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All right. Thanks. I don't know how to get rid of them, I—yeah. Thanks, guys. Take a break. Anyway. Yeah, go with that one.

好的 谢谢 我不知道怎么摆脱它们 我 嗯 谢谢哥们儿 休息一下吧 总之 嗯 和它一起下去吧
They're not too bright, really, you know? Well, thank you very much. I'm Jimmy, I'm your host of a very special night tonight.
它们脑袋不怎么灵光 真的 你懂的 嗯 非常感谢 我是吉米 我是你们的主持人 今晚会是特别的一晚
We are coming to you from a galaxy—not too far away from Hollywood California, where we await the world premiere of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.
我们从另一个星系过来 离加州好莱坞不远 《星球大战:天行者的崛起》将在那里进行全球首映。
I don't know if you've heard about this—it's a movie.
不知道你们有没有听说过 这是一部电影
It's happening just across the street. The afterparty is in our parking lot.
就发生在街对面的事儿 余兴派对就开在我们的停车场里
I came over this morning, there was a millennium falcon in my spot and—I had to have it towed. But the force is with us tonight.
今天早上我过来的时候 发现我的车位上有一艘千年隼(宇宙飞船名) 我还得把它拖走 但今晚原力会和我们一起
And the cast of the movie is with us, too, and the writer, director of the movie is with us, JJ Abrams is here to te tell—to spoil everything.
这部电影的演员们今晚也会和我们一起 编剧 导演都会过来 JJ·艾布拉姆斯会来这里说~ 毁灭一切
He's going to tell us~, Luke Skywalker's mom paid ObI Wan half a million credits to get him into JedI school.
And it turns out the force is gluten, so—
结果原力是谷蛋白 所以——
JJ, as you know, directed Star Wars, he rebooted Star Trek, Mission Impossible and he owns four yogurt land franchises.
JJ 你知道 他执导过《星球大战》《星际迷航》《碟中谍》 还拥有四家酸奶特许经营权
He will be here in a couple minutes.
Also tonight, a key member of the rebel alliance standing guard, keeping us safe from harm, our very own Gui-Yoda is with us.
同样今晚 叛军联盟的一名重要成员也会守着我们 护我们周全 我们的小吉——尤达大师会和我们一起
How you doing?
Gui-Yoda—he has words of wisdom for young Skywalker, his trainee.
小吉——尤达大师 他对他的学生—年轻的天行者说了一些智言
Share with us some words of wisdom. Share with the audience here tonight.
跟我们分享一些智言吧 分享给我们今晚的观众
Go right ahead.
Just keep doing what you doing and you doing a great job.
坚持做你所做的 你就能做很棒
That's—you know there's a baby Yoda now? That's a strong Yoda.
你知道现在有个婴儿版尤达吗 这位是壮版尤达
We beefed up our security detail tonight. Now only is Yoda with us, we have a team of Droids backing him up.
我们今晚加强了安保措施 现在只有尤达和我们一块儿 我们有一队机器人支持他
R2-D2, BB-8 and D. O. are with us tonight.
R2-D2, BB-8 and D. O.今晚都在
Look at that.
It is an honor to have you here.
It's like a sharper image catalog came to life.
Are you guys doing okay?
You're still under warranty?


All right, well, you know, I have to say, we're very excited about these guys being around our office today, my Roomba went nuts when he saw them.

好吧 嗯 你知道 我必须说 这些家伙今天出现在我们办公室里我们真的非常兴奋,我的鲁姆巴(iRobot公司智能扫地机器人)看到他们当时就疯掉了
Rise of skywalker will be the last of the Skywalker Saga.
Of course it's the last of the skywalker saga.
Donald Trump is president, it's the last everything.
You know, if you've seen the trailer—the evil empire is back and the only way the resistance can defeat him is by impeaching him in the house and convicting him in the senate.
你知道 如果你看过预告片——邪恶帝国回来了 打败他的唯一办法就是在众议院弹劾他 在参议院判他有罪
Star wars is—many of you probably now, the second-highest grossing film franchise of all-time after the Madea movies.
《星球大战》—你们中的许多人现在可能都知道 它是史上票房第二高的系列电影 仅次于玛蒂系列电影
I saw the first one when I was 9 years old. My uncle frank took me and my cousin Ann to see it.
我第一次看是在我9岁的时候 我的叔叔弗兰克带我和我的表弟一起去看的
He fell asleep immediately. Slept through the whole thing, woke up and said he loved it.
他很快就进入梦乡 一直到电影结束 睡醒后他说:我爱这部电影
It's easy to forget sometimes that these movies were not created for us, they were created for kids—kids are who these movies were made for, so, we decided to give kids a chance to ask a Star Wars question, any question of director JJ Abrams and members of the cast and sure enough, they did.
有时我们很容易忘记这些电影不是为我们创作的 它们是为孩子们而创作的——这些电影就是专门拍给孩子们看的 所以 我们决定给孩子们一个问“星战问题”的机会 任何有关导演JJ·艾布拉姆斯以及演员们的问题 他们问得很到位
I'm wondering how the force works and how—and how it's so powerful.
I don't know.
Hey, Rey, can you really do a back flip or are you just a liar?
嘿 蕾伊 你真的能做后空翻吗?或者你只是个骗子?
Um—um—um—I'm a liar.
How old is Fin, does he like being a stormtrooper or a bad guy, what's his favorite color, how old is he, does he wear glasses or not, does he like shopping, does he get the Gucci, or does he go to normal stores and buy food or does he go to other places?
All right, Fin has a whole lifestyle.
His clothes are provided by the resistance, unfortunately, so, he doesn't get to go down to Gucci.
不幸的是 他的衣服都是由反抗军赞助的 所以他不能去买古驰
Do Droids eat or go to the bathroom or do they just pee in their pants?
Um—ah—their pants.
Excuse me?!
I was told no personal questions.
This question is for—are you going to be a big character in this movie or, like, a tiny character?
我的问题是 你会成为这部电影里的大角色或者,比如,小角色?
You are going to be a character like you always are or actually do something meaningful this time.
你会像之前一样扮演一个角色 或者说这次实际上会做一些有意义的事情
I appreciate that you said that. We all say it, but it's nice for you to verbalize it. That's exactly what I asked JJ, as well.
很感谢你说出来 我们都这么想 但是谢谢你能把它说出来 我也问过JJ同样的问题
And that's why they created your character. Enter me!
这就是他们创造你的角色的原因 问我吧
How old is Chewbacca?
And how tall is he and how much does he weigh and does he eat a lot of calories or does he stay fit and run or jog or do peloton or ride a bike or do any other sport that involves running or doing stuff like that?
他多高?多重?他吃卡路里多的东西吗?他身体健康吗?他跑步 还是慢跑吗 还是在跑步机上跑 还是骑单车 或者是做其它什么有关跑步或类似跑步的运动
Where to begin.
Um—Chewbacca is 7'6 tall, chewbacca eats a lot of food.
楚巴卡高7尺6寸(2米5) 吃很多食物
He's always hungry.
He doesn't own, currently own a peloton device.
他没有 现在还没有跑步机装备
He's thinking of getting one.
What are the best foods to eat when you don't have any front teeth?
Bananas, very soft, you can mush them in the back of your mouth.
香蕉 很软 可以在嘴后边把它们嚼碎
I got a little gap and I can smush it through the gap.
我的牙有个缝儿 我可以通过这个缝儿把它嚼碎
Um—you know what, if we really had the force we would probably know these answers.
你知道吗 如果我们真的拥有原力 我们可能会知道这些答案
Small berries. That's the best fruit to eat when you don't have front teeth.
小浆果 这是你在没有门牙的时候能吃的最好的水果
Lando, I have a question for you.
Everyone else calls Chewbacca Chewbacca but you call him chew-backa. What's that mean?
其他人都叫楚巴卡 楚巴卡 但是你叫他丘巴卡 是什么意思?
And what's the story behind that nickname?
I just mispronounce it.
As a matter of fact, I'm offended now.
其实 我现在很生气
For a long time, I didn't know whether to call him han, hon, hun. Ahh! Ah!
很长一段时间 我不知道该不该叫他韩、汉、浑~ 哈哈哈!
Oh, she's—ah! What? Ah! Ah! Ahh! Oh—I don't think this is just about him.
Is BB-8 a boy or a girl?
Oh, my god. Um—I don't know if we ever found out if BB-8 was a boy or a girl.
哦 天哪!呃——我不知道 我们一直都不知道BB-8是男的还是女的
Definitely a boy. I've seen it. Um—I was surprised.
是男的没错 我看见过 呃——我被惊到了
That's sick.
You know, little compartments open up and there are surprises in there, so, definitely boy.
你知道 小隔层打开 里面是个惊喜 所以 是男的没错
I don't really watch star wars anymore, because I'm kind of too old, but—I'll watch it.
其实 我不怎么看《星球大战》这种了 毕竟年纪大了 但是—我还是会看一下
Gee, thanks!
呀 谢谢捧场!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit]


vt. 欣赏,感激,赏识
vt. 领会,充分意

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

flip [flip]


vt. 掷,弹,轻击
vi. 翻转

device [di'vais]


n. 装置,设计,策略,设备

defeat [di'fi:t]


n. 败北,挫败
vt. 战胜,击败

security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券

liar ['laiə]


n. 说谎者

spoil [spɔil]


n. 战利品,奖品
v. 宠坏,溺爱,破坏,腐

rebel ['rebəl]


n. 叛徒,起义者,反叛者
adj. 造反的,

trainee [trei'ni:]


n. 练习生,新兵,训练中的动物





