[大千世界] 狗狗献血救小猫 谁说猫狗是冤家?
都说猫狗是冤家,但周三有报道称,新西兰一只小猫中毒濒危,好在通过罕见的跨种族输血后转危为安,而献血方则是一条狗。2013-08-24 编辑:kelly
[健康生活] 关于献血日的10个趣闻
你知道献血日吗?也许这个日子并不重要,重要的是鲜血的意义等于拯救生命2013-06-23 编辑:kelly
[地道美语听力播客(慢速)] 地道美语听力播客:无偿献血
Michelle: Did you hurt yourself?米歇尔:你受伤了吗?Gabriel: No, why?加布里埃尔:没有,为什么这样问?Michelle: You have a Band-Aid on your arm.[q2012-11-26 编辑:melody
[时事新闻] 我国禁止男男性行为者献血 解除女同献血禁令
Starting this month, lesbians are permitted to donate blood, whereas men who have sex with men (MSM) are still banned from donating, according to the Ministry of Health.根据中国卫生部新规,从这个月开2012-07-10 编辑:justxrh
[关注社会] 伦敦上演"裸体秀" 身画血管图鼓励献血
It probably seemed like a bright idea at the time.在伦敦奥运会即将来临之际,这看起来像个好主意。These campaigners launched a blood donor appeal ahead of the Olympics to get people to help replenish s2012-05-02 编辑:Jasmine