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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

With the events that have taken place recently, it's sometimes hard to remember that we are in the middle of a pandemic.

最近发生的一些事情 有时候都忘了现在还在疫情期间呢

Luis Munoz-- he's a dad from Brooklyn who had gone months without seeing his daughter because of the pandemic.

Luis Munoz是一名父亲 来自布鲁克林 因为疫情 他已经几个月没见到自己的女儿了

And he missed her so much that he did the next best thing.

他很想念女儿 于是做了件特别美好的事情

Luis waited outside of the hospital where Jessica works with a giant sign that said how much he loves her.

Luis在Jessica工作的医院外面等她 手里举着写满了父爱的牌子

Please welcome Luis' daughter, Jessica. Oh, my God, it's Ellen.

有请Luis的女儿Jessica 哦天哪 是艾伦

Oh, my god. It's actually Ellen. It's actually Ellen.

哦天 真的是艾伦 真的是艾伦

Hi. Hi. How are you? Oh, my gosh. It's really you. I'm OK. How are you two?

嗨 嗨 你好吗?哦天 真的是你 我很好 你们呢?

I'm just a regular dad from Brooklyn, and you're Ellen. Yep.

我只是布鲁克林的一个无名的父亲 而你却是艾伦 对


You're not just a regular dad. You're a very special dad.

你并不是无名之辈 你很特别的

So you've been raising Jessica since she was four years old.


You've been a single dad. And your daughter-- you raised a really wonderful daughter.

你是个单亲爸爸 你女儿 她真的非常棒

She is a hero. Thank you. Aw. Look at that.

她是个英雄 谢谢 嗷 看啊

So what made you decide-- why did you say, I'm going to just go make a sign and stand outside the hospital.

你为什么决定 你是怎么想到做个牌子 去她医院外面等她的

My daughter and me, we're extremely close.

我跟我女儿 我们关系特别亲密

And I haven't gone more than a week without seeing her in 28 years.

28年以来 我跟她分开从来没超过一周

And now 2 and 1/2, three months had almost passed already.

现在有两个半 近三个月的时间过去了

And I'm home taking care of my elderly parents, and I haven't seen her.

我在家照顾年迈的父母 一直都没见到她

And it just got to a point where I just felt like my heart was breaking.


And that I just really missed her a lot. And I wanted to just get a hug from her. It's been too long.

我真的很想她 我想抱抱她 太久没见了

So, Jessica, how did you see the sign? And how did that feel when you saw it?

Jessica 你是怎么看到那个牌子的?你看到的时候是什么感觉?

I was actually on my lunch break. I had no idea he was coming.

当时是午休时间 我完全不知道他要来

And I was standing outside on the sidewalk just leaving the building, and I see someone from far with a sign.

我从大楼出来站在人行道旁边 然后看到远处有个人举着个牌子

And I'm like, oh, that's weird. Someone's walking this way with a sign.

我还想 哦 好奇怪 有人举着牌子往这边走呢

And as the person comes closer, I see it's my father.

等他靠近的时候 我看出来是我爸

So at first, I was quite shocked. A little bit embarrassed because my face was on the ginormous sign.

一开始 我很震惊 还有点尴尬 因为那个超大的牌子上印着我的脸

But it was really sweet of him. And it got a lot of attention fast.

不过他真的很贴心 很快就引起了大家的关注

And people were saying, oh, that's so sweet.

人们都说 哦 好暖啊

Jessica, so I know it's your dream to go back to nursing school, but you can't afford it.

Jessica 我知道你的梦想就是去上护理学院 但你们没有那个经济能力

So the reason we wanted to talk to both of you is because we want to help.


Green Dot offers banking and saving made simple.

Green Dot提供银行业务 让存钱变得更简单

And they want to put some cash back in your pocket.


So today, Jessica, they're going to give you $10,000. What? No way.

所以今天 Jessica 他们要给你1万美元 什么?不是吧

Oh, my gosh. Thank you. So Green Dot that is so amazing.

哦天哪 谢谢你 Green Dot非常棒

And, Luis, I have something for you, too. They want to give you-- Oh, my god.

Luis 我也给你准备了点东西 他们想给你 哦天哪

Wow. Thank you for helping my daughter. Thank you so much. I can't believe that.

哇 谢谢你帮助我女儿 太感谢你了 真不敢相信

Got a sign. Oh, my gosh. $10,000, Luis. Wow. So that's $10,000 for each of you.

有牌子哎 哦天哪 1万美元 Luis 哇哦 所以送你们每人1万美元

That's $20,000 from Green Dot. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for watching. Oh, my god.

Green Dot一共送给你们2万美元 非常感谢 感谢大家的收看 哦天哪

Thanks so much, everybody. Thank you so much. Thank you so, so much. We appreciate it so much.

谢谢大家 非常感谢 太感谢你了 我们非常感谢

重点单词   查看全部解释    
haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

sidewalk ['said.wɔ:k]


n. 人行道

embarrassed [im'bærəst]


adj. 尴尬的,局促不安的,拮据的

appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit]


vt. 欣赏,感激,赏识
vt. 领会,充分意

pandemic [pæn'demik]


adj. 全国流行的 n. (全国或全世界范围流行的)疾

extremely [iks'tri:mli]


adv. 极其,非常


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