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  • [SAT写作辅导] SAT学生习作修改实例


    2013-12-25 编辑:Sophie

  • [SAT写作辅导] SAT作文修改实例讲解

    一.Take myself for as an example. I played tennis at the age of eight. When I was eleven years old, I took part in a Sports Meeting about tennis which was organized by Jiangsu Province, a province in..

    2013-04-24 编辑:melody

  • [GRE写作辅导] GRE作文修改:If A Means Is Justifiable

      GRE作文对于大家的难点其实是逻辑,给一篇刚改过的文章,希望各位考生能有所体会:  TOPIC: ISSUE212—"If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justif

    2012-11-22 编辑:Rainbow

  • [外贸服装口语] 外贸服装口语 第10期:修改服装部位之情景对话

    Revamp Clothes Parts修改服装部位之情景对话对话1C: The length is rather on the short side.长度有些不够。S: We'll let it down f

    2012-09-27 编辑:rainbow

  • [外贸服装口语] 外贸服装口语 第9期:修改服装部位之实用句型

    Revamp Clothes Parts修改服装部位S1: We can make alterations when they are needed.需要的话我们可以给你改一改。S2: Do you need to a

    2012-09-26 编辑:rainbow

  • [SAT写作真题] SAT写作修改之开头段(3)

    话题五:Is identity something people are born with or given, or is it something people create for themselves?  学生习作:  In my opinion, identity is just something people create for themselves. 

    2011-12-26 编辑:Daisy

  • [SAT写作辅导] SAT写作真题修改示例

    SAT学生习作修改:Is it necessary to question the authority?分析:本文是2006年10月考题,先根据题目做思维练习。本文作者写的是黑人争夺民权,就此考虑文章中要细化的内容。Authority--- who? 本文是the white

    2011-12-26 编辑:Daisy

  • [SAT写作辅导] SAT写作修改之开头段(2)

    话题三:Are people’s lives the result of the choices they make?学生文章 1)I agree with the opinion that people’s lives are the result of the choices that make. Once a wise man said, It

    2011-12-23 编辑:Daisy

  • [SAT写作辅导] SAT写作修改之开头段(1)

    话题一:Does fame bring happiness, or are people who are not famous more likely to be happy?学生文章1)In my opinion, though the joy of life depends entirely on personal view to the world, fame are e

    2011-12-22 编辑:Daisy

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