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第一章 卧室内的画(7)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Consequently, when the Pevensie children had returned to Narnia last time for their second visit, it was(for the Narnians)as if King Arthur came back to Britain, as some people say he will.

因此, 露茜和爱德蒙两兄妹自上次从纳尼亚离开后, 这次再回来( 在纳尼亚人眼中) 就如传说中亚瑟王一样, 终于重返纳尼亚了。

And I say the sooner the better.


Rynelf returned with the spiced wine steaming in a flagon and four silver cups.


It was just what one wanted, and as Lucy and Edmund sipped it they could feel the warmth going right down to their toes.

这酒来得正是时候, 爱德蒙和露茜抿了一小口, 顿觉一股暖流从喉咙直达脚底。

But Eustace made faces and spluttered and spat it out and was sick again and began to cry again and asked if they hadn't any Plumptree's Vitaminized Nerve Food and could it be made with distilled water and anyway he insisted on being put ashore at the next station.

尤斯塔斯却还是苦着张脸, 先是呕吐, 一会儿又哇哇大哭, 问人家有没有枫树牌那种加了维生素的营养食品, 还告诉人家如果没有可以用蒸馏水去制作, 并坚持说到了下一站就回岸上去。

"This is a merry shipmate you've brought us, Brother, " whispered Caspian to Edmund with a chuckle; but before he could say anything more Eustace burst out again.

"这个活宝可是你们带来的呀, 兄弟。"凯斯宾笑着对爱德蒙咬耳朵。还没等他说其他事情, 尤斯塔斯就又开始折腾了。

"Oh !Ugh !What on earth's that !Take it away, the horrid thing. "


He really had some excuse this time for feeling a little surprised.


Something very curious indeed had come out of the cabin in the poop and was slowly approaching them.

因为船尾竟然冒出来一个非常奇怪的东西, 正向他们慢慢走来。

You might call it--and indeed it was--a Mouse.


But then it was a Mouse on its hind legs and stood about two feet high.

可它竟然可以只用两条后腿站立, 看上去有两英尺高。

A thin band of gold passed round its head under one ear and over the other and in this was stuck a long crimson feather.

一个细细的金箍套住了它的脑袋, 一只耳朵在金箍上面, 另一只在下面, 箍上还插了一支深红色长羽毛。

(As the Mouse's fur was very dark, almost black, the effect was bold and striking. )

( 老鼠的皮毛颜色非常深, 接近黑色, 非常引人注目)

Its left paw rested on the hilt of a sword very nearly as long as its tail.


Its balance, as it paced gravely along the swaying deck, was perfect, and its manners courtly.

它神色庄严, 举止优雅, 稳当地来回穿行在颠簸的甲板上。

Lucy and Edmund recognized it at once--Reepicheep, the most valiant of all the Talking Beasts of Narnia, and the Chief Mouse.

爱德蒙和露茜一眼就认出它是雷佩契普, 纳尼亚王国里会说话的兽类中, 最骁勇善战的老鼠大军的头目。

It had won undying glory in the second Battle of Beruna.

在柏卢纳的第二次战役中, 它还获得了不朽的殊荣。

Lucy longed, as she had always done, to take Reepicheep up in her arms and cuddle him.

露茜真想把它搂在怀里, 她一直都想这么做。

But this, as she well knew, was a pleasure she could never have: it would have offended him deeply.

不过她知道自己是享受不到这种待遇的, 因为那样的话会得罪它。

Instead, she went down on one knee to talk to him.


Reepicheep put forward his left leg, drew back his right, bowed, kissed her hand, straightened himself, twirled his whiskers, and said in his shrill, piping voice:

雷佩契普先伸出左腿, 缩回右腿, 向她鞠躬, 再吻她的手, 然后挺直身体, 捻着自己的胡须, 尖着嗓子说:

"My humble duty to your Majesty. And to King Edmund, too. "(Here he bowed again. )

"向爱德蒙国王陛下和露茜女王陛下致敬。( 说到这儿, 它又向他们鞠了一躬)

"Nothing except your Majesties' presence was lacking to this glorious venture. "

承蒙两位陛下光临, 这次辉煌的远航可算是十全十美了。"

重点单词   查看全部解释    
burst [bə:st]


n. 破裂,阵,爆发
v. 爆裂,迸发

band [bænd]


n. 带,箍,波段
n. 队,一群,乐队

humble ['hʌmbl]


adj. 卑下的,谦逊的,粗陋的
vt. 使

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

venture ['ventʃə]


n. 冒险,风险,投机
v. 尝试,谨慎地做,

sword [sɔ:d]


n. 剑,刀

presence ['prezns]


n. 出席,到场,存在
n. 仪态,风度

glory ['glɔ:ri]


n. 光荣,荣誉,壮丽,赞颂
vi. 为 ..

fur [fə:]


n. 毛皮,软毛,皮衣,毛皮制品
vt. 用毛

shrill [ʃril]


n. 尖锐的声音 adj. 尖锐的,刺耳的 v. 用尖锐


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