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来源:可可英语 编辑:hoy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

What I am about to say might shock you. You may not know this, I am from Great Britain.

我接下来要说的事可能会吓到你们 你们可能以前都不知道 我其实是个英国人
And there is a lot going on at home, a lot of people are asking me at the moment about Brexit.
英国现在正面临着很多事情 有很多人在问我关于脱欧的事
Do you know what this is, reg, are you following this story, do you know
你知道这是怎么回事吗 雷吉 你有关注吗
what it is, what this is, essentially the people of Britain vote tomorrow to decide if they remain part of the European union.
知道是怎么回事吗 其实明天英国人就会投票决定是否要留在欧盟
Now I'm not one to usually get very political.
There are enough people on TV who do that and do it far better than I.
电视上已经有很多人在做政治类的新闻了 而且他们做的比我好得多
But the truth is I know a lot of Brits do watch this show.
And I really hope that we all vote to remain in the EU. I really do.
我想说我很希望大家一起投票 留在欧盟 真的
Not that I consider myself to be a voice on such a thing but to me, it feels so clear. It really does.
我不是觉得自己能在这件事上面起多大的作用 只是对我来说 我觉得这个选择已经十分清晰 真的
Like looking at the independent, unbiased studies from the IMF to nearly every big business owner in the UK.
看看国际货币基金组织的公正的研究结果 还有英国那么多的大企业主
It seems clear to me that it will be better for our economy and better for our industry
很明显留在欧盟对我们的经济 我们的工业
and better for our international relations, and all of those things true, but mostly because I think it represents so much more than that.
还有国际关系都是一个更好的选择 但更重要的是 留在欧盟还有更大的意义
And I heard the astronaut Tim Peake came back. He had a year in space and came back the other week.
我听说宇航员蒂姆·皮克从太空中回来了 他在太空中呆了一年 前几周刚回来


And he said that he loved being in space looking down on the earth and realizing how small the world is, and how connected every country is.

他说他很喜欢呆在太空中 他看到地球 意识到世界有多渺小 每个国家间的距离也那么小
And it made me think, in today's world, I think the barriers should be coming down, not going up.
他让我觉得 在今天的世界 障碍应该越来越少 而不是越来越多
And I heard the other day— I heard the other day our show plays in 135 countries, right, which is amazing.
我还听说—— 我听说我们的节目会在135个国家播放 真的很不可思议
I don't even think I can name 135 countries. I don't. It is hard—can you, reg? Guillermo? You can—no way.
我觉得我连135个国家的名字都叫不出来 真的 太难了——你可以吗 雷吉 吉列尔莫呢 你可以——不可能
My point is, that wherever someone was born or wherever they live, like we can share the same jokes and stories and interests.
我想说的是 不管一个人出生在哪 不管他居住在哪 我们应该可以分享 同样的乐事 分享同样的兴趣爱好
And ultimately we are all in this together. And the more we embrace that, the better our world will be.
最后我们都能参与同一件事 我们越是彼此释放善意 世界就会越好
And I really hope that the people of Britain, I hope that they use their vote and I hope they go out and vote to remain in the European union. I truly, truly do.
我真希望英国人民 我希望他们去投票 让英国留在欧盟 我真的 真的这么想
Look at me. Getting all political. And I am like John Oliver.
我现在好关心政治哦 感觉像囧橄榄上身一样
If I had a checked shirt and glasses people would be like wow, if I also lost 300 pounds,
如果我换身格子衬衣戴上眼镜 再减个300磅
people would be like wow, I didn't know John Oliver moved to CBS.
估计大家都会说 我怎么不知道囧橄榄去CBS了

重点单词   查看全部解释    
essentially [i'senʃəli]


adv. 本质上,本来

independent [indi'pendənt]


adj. 独立的,自主的,有主见的
n. 独立

ultimately ['ʌltimitli]


adv. 最后,最终

embrace [im'breis]


v. 拥抱,包含,包围,接受,信奉
n. 拥抱

unbiased ['ʌn'baiəst]


adj. 公正的





