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Now Edward, i want to talk to you about this, this is something i'm very interested in in.

爱德华 我想和你聊聊这个 这是我非常感兴趣的事情
You can fly your own plane, which is something i would love to do but i have great fear of it.
你会开飞机 这是我很想做的事情 但是我胆子没那么大
Did do you ever have close calls when you up in the there?
Are you ever like, oh my god, it's Harrison Ford, get out of the way. Is he smoking?
你会不会想说 天啊 是哈里森·福特 快闪开 他在抽烟吗
You know, pilots with interesting experiences don't last long.
Like, it is better to be a boring pilot because you know, you don't get a lot of-- it's not like nine lives.
更好的是 成为一个无聊的飞行员 因为 你没有很多 你没有九条命
Very much one and done. So i try to be very boring.
只有一条 完了就完了 我努力做到很无聊
But i guess, i landed in a river bed once, that was a little dicey.
我记得 有一次我降落到了河床上 那次有点危险
What? I did, it was--. Were you just like oh, a river bed, i will pop it down there, should be fine.
什么 真的 当时是不是 奥 一个河床 我要落到这里 应该没事
We, it was supposed to be an airstrip and it wasn't but-- .
那应该是一个飞机跑道 但是那不是
I guess you do only realize when you get very close. Too late to stop.
我猜你只在离得很近的时候才发现 太晚了 停不下来
Zazie, are you quite a nervous flyer, how would you feel if Edward Norton was your pilot?
扎齐 你坐飞机时会有些紧张 如果爱德华·诺顿是你的飞行员 你会怎么想
Well, you landed successfully in a river bed so that is promising.
你成功地着陆在了一个河床上 这是很有希望的
I was just, my dad actually flies too. And i don't fly with him. You won't fly with your dad.
我在想 我爸爸也开飞机 但是我不和他一块坐飞机 你不和他坐飞机
No, because is he always like, i don't really understand what they are saying when he talking to air-traffic control.
因为他老是这样 我不太明白当他们和空中交通管制员通话时在说什么
Two days ago he was on the phone, he was like yeah, i almost hit this plane, i don't know, maybe i am not as good at this as i thought.
两天前他打电话说 我差点撞到飞机 我不知道 也许我不像我想的那么擅长这个
Oh no. I don't know what to tell you.
奥 不 我不知要告诉你什么了
I'm getting out of an uber if that is what he is saying, let alone an airplane.
如果他在出租车上这么说的话 我都会跳出来 更别说是飞机了


He seems a little more reliable. I'll hop in with you. Reggie, do you have a question for our guests this evening?

他似乎更靠谱些 我会上你的飞机的 雷吉 你有没有问客人的问题
Yeah, i do, james, tonight's question goes to, all our guests here tonight. There you are.
是的 詹姆斯 今晚的问题由所有三位客人回答
If you were ever, if you were ever under a mattress and you were like, how did i get here,
如果你曾经,如果你曾经出现在床垫下 你会想 我是怎么到这里来的
Would you have an answer? Yeah i mean that has happened so many times.
你有答案吗 是的 那已经发生过很多次了
And i have never known exactly how i let it happen again.
I'm usually very grateful to be on my mattress and don't question it much.
我通常很感恩能躺在我的床垫上 所以我不会想太多的
I know where you are going, it is existential, right? yeah.
我知道你什么意思 这是存在主义的问题 对吗 是的
Yeah, i would say--fate bring me under that mattress.
我会说 是命运把我带到那个床垫下的
All three of those answers are sezy.
Did you say sexy? Sezy. Are you saying sexy?
你是说性感吗 性官 你是说性感吗
Please take me in your plane. They are all correct, please thank our brilliant guests.
把我带到你的飞机上吧 他们说的都对 谢谢我们杰出的客人

重点单词   查看全部解释    
existential [.egzis'tenʃəl]


adj. 有关存在的,根据经验的

grateful ['greitfəl]


adj. 感激的,感谢的

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

pilot ['pailət]


n. 飞行员,领航员,引航员
vt. 领航,驾

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

reliable [ri'laiəbl]


adj. 可靠的,可信的

boring ['bɔ:riŋ]


adj. 令人厌烦的

mattress ['mætris]


n. 床垫

brilliant ['briljənt]


adj. 卓越的,光辉的,灿烂的
n. 宝石

plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平





