

您的位置: 首页 > 标签  包含有标签 食品 的文章共有:71
  • [专业选择] 英国留学:食品质量管理专业申请指南

      食品质量管理渐渐成为近年的热门专业,对于留学生来说,英国的食品相关专业无论从现状还是就业前景,都不失为一个好选择。  课程设置  食品安全关系到每一个公民的健康甚至生命。近年来,国内外食品卫生安全

    2012-06-06 编辑:Amy

  • [健康生活] 自产绿色食品 100-foot diet


    2012-05-29 编辑:Jasmine

  • [关注社会] 关注社会:大白菜喷福尔马林保鲜

    Formaldehyde-tainted Chinese cabbage in Qingzhou, Shandong Province, the country's largest vegetable production base, has exposed some clandestine market practices, Xinhua reported.据新华社报

    2012-05-10 编辑:Jasmine

  • [科学阅读] 科普阅读:香味浓郁的食品有助减肥

    The smell of a rich dessert can make your mouthwater. But can an extra helping of its smell help you eat less?[qh]丰富的餐后甜点让你流口水,不过它的味道能有额外的作用,帮助你减少食欲吗?[qh]To find o

    2012-03-22 编辑:richard

  • [时事新闻] 联合国:食品价格升到历史新高

    A U.N. agency says world food prices rose to a record high in December because of increased costs for sugar, grain and oilseed, as well as bad weather for some crops. [qh]联合国一个机构说,世界食品价

    2012-01-06 编辑:jasmine

  • [经济学人综合] 《经济学人》:食品荒漠 Good food and bad:Just deserts

    Just deserts[qh]沙漠[qh]Poor access to fresh food is a solvable health problem[qh]难于接近新鲜食品是一个可以解决的健康问题[qh]THE corner shop on South Honore and West 59th in Englewood is an uninviti

    2011-12-06 编辑:beck

  • [健康生活] 进口食品也能吃得明明白白!

    小编物语:你在实用进口食品的时候有没有因为复杂的标签而惆怅呢?让我们学会看标签,吃的明明白白!1 Serving Size食用份量[qh]Each Nutrition Facts label lists its item's serving size and the number of

    2011-12-05 编辑:Jasmine

  • [千万别学英语] 千万别学英语 第1阶段 场景6:买食品

    Situation 6: Grocery Shopping场景 6: 买食品Mrs. Lee drives her car to Mrs. Cho's house.李太太 把汽车开到仇太太的家Then they drive together to the supermarket.然后她们一起来到超市.Sorry I'm late.对不起我迟到了.

    2006-02-16 编辑:admin

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