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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Thanks for watching. Listen, hey.

感谢大家的收看 听着 嘿

Before we say goodbye, I want to say this is our last show that we're taping of the season.

在结束之前 我想告诉大家这是我们这一季的最后一期节目

We have a summer break. We'll be back in September.

我们要放暑假了 然后在九月回归

But there'll be other shows after this that we've already taped previously.

不过这一期节目播完后 还有我们之前已经录过的节目要播出

But this is our last show that we're actually taping.


And we've been doing this from my home for several months now.


I have not seen my staff, my crew, my writers, everyone.

我一直都没见到我的员工们 我的团队 编剧 都没见到

There's tons of people who work for us that we usually see every single day.

有很多很多为我们工作的人 本来是可以每天都见的

I can't wait to see you all again. Everyone has done an amazing job.

迫不及待想见到大家了 大家都做的很棒

There's a camera setup in here.


And there's people working from their homes making this happen and trying to edit shows together to put it on the air to get it out there looking somewhat normal.

还有很多人在家里工作 剪辑节目 上传视频 让一切看起来都正常点

And I just thank everybody for all the hard work because I haven't been able to say anything to you.

感谢所有人的努力付出 一直以来我也没机会跟你说点什么

I haven't seen you every day. So thanks for everything.

我没法天天见到你们 谢谢大家所做的一切

I miss you all. I can't wait to see you in September.

我想你们所有人 等不及在九月重新见到你们

Andy and tWitch, I have loved having you as my pal every single day.

安迪和推奇 很高兴你俩每天都能陪着我


Can't wait to hug you. Andy, I can't wait to hug you.

真想抱抱你们 安迪 我很想抱抱你

Thank you for being here every day. Oh my God. Thank you for--

谢谢你每天都来 哦天哪 谢谢你

These are months of my life I'll never forget. I don't think any of us will.

这几个月我一生都不会忘记 我觉得所有人都不会忘记的

On a personal note, it's been so great for me to be able to come out here and be with you.

从个人角度来说 能来这里跟你待在一起真的特别好

And I feel so lucky to have had this time.

能有这段时光 我觉得特别幸运

And thank you for opening your house up so that we can do these shows, so that you're able to keep myself and 200 other people working.

非常感谢你愿意让我们在你家里录节目 让我和其他200人有工作做

And you know, this has been a season like no other for any of us.


And we had to make a shift this year, too, because of quarantine first, but more importantly, because of George Floyd's death.

今年我们也被迫做出调整 一开始是因为隔离 但更重要的是后来乔治·弗洛伊德的死

And you know, when Katrina happened, you called us up and said, we need to be more than funny.

当年发生卡特里娜飓风的时候 你打电话给我们说 我们要做的不仅仅是有趣

Then the Tyler Clementi suicide, and you called us and said, we need to have more meaning in our show.

后来泰勒·金文泰自杀 你给我们打电话说 我们的节目需要有更多的意义

And the second this happened with George Floyd, you called us and said, we need to shift what we're doing.

乔治·弗洛伊德事件一发生 你就打电话告诉我们 我们得调整方向

And that has all been because of you. And we're closing out this season.

那一些都是因为你 这一季要结束了

But next season is season 18. In Judaism, 18 is a very good number. It means life.

下一季是第18季 在犹太人中 18是个很好的数字 它意味着生命

And I look forward to all of us being together again. tWitch.

我期待着大家再次重聚的那一天 推奇

Ellen, thank you. Seriously, I mean, honestly, that was-- Andy, you kind of encapsulated that perfectly.

艾伦 谢谢 说真的 真的 那 安迪 你总结地很完美

The only thing I have to add that is just, Ellen, thank you for continuing for your light to shine.

我唯一想补充的是 艾伦 谢谢你一直发着光

You know what I mean? Because it's just like in terms where, seriously, it gets so dark, like it's so dark out there.

知道我的意思吗?因为就在 真的 一切都如此黑暗的时候 现在的世界仿佛一片漆黑

I mean, it's just like you do.


There's a light that comes through that gives us direction, that keeps us actually looking up rather than looking down,

有一束光照进来 给我们指引方向 它让我们抬头仰望天空 而不是俯瞰大地

whether we're laughing, whether we're crying because we're inspired, or whether we're dancing.

不管我们是笑 还是因为受到了鼓舞在哭 或者是我们在跳舞的时候

And that is just incredibly special.


And I cannot be more honored than to be a part of this family.

能成为这个家族的一份子 我感到无上光荣

So I appreciate y'all, and I appreciate you. I feel the same. I could not feel more honored.

我很感谢大家 也很感谢你 我也是一样的感觉 非常光荣

And I think we've all grown closer together, even though we're not even together, through all of this.

经历了这一切 我觉得我们更加亲近了 即便我们没在一起

So I love you all. I can't wait to see you again.

爱你们所有人 等不及想见到你们

Thanks for watching. Listen to one another, and be kind to one another. Bye.

感谢观看 互相倾听 善待他人 拜

重点单词   查看全部解释    
quarantine ['kwɔrənti:n]


n. 四十天,隔离,封锁交通,检疫期间 vt. 检疫,停

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

inspired [in'spaiəd]


adj. 有创见的,有灵感的

appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit]


vt. 欣赏,感激,赏识
vt. 领会,充分意

previously ['pri:vju:sli]


adv. 先前,在此之前

shift [ʃift]


n. 交换,变化,移动,接班者
v. 更替,移

crew [kru:]


n. 全体船员,全体乘务员,(一组)工作人员


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