,不毛的 adj. 枯燥的,无趣的

approach [ə'prəutʃ]


n. 接近; 途径,方法
v. 靠近,接近,动

traditional [trə'diʃənəl]


adj. 传统的

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

previous ['pri:vjəs]


adj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的

tend [tend]


v. 趋向,易于,照料,护理

misdemeanor [,misdi'mi:nə]


n. 轻罪;品行不端

indicator ['indikeitə]


n. 指示器,指示剂
[计算机] 指示符

identification [ai.dentifi'keiʃən]


n. 身份的证明,视为同一,证明同一,确认


关键字: 双语阅读 尸体




