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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Welcome back. I've said it before. I'll say it again.

欢迎回来 我已经说过了 今天再说一遍

I have the most amazing staff and crew on television.


I could not do the show without them. I miss them very, very much.

没有他们 我的节目也做不成 我很想很想他们

So I made a montage from the many, many years we've been doing this show.


Please enjoy. Watch what happens when you hit this button.

请欣赏 按下这个按钮会发生什么呢

It's also an ice dispenser.


Andy bike desk. Yeah. All right careful. Oh, that had to hurt.

安迪的自行车桌子 嗯 好 小心点 哦 肯定疼死了

Much like your rash has spread all over the place, their sponsorship is spreading all over the studio.

就像你的皮疹传了一大片 他们的赞助也对演播室里的大家雨露均沾


So I'm proud to unveil the Riff Rash Room.


I'm told now we have a censor. His name is Dave.

据说现在来了个审查人员 他叫戴夫

Hi, Dave. You better watch it, DeGeneres.

嗨 戴夫 你得小心点了 德杰尼勒斯

I want to use my telescope to get a good look at Uranus.


Hey, if you're looking for gifts for your sweetheart, I have plenty of suggestions.

如果你在为亲爱的另一半挑选礼物 我有很好的建议

We've cut that bit. Oh, I'll just go back. Just go back up.

我们给它剪短了点 哦 我回去吧 快上去

That is not the view I want from here. That is--

这个角度看的画面不是我想要的 真是

Especially at that age, where you're actually-- Ah!

尤其是在那个年级 你其实 啊

Finally! Finally!

终于啊 可让我逮着你了

It's not Thanksgiving without some kids at the table.

感恩节的时候 桌子上没有小孩儿就没那氛围了

So next, we have little Pauly right here. And ooh-- oh, my.

所以下一位 有请我们的小宝利 哦天

Oh, my God.

哦 天哪

One of my cameramen is wearing a mask. I have to figure out who it is.

我的一位摄影师戴着面具 我得猜猜他是谁

Hi Ellen. Hey, I'm one of your camera guys. I'm here every day.

嗨 艾伦 嘿 我是你的摄影师 我每天都来

Which one am I? Who is it? It's me, David. Oh. It's Dave. All right. Come on.

猜猜我是谁?是谁啊?是我 大卫 哦 是戴夫 好 快啊

It's still behind me.


Our stage manager, Gabe.

我们的舞台经理 加布

Oh, also, I got my ladder. I also have a Starbucks barista. Uh-huh.

哦 而且 我还有梯子 还有个星巴克咖啡师 啊哈

Careful. I called my executive producer, Kevin.


And I said, what if, in tomorrow's morning meeting, we get the ceiling to open up and snakes drop on Alison?

我说 如果在明天的早会上 我们把天花板打开 往艾莉森身上扔一些蛇怎么样?

Sorry, Ellen. Sorry I'm late. There's something falling on my face.

抱歉 艾伦 很抱歉我来晚了 有东西掉在我脸上

I'm sorry? There's some-- I think there's water coming from-- Oh, my.

什么?有东西 我感觉有水在往下 哦天

I think there's water-- could I-- All right.

我觉得有水 我能 好

Could I change seats? Yeah. We don't even have-- Is that possible?

我能换座位吗?嗯 我们没有 怎么可能?

This never happens on The Price is Right.



Oh, my gosh. We've been telling you about our cameraman, Tim, who was home recovering from a broken hip.

哦天哪 我经常跟大家提到过的摄影师蒂姆 他臀部骨折了 本来在家养伤的

Yeah. Look at you. Feeling good. I'm feeling good.

嗯 看看你 感觉还好吗?挺好

Thank you. Thank you for the flowers and all you did.

谢谢 谢谢你送的花和你做的一切

Don't push it. If you're tired, you know-- Take a nap?

别硬撑着 要是累了就 睡一觉吗?

Go home, yeah. That's a camera we rarely use, so it's not--

回家吧 嗯 反正这个机位我们也很少用

Whenever the president is on the show, there's a Secret Service man, right-- hello, Mr. Secret Service.

只要总统上节目 旁边就会有个特工 你好啊 特工先生

Behind him is the not so Secret Service. Follow me. Come on.

他身后的人就不那么特工了 跟我来 快

Jeannie? Here we go. Jeannie! Jeannie!

珍妮?快走 珍妮 珍妮

You're going to fill up your water bottle.


You're going to want to aerate it with-- there's no batteries in this. One second.

给它充气 这里面没有电池 等一下

I'm out there with Ellen DeGeneres demo project with no batteries.


Works now. And you can easily keep your tree green all-- don't interrupt me, woman!

现在可以了 你可以轻而易举地让树保持绿色 别打断我 女人!

Oh, I'm ready to be in the studio again. We are better together.

哦 我很想再回到演播室去 大家在一起更好

I love you. We'll be back.

爱你们 马上回来

重点单词   查看全部解释    
crew [kru:]


n. 全体船员,全体乘务员,(一组)工作人员

ladder ['lædə]


n. 梯子,阶梯,梯状物
n. (袜子)

ceiling ['si:liŋ]


n. 天花板,上限

spread [spred]


v. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒

censor ['sensə]


n. 检查员,监察官 vt. 检查

executive [ig'zekjutiv]


adj. 行政的,决策的,经营的,[计算机]执行指令

aerate ['eiəreit]


vt. 充气;让空气进入;使暴露于空气中

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

mask [mɑ:sk]


n. 面具,面罩,伪装
v. 戴面具,掩饰,遮

rash [ræʃ]


adj. 鲁莽的
n. 疹子,大量


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