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There's Steven Bradbury, first on the left, lining up for the final of the men's 1,000m speed-skating event at Salt Lake City.

左边第一道上的是斯蒂芬·布拉德伯里 他已经站在了盐湖城 1000米男子速滑的赛道上

He was competing in his first Olympic men's final at the age of 30, a career highlight for a veteran athlete who had paid his dues in a tough and dangerous sport.

他已经30岁了 第一次进入奥运会男子决赛的时候 作为一名资深的职业运动员 他已经在这项艰苦而危险的运动中付出了自己的代价

Bradbury had been in the speed skating game for 12 years, travelling the world representing Australia in numerous international championships, including three Olympic Winter Games.

布拉德伯里已经在速滑赛道上奋斗了12年 他代表澳大利亚在世界各地 参加国际锦标赛 包括三次冬奥会

Along the way, he had endured a near-fatal encounter with the sharpened steel of an opponent's skates and a high-speed collision with a wall.

他被对手的溜冰鞋划伤过 这些年中 这几乎是致命的 也在高速运动时撞上过墙壁

Hard knocks, lack of funding, lack of recognition - it's tough being an Australian speed skater.

伤病的纠缠 资金的缺乏 不被认可 作为一名澳大利亚速滑运动员十分艰难

Bradbury is from tropical Queensland, where young athletes are not exactly queuing up to take part in winter sports, opportunities being somewhat limited.

布拉德伯里来自亚热带昆士兰州 那里年轻的运动员几乎不会抢着去参加冬季运动项目 机会非常有限

"Skating?! It's just a waste of good ice!"



When Bradbury started out in the early 1990s, Australians had yet to trouble the scorers when it came to medals at the Winter Games.

90年代初布拉德伯里开始滑冰时 澳大利亚人几乎没有想过能在冬奥会中获得奖牌

They preferred to pursue other avenues of individual success.


It wasn't as if Bradbury had nothing to show for it.


Without quite reaching the pinnacle of his sport, he had already done more than any individual to advance the cause of speed skating in Australia.

他的实力没法得到完全的体现 其实他已经超过了澳大利亚所有的速滑运动员 他已经做得足够好了

And when Bradbury emerged as a skater of international class, he inspired a generation of Australians - well, four to be precise - to take on the world.

当布拉德伯里成为拥有国际水准的滑冰运动员时 他激发了一代的澳大利亚人 准确地来说 是四个人去征服世界

At Lillehammer 1994, Bradbury led his Aussie team-mates - Richard Nizielski, Andrew Murtha and Kieran Hansen - into unknown territory.

1994年在挪威利勒哈默 布拉德伯里带领他的澳洲队友理查德 安德鲁·默撒和基兰·汉森 进入了一个全新的领域

The men's 5,000m relay final. For the first time, Australia were on the medals board at the Winter Games.

男子5000米接力赛 这是澳大利亚第一次 站在了冬奥会的领奖台上

First Olympic medal for Australia at the Olympic Games.


And yet Bradbury did not feel entirely fulfilled.


He wanted to compete with the very best.


He wanted to win an individual medal.


And away from the relay, Lillehammer had been a personal disappointment, as was Nagano 1998... ..and Salt Lake City 2002.

但是除了接力赛以外 挪威之行是令人失望的 如同1998年在日本长野和2002年在盐湖城的比赛一样令人失望

Only the 1,000m event remained. Bradbury won his preliminary heat.

只有1000米速滑赛中 布拉德伯里通过了预赛

He then finished third in the quarterfinal but got a lucky break when the second-place finisher was disqualified for obstruction.

然后他在四分之一决赛排在第三 但是很幸运 第二名被取消了比赛资格

Among a stronger field in the semifinal, our Aussie hero hung around the back, waiting for a break and then... ..a miracle.

在竞争激烈的半决赛中 我们的澳洲英雄被甩在了后面 等待着自生自灭 然后 奇迹发生了

Second place and, for the first time in his long career, Steven Bradbury had reached an Olympic final, already the best individual performance at the Winter Games by an Australian skater.

获得了第二名 这是他漫长的职业生涯中的第一次 史蒂文·布拉德伯里进入了奥运会决赛 这已经是澳大利亚滑冰运动员在冬季比赛中最好的个人成绩了

Bring this on. His chances of a medal were still between slim and none... ..because these were the guys with their eyes on the top prize.

即使是这样 他获得奖牌的几率 也还是很渺茫 因为所有人都想站在最高领奖台上

Bradbury had one strategy in mind - hang in there and hope.

布拉德伯里在心中告诉自己 只要坚持就会有希望

Ready to go now and we'll know in 90 seconds who gets the coveted gold medal.

比赛开始了 在接下来的90秒内 我们就能知道谁将会获得冠军

They're off at the start now and just a little bit of jockeying for position.

他们出发了 相互之间都跟得很紧 都在占据有利位置

Soo from Korea on the inside, Turcotte from Canada on the outside.

外圈是加拿大的特科特 内圈是来自韩国的秀

Remember, nobody necessarily needs to go in front, you want to see what's happening with the skaters in front of you.

记住 这个时候没必要一定要在第一的位置 这样就能看到你前面的对手的状态了

Oh no there looking to move on the inside, then dropping back.

哦不 他们在内圈超越 然后速度降下来了

You've got basically a four-man pack now with Bradbury in fifth.

基本上可以看到前面的四名选手 布拉德伯里在第五名的位置

Turcotte quite comfortable just ahead of Li and Li's got himself in a good position and again Soo goes on the inside for the lead.

特科特轻松超越了李 李占据了一个有利位置 秀再一次从内圈超过对手到了最前面

The Korean in the bright blue and yellow, easy to spot, and it's Soo now in the lead now with six laps to go.

韩国的运动员是穿着亮蓝和黄色衣服的 很容易辨认 秀现在是领先的 已经是第六圈了

And then again, Oh no again on the inside trying to get some position.

又是一圈 哦不 再一次试图在内圈赶超对手

Looks like he wants to make a move but he's sitting now behind Soo, ahead of Li and Turcotte, Bradbury in fifth from Australia.

看起来他想要行动了 但是他现在还是拍排在秀的后面 在李和特科特前面以及来自澳大利亚的第五名布拉德伯里

Now they're starting to stretch out a little bit, the field taking shape... ..and Oh no moving up on the outside.

现在他们开始拉开距离 场上的形式…… 哦不 从外道超越了

Soo sees him coming but Oh no, there's nothing Soo can do about it.

秀看到他逼近了 不 秀已经无能为力了

Oh no goes wide and then cuts back in front.

哦不 距离拉大了 然后前面的距离缩小了

And now Ohno, Li has passed Soo, Ohno was in second, Soo in third, two laps to go.

然后现在 哦不 李赶超了秀 李现在排在第二 秀是第三 只剩下两圈了

Bradbury way off the pace and Li is now the challenger for Oh no.

哦不 布拉德伯里落在最后 李想要超到前面去

- Li coming up on the outside. - One down.

李到了外圈 有个人倒地了

- And Li has gone down. - Two down.


- Oh no and Soo have collapsed. - Three down.

哦不 秀摔倒了 三个倒地

- They're all down... - Four down.

他们都摔倒了 四个人都摔倒了

..and Bradbury, who is in the perfect spot, skates over the line.

然后布拉德伯里 拥有了一个完美的机会 他冲过了终点线

You beauty! Australia's first-ever Winter Olympics gold medal, Steven Bradbury is the champion.

好样的!澳大利亚的第一块冬季奥运金牌 史蒂文·布拉德伯里是冠军

Bradbury was having trouble taking in what had just happened.

这所发生的一切 让布拉德伯里有点难以接受

But when the result was upheld by the judges, he stepped forward onto the podium to hear Advance Australia Fair.

但是当裁判公布比赛结果时 他站上了领奖台 清楚的听到了澳大利亚的国歌

Steven Bradbury retired from competitive speed skating in 2005.

史蒂文 布拉德伯里在2005年退役

His autobiography is called Last Man Standing.

他写了一本自传 叫《站到最后的人》

重点单词   查看全部解释    
numerous ['nju:mərəs]


adj. 为数众多的,许多

medal ['medl]


n. 奖章,勋章,纪念章
vi. 获得奖章

competitive [kəm'petitiv]


adj. 竞争的,比赛的

encounter [in'kauntə]


n. 意外的相见,遭遇
v. 遇到,偶然碰到,

collision [kə'liʒən]


n. 碰撞,冲突

unknown ['ʌn'nəun]


adj. 未知的,不出名的

highlight ['hailait]


n. 加亮区,精彩部分,最重要的细节或事件,闪光点

pursue [pə'sju:]


v. 追捕,追求,继续从事

relay [ri'lei]


vt. 中继,用继电器控制,接替,传递

opponent [ə'pəunənt]


n. 对手,敌手,反对者
adj. 敌对的,反





