[BBC纪录片美丽中国精讲] BBC纪录片《美丽中国神奇高原》第1期:西藏高原
原文视听The Tibetan plateau is a quarter of China.西藏高原的陆地面积约占中国领土的四分之一Much of it is extremely remote and inhospitable.其中的大部分极度偏远荒无人烟Its southern border runs through2012-08-09 编辑:finn
[BBC纪录片美丽中国精讲] BBC纪录片《美丽中国云翔天际》第10期:橡胶林
原文视听When the tree bark is scored,it yields copious sticky sap,当树皮被刮开便流出了丰沛的粘液so bitter and tacky that nothing can feed on it.没有任何动物能够以这种又苦又粘的液体为食It's th2012-08-08 编辑:finn
[BBC纪录片美丽中国精讲] BBC纪录片《美丽中国云翔天际》第9期:两岸猿声啼不住
原文视听Living on a remote mountain range in south central Yunnan在云南中南部偏远的山脉之中is one of the few remaining wild gibbon populations in China.居住着中国的珍稀动物野生长臂猿群The black-crest2012-08-07 编辑:finn
[BBC纪录片美丽中国精讲] BBC纪录片《美丽中国云翔天际》第8期:滇南魔芋
原文视听Although these forests have experienced a great deal of change,尽管这些森林历尽了沧桑巨变they are still host to some ancient and incredible relationships.但它们依旧是一些远古的令人难以置信的关2012-08-06 编辑:finn
[BBC纪录片美丽中国精讲] BBC纪录片《美丽中国云翔天际》第7期:丛林地蟹
原文视听The Jinou people are incredibly knowledgeable about their forests基诺族对于森林的知识博学得让人难以置信and claim to have uses for most of the plants that they find there.他们声称能够利用在这儿2012-08-05 编辑:finn
[BBC纪录片美丽中国精讲] BBC纪录片《美丽中国云翔天际》第6期:大熊猫"攻坚专家"
原文视听Bamboo's tough reputation is such,竹子坚硬的名声是如此的显赫that another bamboo specialist was known by the Chinese as "The Iron Eating Animal".另一个食竹高手被认为是中国的“2012-08-04 编辑:finn
[BBC纪录片美丽中国精讲] BBC纪录片《美丽中国云翔天际》第5期:茶马古道
原文视听Winding westwards into the hills,蜿蜒向西深入山地these were once some of the most important highways in Asia,曾一度是亚洲地区的要道the southwestern tea and silk road.西南部的茶马古道(即为西南2012-08-03 编辑:finn
[BBC纪录片美丽中国精讲] BBC纪录片《美丽中国云翔天际》第4期:云南激流
原文视听To continue his expeditions,为了继续他的征途Rock had to get his entire entourage across the giant Yunnan rivers.Rock与他的探险队必须设法越过云南的激流He commissioned especially thick ropes ma2012-08-02 编辑:finn
[BBC纪录片美丽中国精讲] BBC纪录片《美丽中国云翔天际》第3期:植物猎人
原文视听Over 18,000 plant species grow here,这里生长着超过18000种植物of which 3,000 are found nowhere else.其中约3000种植物是这儿特有的Until little more than a century ago,this place was unknown outs2012-08-01 编辑:finn
[BBC纪录片美丽中国精讲] BBC纪录片《美丽中国云翔天际》第1期:雪猴滇金丝猴的家园
原文视听The rivers which lie at the heart of Dai life and culture河流穿越了傣族人生活与习俗的心脏地带flow from the distant mountains of Tibet,发源于西藏遥远的山脉之中southward through central Yunnan2012-07-30 编辑:finn