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听歌学英语:以一敌百 One Woman Army

来源:可可英语 编辑:chuztpah   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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One Woman Army - Porcelain Black

I'm on the battlefield身临战场
Like oh my God ooh la la所向披靡
Knocking soldiers down击败敌人
Like house of cards ooh la la不费吹灰之力/就像推翻纸牌屋那样
I'm a one woman army ooh la la我是英勇的女战士
Yes I'm a one woman army是的,我以一敌百
I pull up in a matte black super car我开着一辆哑光黑色超跑
Like Batman yeah就像蝙蝠侠
No bodyguard不需要保镖
I'm styling on the Gangnam bar我在酒吧混得风生水起
I got it. I bring all the boys to the yard把那些闹事的喽啰全部撵出去
If you see me at the club in Hollywood如果你在好莱坞的夜店里看到我
You know I bring that Detroit hood穿着这套潜行风衣
You like it and you feelin' good你也喜欢它,感觉棒极了
You know that you want it你渴望着它
You know that you would你会得到它
Let's rush tonight今晚就行动
The music is still playin'音乐依然在响
So get up and fight崛起奋战吧
You know that you want it你渴望着它
You know that you would你会得到它
I'm on the battlefield我身临战场
Like oh my God ooh la la如有神助
Knocking soldiers down击败敌人
Like house of cards ooh la la就像推翻纸牌屋那样
I'm a one woman army ooh la la我是英勇的女战士
Yes I'm a one woman army是的,我以一敌百
I'm on the battlefield我身临战场
Like oh my God ooh la la如有神助
Knocking soldiers down击败敌人
Like house of cards ooh la la就像推翻纸牌屋那样
I'm a one woman army ooh la la我是英勇的女战士
Yes I'm a one woman army是的,我只身力敌千军
I hit you with that kung-fu Jackie Chan我用成龙那样的身手击败你
I'm super fast快如闪电
High heels big deal高跟鞋,也照样身手敏捷
I kick your ass照样踹你的屁股
They're gunnin' they're runnin'他们东躲西藏 用尽手段
And that makes me mad真让我火大
If you wanna rumble如果你想挑事
All you gotta do is ask只需打探一下
I'm a rude b*tch boy老娘我可不好惹
Can you handle that你招架的住吗
I love to play我就喜欢玩玩
But I don't really need a man不需要什么男人
No daddy no VISA I got my own cash干爹和信用卡有何用,我自己有钱
Let's rush tonight今晚就行动
The music is still playin'音乐依然在响
So get up and fight崛起奋战吧
No daddy no VISA I got my own cash干爹和信用卡有何用 我自己有钱
I'm on the battlefield我身临战场
Like oh my God ooh la la所向披靡
Knocking soldiers down击败敌人
Like house of cards ooh la la就像推翻纸牌屋那样
I'm a one woman army ooh la la我是英勇的女战士
Yes I'm a one woman army是的 我只身力敌千军
I'm on the battlefield我置身硝烟弹雨
Like oh my God ooh la la如有神助
Knocking soldiers down击败敌人
Like house of cards ooh la la就像推翻纸牌屋那样
I'm a one woman army ooh la la我是英勇的女战士
Yes I'm a one woman army是的 我以一敌百
One two three hut一二三
March if you don't give a f*ck无所顾忌,尽管往前冲
One two three hut一二三
One two three hut一二三
March if you don't give a f*ck无所顾忌 尽管往前冲
One two three hut一二三
I'm on the battlefield我置身硝烟弹雨
Like oh my God ooh la la如有神助
Knocking soldiers down击败敌人
Like house of cards ooh la la就像推翻纸牌屋那样
I'm a one woman army ooh la la我是英勇的女战士
Yes I'm a one woman army是的 我以一敌百
I'm on the battlefield我身临战场
Like oh my God ooh la la所向披靡
Knocking soldiers down击败敌人
Like house of cards ooh la la就像推翻纸牌屋那样
I'm a one woman army ooh la la我是英勇的女战士
Yes I'm a one woman army是的,我只身力敌千军
irk[ɜːrk] vt. 使烦恼;使厌倦;激怒
compunction [kəmˈpʌŋkʃn]n. 内疚;愧疚
She felt no compunction about leaving her job.她对自己的辞职一点儿也不感到懊悔。
He had lied to her without compunction. 他向她撒了谎却毫无愧疚。
She has no compunctions about rejecting the plan.她对拒绝那个计划丝毫不后悔。
He has no compunction about relating how he killed his father.他在讲述自己杀害父亲的过程时,没有丝毫悔意。(relate vt. 叙述;使…有联系)
She stood me up without compunction. 她放了我鸽子,并没有因此良心不安。

His abrupt change of subject left her floundering helplessly. 他突然改变话题,使她茫然不知所措。
I know that you're floundering around, trying to grasp at any straw. 我知道你正不知所措,有点病急乱投医。( grasp at any straw抓住任何一根稻草)
At that time the industry was floundering.那时这个行业举步维艰。
What a pity that his career was left to flounder...多么可惜,他的事业深陷困局。
The economy was floundering. 经济深陷困境。
She was floundering around in the deep end of the swimming pool.她在游泳池深水区挣扎着。
Three men were floundering about in the water.有 3 个人在水中挣扎。

ire [ˈaɪər]n. 愤怒
Their ire was directed mainly at the government.他们的愤怒主要针对该政府。
Though a target of public ire, he continues to enjoy strong support from clients, investors and the board. 虽然身为众怒的目标,但他仍然获得了客户、投资者和董事会的大力支持。

主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe
抖音: 1299389692

重点单词   查看全部解释    
pity ['piti]


n. 同情,怜悯,遗憾,可惜
v. 同情,怜悯

flounder ['flaundə]


v. 挣扎,踌躇,笨拙而错乱地说或做 n. 挣扎,错乱的

porcelain ['pɔ:slin]


n. 瓷器,瓷

irk [ə:k]


vt. 使厌倦,使苦恼 n. 厌倦,苦恼

ire ['aiə]


n. 忿怒 vt. 使发怒

rude [ru:d]


adj. 粗鲁的,无礼的
adj. 粗糙

handle ['hændl]


n. 柄,把手
v. 买卖,处理,操作,驾驭

bodyguard ['bɔdi.gɑ:d]


n. 警卫员,保卫人员,保镖





