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你有黑人朋友吗 看他们是怎么回答的

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

February as you probably know is Black History Month.

President Ford officially recognized Black History Month in 1976.
Since then, a lot have changed when it comes to race relations in this country mostly for the better,
从那时起 这个国家发生了很大的变化 当我们提到种族关系时大多是好的一面
not all but mostly. And I thought that would be a good area for tonight pedestrian questions.
虽然并不全是好的一面但总体还是好的多 而且我认为对于今晚的街头采访来说这会是个好地方
So today we went out onto Hollywood boulevard and ask people do you have a black friend?

Now the way this works is we're gonna see someone introduce himself or herself

and then based only on that introduction together we will guess
if they have a black friend. OK, you got it.
他们是否有黑人朋友 好吗 明白了吗
Alright, our first pedestrian is My name is Brian. I'm from Tustin California.
好的 我们采访的第一位路人是 我叫布赖恩 来自北加利福尼亚
Do you have a black friend? Alright, does Brian have a black friend? No...( yes...)
你有黑人朋友吗?好了 布赖恩有黑人朋友吗?没有...(有...)
Already the country is divided. Well, let's take a look. A black friend? Of course.
现场有两种声音啊 好了 让我们接着看 一个黑人朋友?当然有啊
What's his name?His name is Allen. There is no Allen, come on. Is there an Allen? Alright.
他叫什么? 他叫艾伦 嘿,这里没有艾伦 有艾伦这个人吗?
It's... That's Brian. And who do we have next? Hi, I'm Tracy from Sydney Australia.
那是布赖恩的采访 接下来会是谁呢?嗨 我是来自澳大利悉尼的特蕾西
Do you have a black friend? Oh, interesting. From Sydney, does Tracy have a black friend?
你有黑人朋友吗?噢 来自悉尼 有趣了 特蕾西会有黑人朋友吗?
No... No... Why not? There are, there are many in Australia.
没有...没有...为什么会没有呢?在那里有 在澳大利亚有很多呢
Would you like a black friend?Yeah, of course.
你会喜欢黑人朋友吗? 当然喜欢啊
There may have remained a lot of conection right there.
Alright, who is our, our next white person? Uh, I'm Chuck Pruitt from Lancaster Ohio.
好了 下一位接受采访的白人是谁呢?啊 我是来自俄亥俄兰的查克布鲁特
Do you have a black friend? Does chuck Pruitt have a black friend? Yes...
Mostly yeses, but said fairly softly, ok. Does Chuck have a black friend?
大部分都说有啊 但要说得这么肯定哦 好了 查克有黑人朋友吗?
Um... A black friend. Yeah. Name this person.
啊...一个黑人朋友 有啊 他叫什么
Uh...A black friend, let's see, who that be? Actually... Um... I think we're gonna call that a "no"
啊...一个黑人朋友 让我想想 他叫什么呢 事实上...嗯...我想我们要说"没有黑人朋友"了
But he's still standing out there trying to come up with a name.
Next up. I'm Niklan and I'm from NewYork. Do you have a black friend?
开始看下一个采访吧 我叫妮可兰 来自纽约 你有黑人朋友吗?
Do we think,(yes...) Niklan, everyone says Niklan has a black friend.
让我们猜猜 (有...)每个人都说妮可兰有黑人朋友呢
well, let's find out. I do have a blackly friend. Alright, you're cool. Thank you.
好了 让我们看看答案 我确实有个黑人朋友 噢,你很厉害哦 谢谢啦
That's, see, gets double points for that.
看 是一个很肯定的回答呢
Who else do we have out on the boulevard? Lynn Wood, from Virginia.
我们还在路上采访了谁呢?琳恩伍德 来自弗吉尼亚州
You have any white friends? Oh, does Lynn Wood from Virginia have any white friends?
你有没有白人朋友呢?噢 来自弗吉尼亚州的琳恩伍德会有白人朋友吗?
Yes... He does, alright, let's see. No, I'm... no, not really... Why not?
有...听他怎么说 好吗 让我们看看 没有 我...没 没有 为什么没有?
I don't know...white, I don't know white people are kinda scary.
我不知道...白人 我不知道 感觉白人有点点可怕
Who can argue with that? And finally Hi, Isabelle from NewYork city.
谁能反驳这点呢?还有最后一个采访 嗨 我是来自纽约的伊莎贝尔
Do you have a black friend? Does Isabelle, (yes...)
你有黑人朋友吗?伊莎贝尔有吗 (有...)
everyone, pretty much everyone says yes except for one woman. Uh, yeah.
每个人 除了一位女士几乎每个人都说有 啊 有啊
What's their name? Tyron. Is just one? No, I have a lot of black friends.
都叫什么名字呢?蒂龙 就一个黑人朋友吗?不是的 还有很多黑人朋友
Prove it. Um...How? Are they in your phone? Yeah...
证明一下啊 额...怎么证明?你有他们的号码吗?有啊...
Yeah, Tyron hello? Tyron, hey, what's hapening, man, you black?
你好 蒂龙?蒂龙 嘿 发生了什么?我只是想问问你是不是黑人
Are you black? Yeah. Alright, cool sweet please. Thanks, you have a good day.
你是黑人吗?是黑人 好的 很好 谢谢 祝你好运
Alright, well, great girl. Boone Tyron had to be very confused.
好的 很棒的女孩啊 布恩蒂龙应该觉得很奇怪
I am Jimmy Kimmel, thanks for watching, if you like to see more,
我是吉米·坎莫尔 感谢你们的观看 如果你想看更多的视频
click below to subscribe our YouTube channel. and if not, do nothing at all.
请点击下面订阅我们的视频 如果不想 那就什么也不用做了

重点单词   查看全部解释    
confused [kən'fju:zd]


adj. 困惑的;混乱的;糊涂的 v. 困惑(confu

pedestrian [pi'destriən]


adj. 徒步的,缺乏想像的
n. 行人

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

channel ['tʃænl]


n. 通道,频道,(消息)渠道,海峡,方法





