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来源:可可英语 编辑:hoy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

You know why I am feeling so political, do you know why?

我感觉到一种政治意味 你知道为什么吗
Why? Ask me where I was yesterday. James, where were you yesterday?
为什么 快问我昨天去哪儿了 詹姆斯 你昨天去哪儿了
I don't really want to talk about it, but you brought it up.
这个我不是很想说 但是既然你问起来
I went to the White House yesterday. Ooh. Ooh indeed.
我昨天去了白宫 哇 真的很值得哇一声
I went to the White House, I went around, I walked around. I tried to steal something.
我去了白宫 到处走了走 看了看 想偷点东西回去
I nearly got—I was like—I did. There was a coaster, I'm not even joking.
我差点被——我——真的 我看到了一个小托盘 没开玩笑哦
There was this gold coaster that had the president's seal on it.
有个纯金的小托盘 上面有总统印
And I just said to this guy, he was showing us around.
我就问我旁边的人 是他在带着我们参观
I said what would happen if that wasn't here tomorrow.
我说 如果明天这个托盘不在这儿了会怎么样
And he went well, it was paid for by the people of America.
他说 这是美国人民出钱购买的
And we would know this. And I wouldn't if I were you.
我们会搞清楚是谁把它拿走了 如果我是你 我不会这么做
I went I'm not going to, it doesn't matter. I was actually asking for a friend.
我说 不会啊 没关系 实际上我是帮朋友问的
But the reason I was there—have a look at this video.


Hi, I'm at the White House today.

嗨 我今天来了白宫
And I'm going to take a spin in a car and sing some songs with—Me.
我准备开车去兜个风 唱唱歌 跟我一起的还有——我
We shot a carpool karaoke with the first lady of the United States.
I Can not tell you, I'm so excited for you all to see it. I really am. She was amazing.
我太激动了 没忍住想跟你们分享 真的 她人特别好
And like she joined Snapchat yesterday, so she was just like I think I was the first person that she like filmed on her Snapchat.
而且昨天她也开始用Snapchat 她说想让我做她Snapchat上拍的第一个人
I am like are you sure you want it to be me.
我问 你确定要找我吗
She was like yeah, it was amazing, you can follow her on Snapchat, follow our show on Snapchat, the late, late show.
她说是的 你们可以关注她的Snapchat 还有我们的节目 深夜秀
I can't wait for you to see it.
It might be the most fun I had doing a carpool, and I feel like I say that every time we do one.
这可能是我们最有趣的一起拼车秀 当然我每期都这么说
We are going to show it to you in a few weeks, it is going to be great.
我们几个星期后会放出来让大家看到 节目真的很不错

重点单词   查看全部解释    
seal [si:l]


n. 印章,封条
n. 海豹

spin [spin]


v. (使)旋转,疾驰,纺织,结网,眩晕





