

您的位置: 首页 > 标签  包含有标签 未来 的文章共有:94
  • [那些年那些诗] 《那些年那些诗》第6篇:相信未来Believe in the Future

    食指(1948-),原名郭路生,被称为新诗潮诗歌第一人。20岁时写的名作《相信未来》、《海洋三部曲》、《这是四点零八分的北京》等以手抄本的形式在社会上广为流传。 这首诗构思巧妙。前三节写我是怎样“相信未来

    2012-08-21 编辑:lily

  • [科技资讯] 科技资讯:未来的数据存储介质DNA

    In the latest effort to contend with exploding quantities of digital data, researchers encoded an entire book into the genetic molecules of DNA, the basic building block of life, and then accurately

    2012-08-19 编辑:justxrh

  • [关注社会] 探索发现 科技 未来盆栽可控制电脑

    Tech Spotlight科技之光Give a nod to the growing demands of the DIY community, Fujitsu has announced a new option for consumers looking to assemble their own computers. Going beyond simple “plug-in”

    2012-08-15 编辑:Amosway

  • [娱乐资讯] 陈凯歌谈中国电影的未来(下)

    What are your thoughts on the younger, emerging film directors coming out of China? 《华尔街日报》:您对中国新近崛起的年轻一代电影导演有何看法? I really hope the younger generation of film directors

    2012-08-08 编辑:justxrh

  • [娱乐资讯] 陈凯歌谈中国电影的未来(上)

    Chinese film director Chen Kaige's 'Sacrifice,' a story of bloody murder and long-plotted revenge set against the sumptuous backdrop of an ancient Chinese court, is set to pre

    2012-08-07 编辑:justxrh

  • [大千世界] 神秘第六感:相信感觉的人能够预测未来

    It's impossible to know the future. We can guess, but no one has actual knowledge of what's going to happen down the road.未来不可预知。我们可以猜测,但是没人能够真正知道未来将发生什么

    2012-07-23 编辑:justxrh

  • [TED演讲] TED演讲:未来的网络创新

    网络产业的兴衰常被比作淘金热。但是亚马逊公司(Amazon.com)的创始人Jeff Bezos则认为它更像是电气制造工业的早期。

    2012-05-14 编辑:Daisy

  • [TED演讲] TED演讲:汽车的未来

    通用汽车副总裁Larry Burns展示了颇具个性的下一代汽车设计:流线型,可定制(计算机控制增强型),使用清洁的氢气能源,并且未使用状态下还能为电网供电。

    2012-05-11 编辑:Daisy

  • [双语达人] 双语达人:未来生活四大终极幻想

    Food饮食Lab-grown meat feeds the world人造肉类养活全世界Petri meat, in vitro meat, cultured meat. Call it whatever you like, but get used to the name. Meat produced in a lab (and grown from animal ce

    2012-02-28 编辑:jasmine

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