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成长的烦恼第六季 第10集:Let's Go Europe(2)

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Previously on growing pains:
Mike: Hello, Mrs. Seaver… Wouldn't you like to put the thrill back into your marriage by touring Europe for just pennies a day?
Maggie: Mike, the day your dad springs for a trip to Europe, is the day pigs fly.
Seats in first class? I had no idea.
Mike: Nonono guys…this isn't your stop. It's mine.
Carol: Mike is going to Europe too?
Amy: Do you realize according to the itinerary we are not visiting the grave of van Gogh?
Mike: Guzhuntait.
Maggie: Hey look. The Eiffel tower. Oh, honey I want to go back to An-Rees
Jason: Oh yeah, so do I. Where else can we get such great food at sensible prices?
Maggie: It's also where you proposed to me.
Amy: Why did you come to Europe?
Mike: Well I figured a place with 68 million women who couldn't understand a word I said couldn't be all bad.
Store Owner: Your vouchers are useless miss, unless you in need of toilet paper. (Spanish)
Amy: This man is president of vavava voom. (Spanish)
Jason: Happy anniversary.
Maggie: Oh Jason, uuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Amy: I'm stranded in Europe. We have a pair of tickets that's good only in Paris in 6 days, a city 500 miles away.
Jason: It's a appendicitis, but we are taking you to the hospital everything is going to be fine.
Mike: When my mom finds out that her little boy is in trouble, I can just hear her now.
Jason: Oh breathe honey, breath honey
Maggie: Jason, we are not having a baby.
Mike: Come on come on…
Amy: Oh come on, nobody's there, don't be so dumb.
Mike: Dumb? Hey look I'm not the one who blew her whole life's savings on this tour. I got it for free. Amy? Amy, come on where are you going?
Amy: Paris.
Mike: How?
Amy: I'm walking.
Mike: By foot?
Amy: Its only 500 miles, I've almost got a week, I can do it. With a little beverage here and there.
Mike: Oh well fine, well, who needs you,, you know you will only slow me down, and just for the record, ‘m sorry I was so nice to you.
I don't need her, I'll be fine…so what if I don't have a lot of money and things aren't looking so good right now? I've talked my way out of tougher jams. Sir?
Sir: Si?
Mike: (In Spanish) where is Paris?
Sir: France.
Mike: Thank you. I am well on my way. Hey Amy, wait…look I can't let you travel alone like this. Hey wait up, you need me.

Carol: Grandma, It's 2 in the morning…how long do I have to keep this on?
Grandma: Its Mississippi river mud dear…one minute to apply, an hour to dry.
It will suck the impurities right out of your skin… By morning your face will be as soft as Benjamin's behind.
Carol: There's a disgusting image.
Grandma: Now, you relax on the couch, while I go up and warm up the power tweezers.
Ben: Yeah, same time tomorrow night stickman…with my parents gone, I can get away with murder.
Grandma: What's going on down here? Benjamin, what are you doing coming in at this hour? You are only nine years old.
Ben: I'm fourteen grandma, old enough to be drafted.
Grandma: Oh, well, that's different. Carol, you've never looked lovelier. Into the chocolate pudding I see…
Carol: Its Mississippi river mud!
Ben: Boy, you must have really been hungry.
Grandma: Hey hey hey hey
Ben: Get off of me!
Grandma: Quiet. If you wake up your grandfather…..Oh, maybe it's an hour to apply, a minute to dry.
Ben: Hey Carol has turned into a stone.
Carol: What? What's going on?
Grandma: Now now, it's nothing to be alarmed about, I will have it off in a jiffy.

Grandma: Do you know where your father keeps his chisels?
Carol: Mike's in Spain and my face is frozen in mud, its not fair.
BUS: Good morning, bus tickets are now on sale for all points north.
Amy: We are not together.
Mike: Uh, hey say, thanks for lending me your tooth brush.
Amy: Its not what you think, we slept on park benches last night. Different park benches, different parks. And he didn't borrow my toothbrush, he stole it.
Mike: I don't think he speaks English.
Carol: Good, it's none of his business anyway. Passage as far as I can go towards Paris. (Spanish) This is all the money I have.
Mike: Yeah, 2, dos, me too. Hey can I help it if I happen to be going to the same place as you are? Which is?
Amy: I could tell you, and you still wouldn't know.
Mike: Ah, she's always like this…Canadian. Uh hey you say you don't need me? Hey look, you need me just to keep your tickets straight.
Amy: Those aren't tickets, that's money.
Mike: Oh, well then I better keep this in a safe place.
Amy: It's my money, give me that…
Mike: Hey……………..
Jason: (SPANISH) What's up doctor?
Doctor: Ah no need for the high school French…
Jason: How's my wife?
Doctor: Excellent, and you have a 4000 gram healthy happy baby boy.
Jason: I don't understand.
Doctor: Ah, metric…forgive me…your son…he weighs eight pounds.
Jason: No, I don't have a baby.
Doctor: It is bad enough you are not by your wife's side when the child was born, now you disown her completely?
Jason: No, no..Seaver, my name is Seaver; I brought my wife in here to have her appendix removed.
Doctor: Oh sac le blue. What have we done…
Jason: What have you done?
Doctor: Oh, please, I'm sure it's just a little….how do you say….mix up in the paperwork. Don't worry; we loose patients all the time.
Bus: Hurry hurry, last call to re-board the bus.(Spanish)
Mike: Look, I don't mean to rush you but they are re-boarding the bus.
Amy: It doesn't matter anymore.
Mike: Hey if you are not out here by the count of three, I'm leaving without you.
1, 2, two and a half, two and three quarters… Come on.
Ticker man: Hey hey, if you want to get on you need to buy another ticket.

Mike: What did you say to get us kicked off the bus?
Amy: Our tickets only took us this far.
Mike: Well, what did you tell him that for?
Amy: I didn't tell him, he told me. Its dusty. I hate dust…
Mike: All right look we can buy some more tickets.
Amy: We don't have any more money.
Mike: Oh yeah? What do you call this?
Amy: That's your cancel ticket.
Mike: What are you getting so mad at me for? The only reason we don't have any more money is because I bought us lunch
Amy: You spent 50 dollars on a couple of ding dongs.
Mike: well is it my fault that they don't put what the food is worth on the money? Hey, what are you walking so fast for?
Amy: It's 400 miles to Paris.
Mike: 400 miles? We got 4 days…that's 70 miles a day.
Amy: You are such an idiot.
Mike: You are right, you're right…kilometers. We are even closer than we thought.
Doctor: Uh Mr. Seaver, you can relax. We straitened out everything.
Jason: I certainly hope so.
Doctor: It is actually quite amusing. You see, the same time that madam Seaver, your wife, checked into the hospital, another American madam Simon checked in too….
Jason: How's Maggie?
Doctor: Who?
Jason: My wife, Maggie, how is she?
Doctor: Oh oh she is in surgery, don't worry about a thing.
Nurse: Here is your baby sir (in French)
Jason: There better be an appendix in here.
Amy: Thank for your help.
Mike: Oh come on, hey look, at least you can do your part.
Amy: I don't like this
Mike: Just look like you are pregnant…perfect.
Man: This is as far as I go, my niece is getting married today.(Spanish)
Mike: Why are we stopping?
Amy: He doesn't like you either. This is as far as he goes.
Mike: Uh he's just going to leave a pregnant woman out here in the middle of nowhere? That's fine; we will deliver the baby ourselves.
Amy: Muchos gracias senior

重点单词   查看全部解释    
itinerary [ai'tinərəri]


n. 旅程,旅行指南,游记 adj. 巡回的,游历的,旅

crush [krʌʃ]


v. 压碎,碾碎,压榨
n. 压碎,压榨,拥挤

bluffing [blʌʃiŋ]


n. 褶边装置;诈骗;唬弄 v. 欺骗;吓唬(bluff

melon ['melən]


n. 甜瓜

wallet ['wɔlit]


n. 皮夹,钱包

forecast ['fɔ:kɑ:st]


n. 预测,预报
v. 预测

skull [skʌl]


n. 头骨,骷髅头
vt. 击打头部

liar ['laiə]


n. 说谎者

inviting [in'vaitiŋ]


adj. 吸引人的,诱人的 动词invite的现在分词

appendix [ə'pendiks]


n. 附录,阑尾





